I Contracted Myself

Volume 1: City of Sky Foxes [052] Millennium King

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[Name: Zhang Shouzhong]

[Race: Human]

[Force: Cleanup Team]


【Lifespan: 95】

[Level: Advanced Awakener]

【Level: 28】


[Fat Technology: It can turn your own fat into energy to form various technological products that you can understand. After leaving the body, it will turn into energy and return to the user's body, turning back into fat again. 】

【Advanced skills】

[Intermediate-Remote Delivery: For all technological products converted from fat, the recovery distance increases to 100 meters. 】

[Advanced-Fortified Fat: Fat can store more energy, and the maximum storage capacity is increased by 333%. 】

Fat turned into technology?

Zhang Ping's eyes lit up slightly, but then he saw the bicycle that Zhang Shouzhong was riding, and then he realized that the technological level of Pearl City was not high, especially in terms of weapons, which were still in the cold weapon era.

In fact, products like bicycles have been invented in Pearl City a long time ago, but not many people use them. At most, they are only used for driving in the city. Basically no one uses bicycles outside the city.


Zhang Ping truly feels that Zhang Shouzhong's ability has great potential.

The problem is that he doesn't understand those technological products, otherwise Zhang Shouzhong could have used drones, Barretts, grenades and other weapons to directly change the rhythm of the battle.

Next, two more group members came to gather.

"Are you very interested in Zhang Shouzhong?" Liu Sishan asked when he saw that Zhang Ping only identified Zhang Shouzhong.

Zhang Ping responded: "His ability and potential are very strong."

"The flaws are also huge. If you can't understand it, then you can't transform it. Like special equipment, he won't be able to transform it, otherwise his potential assessment will be increased to infinite levels." Liu Sishan objectively commented.

Zhang Shouzhong's ability actually tests people's IQ. If you can't learn or understand some things, then there is really nothing you can do.

"Can anyone really understand the working principle of special equipment?" Zhang Ping couldn't help but complain.

Although he has several pieces of special equipment and has even witnessed how these equipment are made, he would not be able to explain the specific operating principles of these equipment even if he were to kill him.


He doesn't even know what his abilities are.

He had made speculations before, such as that there were mutant genes in the bodies of awakened people, or that the spiritual energy of this world was resurrected. If he was more imaginative, it might be the ability given by gods.

But he asked Liu Tiefeng and Situ Shibai, and the answer he got was that he didn't know.

At the genetic level, there is no difference between an awakened person and ordinary people. There will be no symptoms or characteristics before awakening the ability. Once awakened, the ability can be used naturally.

In the past, some people did speculate that there was some kind of energy in the air that could make people awaken. Some people also created an 'awakening breathing method' that claimed to increase the chance of awakening. Unfortunately, it was later proven to be a liar. There was no special energy in the air at all.

So perhaps only the first humans know what the Awakened are.

Half an hour later.

Liu Sishan and others rushed to the vicinity of Mount Everest. She looked at Lu Han and whispered: "Senior Lu Han, go and investigate over there. Be careful, don't be discovered by the enemy."


Lu Han nodded and left lightly.

Then she looked at the girl wearing the iron mask and said, "Cheng Xuejie, go over there."

"Wait, there's no need to send anyone, I heard the enemy's voice, in the direction of Senior Lu Han." Zhang Ping said at this time.

[Brother, do you think we can take away our aunt’s daughter? 】

[You have to be able even if you can't, let's go, why are you talking so much nonsense? 】

Zhang Ping narrowed his eyes and whispered: "There are two enemies, they should be brothers. They are here for...Chen Junting, they should be relatives."

"Relatives?" Liu Sishan frowned slightly.

Situ Shibai's order was to ambush, and there was no clear instruction on whether to kill or not to kill. Judging from the information obtained so far, the priority should be to block. If the situation had to be last resort, killing could also be done.

"Cheng Xuejie, wait, everyone will act with me." Liu Sishan called Cheng Xuejie back and continued.

She quickly moved towards the direction Lu Han had left. Zhang Shouzhong asked in a low voice, "Sisi, don't we need to investigate the surrounding environment?"

"It's too late, the enemy is coming soon." Liu Sishan replied.

There is a dense forest ahead, and after passing through the dense forest, there is a mountain road leading to the cliff on the top of the mountain. Mount Everest is very close to Pearl City, so adventurers often come here to hunt. Over time, several such mountain roads have been formed.

Lu Han was hiding in the forest. When he saw Liu Sishan and others approaching, he approached silently.

Asked: "Why are you all here?"

"The target is over here, prepare to ambush." ​​Liu Sishan said quickly.

The last two members to arrive immediately arranged the surroundings. One of their abilities turned out to be a storage space. He quickly took out the concealing props and created an ambush point suitable for an ambush.

There is also a barrier master, but his level should not be high. He can only set up a barrier within five meters of himself, and he needs his own ability to maintain it. Once the barrier is moved, it will break.

However, with the cooperation of these two people, an ambush point that could not be seen by outsiders was quickly set up. Everyone was hiding in the ambush point, waiting for the target to appear.

The words are divided into two parts.

There is a square about 500 meters away from the City Lord's Mansion in Mingzhu City.

This square used to be a place for execution. Later, the rule of the Beast Tamer Zhu family was overthrown, and the new administrator of Mingzhu City transformed this square into a monument square.

In the middle of the square stands a towering monument, engraved with the names of countless heroes who fought for Mingzhu City.

Situ Shibai stood in front of the monument, looking up at the eight-meter-high monument, and sighed for a long time before saying, "Come out, Li Aoxue!"

"Failure, you are still like this, Mingzhu City has its own future, you hold Mingzhu City tightly in your hands, which will only prevent it from growing freely." A white-haired woman walked out slowly from behind the monument, and her red pupils looked at Situ Shibai with a hint of coldness.

Situ Shibai looked at the stubborn woman in front of him, he closed his eyes silently, and sighed deeply.

"You are already possessed." He said painfully.

Li Aoxue gently stroked the monument, looked up at the top of the monument, and smiled: "Humanity needs a king after all, why can't the king be me?"

"But your theory may not be correct, what if it is wrong?" Situ Shibai clenched his fists.

Li Aoxue smiled and said: "I can't be wrong, humans must be unified before a king can appear, otherwise why hasn't mankind had a king since the collapse of the empire a thousand years ago?"


Situ Shibai was speechless, because humans really don't have a king, which is also the weakness of humans today.

If a king could appear among humans, he would be sure to convince the paranoid woman in front of him, but there is no king in Mingzhu City, and no other city.

Humanity has not had a king for a thousand years.

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