I Contracted Myself

【134】Tragic collision

"Air-swallowing cannon!"

Ni Wing did not stop his offensive just because he missed a single hit.

He looked up to the sky and took a breath of air, then opened his mouth to Emperor Fengqiu, and the compressed air instantly sprayed towards Emperor Fengqiu.

Feng Qiuhuang opened his hands and jumped into the air. His posture was the same as Ah Fu's "Crow Flying on a Plane". However, he did not do this to attack Ni Whale. Instead, he avoided the space in front of the air cannon and wrapped his feet around the creature. The force field lightly stepped on the air cannon and instantly flew to high altitude.

"The Tao of Vitality pays the most attention to cultivating one's own vitality. It also believes that the stronger the personal vitality, the stronger the biological force field."

Emperor Fengqiu did not forget to promote his own sect while in the air. By the time he finished speaking, he had already begun to fall. In the blink of an eye, he dropped from a height of more than ten meters to a position of seven or eight meters.

In fact, he wears Vitality Dao clothes under his school uniform. People who are familiar with him know that his biological force field style is Vitality Dao.


Ni Wing looked up at Feng Qiu Huang, his animal instinct making him feel a huge threat.

The next moment, Feng Qiuhuang's hands hung on his waist, the biological force field instantly condensed on his hands, and the surrounding air was suddenly sucked into his hands crazily.


Wuming stood up inside the death shell, looked at Feng Qiuhuang's hand, and couldn't help shouting.

Because the biological force field is invisible and traceless, normal people cannot see the operation of the biological force field in Feng Qiuhuang's hands, but he can turn the invisible biological force field into a visible existence through the analysis of information control.

At this time, the biological force fields in Feng Qiuhuang's hands were like two super turbines, compressing and re-compressing the air while keeping the air rotating at ultra-high speed.

"Fourth stage, his biological force field has definitely reached the fourth stage!" Wuming judged in his heart.

In this way, Feng Qiuhuang's true strength is actually on par with the top awakened ones. This is really too bullying in the New Training Academy.

"Meta Bubble!"

At this time, Emperor Fengqiu was still missing, and he was instantly on an equal footing with the orc-turned-Ni Jing.

He roared, and immediately pushed his hands forward. The air exploded, and a powerful air flow spurted towards Ni Whale.

Most people in the audience thought he was shouting "Energy Cannon". Only Wuming knew that he was shouting "Energy Bubbles" because the air flow that was ejected contained a large number of bubbles composed of tiny biological force fields.

, these bubbles are surrounded by more compressed air.

When the bubble of energy hit Ni Whale's body at a very high speed, all the biological force fields first defeated the weak biological force field on Ni Whale's body. Then the bubble burst and a new round of attacks exploded.

When tens of thousands of bubbles exploded, Ni Whale's head was immediately hit hard, and a large area of ​​flesh and blood was exploded, revealing bloody bones.

Ni Wing was so dizzy that he couldn't help but kneel on the ground and let the blood flow from his head.

Many students in the audience exclaimed, and some timid medical school girls screamed in fright.

But the next moment, Ni Whale instinctively opened his mouth and sucked in. The blood, dust, and gravel on the ground were sucked into his mouth. Then he raised his head fiercely and sprayed everything in his mouth into the air.

Under this spray, all matter has extremely terrifying kinetic energy, like bullets from a shotgun.

Feng Qiuhuang had not yet landed after the attack. Faced with the overwhelming attack, he had no choice but to curl up and wrap his body with a biological force field.

He had just exploded, and now he couldn't fly even if he wanted to, so he could only resist.




Blood, gravel, and pieces of meat hit Feng Qiuhuang's body, but they were all blocked by the biological force field.

But at this moment, Ni Wing shook his head, then roared, and thrust his left leg against the ground. The stage suddenly split in half. He leaned forward and faced the fallen Emperor Feng Qiu. Punch blasted out.

With this punch, a sonic explosion exploded, Feng Qiuhuang's biological force field was exploded on the spot, and his arms were hit in the front, making a crisp sound of 'click, click, click'.

The bones are broken!

Feng Qiuhuang gritted his teeth and endured the pain, and instantly understood the extent of his injuries.

In fact, his injuries were far less serious than Ni Jing's, but as an orc, Ni Jing's vitality was hundreds of times greater than his, so it would be half a fight if he continued to fight.

"Hoo, ho, ho..."

Both of them were very tired after a round of offensive, mainly because they were doing their best to show their best selves in front of their idols.

This maximum power attack is very powerful, but it also consumes a lot of money.

After Feng Qiuhuang landed, he used the biological force field to correct the fracture while breathing heavily.

He quickly regained his strength, and Ni Wing, who was half-kneeling on the ground opposite him, was also breathing heavily. Because his mouth was too huge, his breathing was very exaggerated, and every breath in and out would cause strong winds.

But the most eye-catching thing about Ni Wing now is his head. His head was hit by Feng Qiuhuang's energy bubble and a big hole was made. Although the blood has solidified on the bones, the white skull can still be seen.

This injury is definitely not minor.

But Ni Wing's eyes were full of fighting spirit, and he had no intention of admitting defeat.

In fact, Ni Wing's injuries were not limited to his skull. When he faced the attack from the Yuan Bubble, he tried to dodge it and also tried to block it with his arms. However, he did not have time to block the frontal attack, but he still blocked it at the corners. .

But blocking meant being injured, so his thick arm actually had a lot of blood stains, but this small injury was too insignificant compared to the injury on his head, so it didn't attract anyone's attention.

After about two or three minutes, the two stood up again at the same time.

"Ni Jing, are you really okay? If you feel uncomfortable, you can tell me in time." The host said with some concern.

Ni Jing did not respond to the host. He slowly took a stance and whispered: "Come on!"

"Okay!" Feng Qiuhuang smiled slightly and raised his hand despite the pain.

Then both sides attacked at the same time. Ni Jing took advantage of his body and slapped the ground. A large number of rocks bounced up. He quickly blew out several concentrated airflows from his mouth and shot these rocks as bullets.

Feng Qiuhuang moved his body, constantly changing the angle of his sideways body to avoid the attack of pieces of gravel, and then formed his right hand into a claw shape and shouted: "Long Xiangbo!"

A stream of air instantly turned from his hand into a dragon shape and shot towards Ni Jing.

Although he was injured, Wuming still saw his delicate control of the biological force field. This Long Xiangbo played too beautifully, without a trace of strength, all skills.

Compared to the agile Feng Qiu Huang, Ni Jing's weight made it impossible for him to avoid such a fast and accurate attack. He could only rely on his thick skin to resist.

Although the biological force field could not be seen, the airflow could still be felt.

Ni Jing immediately punched in the direction of the airflow, and his fist collided with the dragon-shaped airflow, and the skin on his arm suddenly cracked and scratched.

Blood dripped to the ground again.

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