I Contracted Myself

【137】Shell of All Laws


Bai Weiwei's sword stabbed Luo Nitian's body, leaving only a very shallow spot.

Then Luo Nitian's body suddenly turned, and the stick in his hand happened to get stuck on a certain rock, forming a circle with a huge attack area.

Bai Weiwei could only retreat in the face of this violent attack. After all, her physique was only that of an ordinary person. If she was really hit by Luo Nitian's stick, she would definitely die on the spot.

Her ability is called 'White Illusion', which is a kind of white energy. She can fabricate this energy at will and even turn it into anything.

The problem is that this energy cannot interfere with matter, they are more like a phantom, and the concentration is controlled by Bai Weiwei herself.

The figure she just released is actually a manifestation of her ability. What she is best at is finding the enemy's weaknesses in real and fake offensives, and then defeating them.

The problem is that this ability seems to have no effect on Luo Nitian, because Luo Nitian has obviously memorized the size of the stage. Now he rotates his body with his eyes closed and slowly searches every corner of the stage. Once Bai Weiwei is forced into a blind corner, Either admit defeat or be beaten to death by Luo Nitian with a stick.

There is no doubt that Luo Nitian had studied Bai Weiwei's abilities in advance, so he came up with such a shameless tactic to target Bai Weiwei.


Bai Weiwei kept backing up, looking at Luo Nitian who was getting closer. Finally, she gritted her teeth and inserted the sword directly into the edge of the stage. She stepped back and squatted down at the hilt of the sword.

She was betting that Luo Nitian's stick couldn't hit her. Once she avoided Luo Nitian's attack, Luo Nitian's continued circling on the stage would only be a waste of energy.

Many people felt funny in their hearts. Compared with the previous two competitions, this one was too funny.

At the same time, many students quietly breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, not everyone hid their trump cards. If the top ten all hid their trump cards, wouldn't it mean that those students who couldn't get into the top ten despite their best efforts would look bad.

Inside the death shell, Wuming did not continue to watch the game.

Maybe it was because of the emotion he just felt, or maybe it was Ni Wing's excitement and tears when he woke up and saw him. After he came back, he was actually filled with some kind of emotion.

Everything he did was not worthless, and there was nothing wrong with the establishment of the rescue team.

The existence of Ni Jing is enough to confirm that his past efforts are valuable. It is really great that the people he saved can be happy and can continue to run for their dreams.

in this situation

Under the influence, his body began to change.

This change is like a seed germinating, growing, and blooming. Moisturizing things are silently integrated into every cell of his body. At the same time, his mental state gradually becomes perfect.

After about a few minutes, he woke up from this strange state, or came back to his senses.

He felt that his perspective on the world had changed because of this. He used to see the world from many perspectives, including normal vision, supersensory vision, infrared vision, and even observing the world from the energy level.

But now he sees the world differently.

A drop of water, a grain of dust, an atom...

He can't see it with his naked eyes, but he can clearly know their existence at the perceptual level. Even the bacteria on his body and the viruses in the air are all within his observation range. At the same time, he has a feeling that he can change them at any time. into the shape you want.

"My superpower has awakened at this time. No... I should say it's just the right time to awaken."

Wuming stretched out his hand, knowing that there was something in every inch of space he touched. This feeling of 'touch' was not false, but it was not real either.

He smiled, activated his ability at the next moment, and his body disappeared instantly.

There were no changes inside the Death God's shell, and people outside didn't know that Wuming had disappeared.

However, information control still faithfully records nameless actions.

In the air, an extremely small virus is moving slowly. Its shape gradually changes, and finally becomes an oval. At the same time, many tentacles grow from the front and back, and the ends of the tentacles have structures similar to fish fins.

Through the shaking of the fish's fins, the virus slowly shuttles through the air. Many floating objects swim around, and countless tiny dust particles float up and down, making it look a bit like space.

Wuming sat inside the virus, observing the outside with interest.

"Sure enough, the best ability is the ability that suits you. This is my ability!" He sat down again after a while, looked at the huge light source in front of him, and said with a smile.

The light source is actually an information-controlled light source, and the battle between Luo Nitian and Bai Weiwei from the outside world is still playing on it.

Obviously, it is impossible for a virus to observe such a huge object, but Wuming can see it very clearly, and his observation of the outside world is not affected at all.

"Okay, let's go out first."

Wuming felt that he was almost done and came out of the virus instantly.

He seemed to appear out of thin air inside the shell of the God of Death. Lying on a marshmallow-like chair, he stretched out his hand and directly activated his attributes.

He knew the rest of the attributes very well, so he didn't look at them carefully, but just scrolled to the bottom:

[Shell of Ten Thousand Methods: Consumes mental power to turn the target into a shell. 】

A very short one line.

But the shorter the words, the richer the content. Wuming touched his chin, and his body flashed for a moment. The death shell was already closely related to him, but it became even closer at this moment.

However, his face was a little pale. He had just tried to turn the Death God's shell into his shell, and it succeeded, but the mental power consumed was too much for him now.

Fortunately, the Death God's shell was originally a part of him, so the consumption was very small. If it was replaced with another object, he might faint directly because of the exhaustion of mental power, or even become a fool or a vegetable.

"Can you change external objects with just mental power?" Wuming rubbed his aching temple and said to himself.

Then he moved his mind, and the space inside the Death God's shell changed slightly, from the original circle to an oval, and a bulge appeared on the side wall, which could be used to place items.

The inside of the shell could indeed be transformed according to his will.

Now the Death God's shell has truly become one with him. In the past, he only indirectly controlled the Death God's shell through a contract.

He cast his eyes on the stage and yawned a little bored. Bai Weiwei was still avoiding Luo Nitian. This battle was meaningless. He now wanted to find a place to test his superpowers.

This is his real ability, a unique ability!

The contract gem is the ability of the original owner. There are countless original owners with the same ability in countless worlds. The superpower he awakened not only belongs to him, but also is unique to Scorpion Shit. No other world has this ability.

He is very curious about how strong this ability is and to what extent it can be achieved.

But now he is a guest at the school, and it is impossible to leave rashly, otherwise the students will definitely think that he looks down on the students in the school, and even his self-confidence will be greatly hit.

"When will it end?"

Wuming lay on the table, opened his mouth and sucked, and a popcorn was sucked into his mouth from the table. He chewed while looking at the two classmates on the stage, muttering helplessly.

At this moment, he felt that the day seemed to be stretched particularly long.

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