I Contracted Myself


The audience in the audience felt a strong sense of violation at this moment. When did Ni Whale become a crispy man?

In previous competitions, Ni Wing had always relied on his rough skin and thick flesh to beat his opponents helplessly. Most of his classmates couldn't even cut through his skin.

But now when fighting Feng Qiuhuang, Ni Jing was injured all the time. His head and arms were all injured, and all the blood on the ground was from him.

This was so ridiculous that everyone felt that Ni Whale's defense was weak.

However, there are still some people who are awake and realize that it is not that Ni Jing's defense is too poor, but that Feng Qiuhuang's attack is too high. Yuan Qi Dao is good at defense and counterattack, but it seems different when it comes to Feng Qiuhuang. Attack replaces defense, and the attack is frighteningly high.

"I have studied your fighting style, so this time my fighting style is sharper." Feng Qiuhuang looked at Ni Jing and said with a smile.

Ni Whale didn't care about the injury on his arm. After a while, the terrifying life form of a killer whale would be completely healed soon.

He just wants to win now.

"If you have any trump card, you'd better use it as soon as possible. Next I will use the secret!" Feng Qiuhuang smiled when he saw that Ni Jing was still fighting.

His attack is so powerful, but it doesn't come without a price.

As a price, every time he takes a shot, he consumes a lot of physical strength, and the physical condition is linked to the biological force field. The better the physical condition, the stronger the biological force field.

Therefore, Emperor Fengqiu could no longer delay. If he continued to delay, he might really be dragged to death by Ni Jing's powerful life form.

"It just so happens that I also have a trick that I wouldn't normally use." Ni Jing said with a smile. When he smiled, because his mouth was full of fangs, he looked particularly evil and ferocious.

Then the two of them shouted at the same time, Feng Qiuhuang's skin split instantly, and a large amount of blood floated out from the split position like a ribbon, wrapping around his body.

At this moment, he looked like Nezha from the King of Glory.

Ni Whale was the first to bear the brunt and smelled a strong smell of blood. Then his expression changed and he immediately roared. His body expanded rapidly and turned into a huge killer whale.

After turning into a killer whale, he did not fall to the ground, but flew up.

"A killer whale that can fly?"


Everyone's eyes widened and they looked at Ni Whale suspended in the air in surprise.

Feng Qiuhuang was also slightly surprised, but then he exerted force with his feet, flashed above Ni Whale in an instant, and kicked Ni Whale on the right side. With the huge force, the kick directly detonated, and then the shock wave spread at the moment , Ni Whale was kicked and spun and flew out.

Fortunately, Ni Whale can fly now, so although he flew out of the stage, he did not land.

He froze his body, immediately dived upwards, flew high into the sky in an instant, absorbed the clouds in the sky, and then sprayed a terrifying stream of water towards the stage.

After Feng Qiuhuang landed, he could only jump into the air in the face of the water flow, and then he saw the stage was completely shattered by the water flow.

He lost his place to stay, so he could only rely on the biological force field to fly in the air.

"Aerial combat?"

Emperor Fengqiu smiled faintly, opened his bio-force field at full range, and dived directly from bottom to top. The bio-force field turned into a blade and slashed at Ni Whale.

"Tiger Leap Cannon!"

Ni Whale was not afraid at all, he flipped violently in the air, and then fired a blue high-pressure water cannon from top to bottom.

The biological force field and the high-pressure water cannon collided, forming a V-shaped dent.

In the fierce collision, the scattered water vapor formed a rainbow in the sky.

"These two...are really perverted!"

Bai Mo looked at the two figures in the sky and couldn't help but muttered.

He was quite confident at first, but after seeing the battle between Feng Qiuhuang and Ni Jing, he found that he didn't seem to be that strong anymore.

Although the special ink's attack power was not weak, Feng Qiuhuang's biological force field was too exaggerated, and Ni Jing's vitality was too strong. If they couldn't be killed instantly, he would definitely be the one who died.

No chance of winning!

Luo Xi felt the same way. He had always identified his imaginary enemy as Emperor Fengqiu.

As a result, looking at it now, he is a complete pervert. Even if he can take advantage of every step and use his calculations to guess how Emperor Fengqiu will take action, can he avoid it? Can it be stopped?

It can't be avoided, it can't be blocked, and it doesn't make any sense to know.


There was an explosion, and the biological force field and high-pressure water cannon exploded at the same time.

Under the huge reaction force, Feng Qiuhuang suddenly fell to the ground, and his body rotated at high speed. Just as several teachers were about to pick him up,

When he was human, Feng Qiuhuang opened his eyes suddenly, his eyes emitting blue light, and the biological force field instantly fixed him a few centimeters above the ground.

On the other side, Ni Whale was also rolling and falling, but he reacted faster than Feng Qiuhuang, and the killer whale he transformed into was able to float in the air, so he could stop the falling momentum with a little activation of his instinctive abilities.

“Why on earth can killer whales fly?”

Wuming couldn't help but muttered as he looked at the more than ten meter long whale.

To be honest, he really didn't see anything special about the killer whale. It was unscientific that the killer whale could fly.

However, superpowers themselves are contrary to common sense in physics. Most of them are spiritual powers. Maybe Ni Whale thinks that killer whales can fly, so killer whales can fly.

All right.

Wuming felt that this statement could not convince him.

Looking back, he had to study Ni Whale carefully to see what was going on here.

However, at this time, Feng Qiuhuang and Ni Jing had new moves. In fact, both of them were very tired. Although they were outstanding students, they were too young after all, and there was still a huge gap in physical strength with the old awakeners.

What supported them now was the idea of ​​not wanting to lose. Both of them wanted to show the results of their hard work in front of Wuming.

"Swallowing Air Cannon!"

Ni Jing opened his mouth and fired a cannon at Feng Qiuhuang during the flight.

Feng Qiuhuang could no longer shoot out the Yuan Bubble, so he could only fly up quickly. While avoiding the Swallowing Air Cannon, he slapped out with his palm, and the invisible Long Xiangbo rushed towards Ni Jing again.

In fact, Long Xiangbo was almost a sure-hit attack, because during the attack, Feng Qiuhuang could also control the airflow by grabbing the dragon's tail, thereby changing the direction of Long Xiangbo's attack.

Ni Jing completely turned into a killer whale. Although human moves could not be used, he was more flexible. He quickly dodged Long Xiangbo in the air, and in the end, Long Xiangbo only scratched a bloody mark on his body.

The two of them attacked each other frantically, and Feng Qiuhuang gradually became much slower. As a result, the water droplets sprayed by Ni Jing pierced his ribs and navel, causing serious injuries.

The audience was already silent. No one expected that this battle would be so brutal and bloody.

There was even a teacher who quietly asked Liu Sishan whether he wanted to stop the two from continuing to fight.

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