I Contracted Myself

【138】Testing capability

On the stage, Luo Nitian was a little anxious.

The main reason was that he couldn't hit Bai Weiwei after spinning for a long time, which was unscientific.

The entire stage was so big, he must have turned around every corner, but the host didn't call for stop, and he didn't hit Bai Weiwei. Where was Bai Weiwei?

Could it be that Bai Weiwei also hid some trump card?

For example, the third stage of biological force field?

If it is the third stage of the biological force field, it is really possible to achieve short-term flight. As long as he temporarily flies up every time he attacks Bai Weiwei's position, his current tactics will not cause harm to Bai Weiwei at all.

"It's not good. Then the tactics I have been thinking about will be useless." Luo Nitian complained secretly in his heart.

Bai Weiwei's illusions are actually very scary. Once you are confused by real and fake phantoms, it is not impossible to even fall off the stage while being slapped.

He took advantage of the time of the previous two competitions to specifically check the previous battle videos of Bai Weiwei, so he thought of this move against Bai Weiwei. Who knew that this move had no effect.

Now if he was asked to come up with a new method on the spur of the moment, he really couldn't think of it.

There is no point in delaying it any longer. Not to mention the problem of his physical exertion, the captain is still watching below. His doing this will only leave a bad impression on the captain and will not do any good.

"When will it end?"

Wuming looked at the top on the stage and said Abba Abba.

As soon as he sucked, another piece of popcorn entered his mouth, but the next moment he disappeared out of thin air, and the popcorn he sucked into his mouth fell on the table.

For a moment, the popcorn gradually deformed, and the irregular round shape became a long strip, and arms and legs grew at the same time.

"Popcorn husks are coming!"

Wuming controlled the popcorn to make extremely shameful movements and shouted loudly.

He now felt like he was popcorn, his body was very fragile, but at the same time he had the feeling of being able to absorb everything. He slightly tried to strengthen this feeling, and the surrounding water molecules were instantly sucked into the popcorn, and the popcorn suddenly became soft and soft. There is no taste anymore.

"I see, I can also enhance certain characteristics of the shell." Wuming suddenly realized.

After he turns the target into a shell, he first gives the shell the ability to deform, and also gives the shell the ability to move. In addition, according to the material of the shell, it can be strengthened to a certain extent.

Something about the shell.

For example, popcorn shells are very dry on the outside, so they can easily absorb water molecules in the air.

In fact, there is no need to intensify this characteristic. If the popcorn is left in the air for a period of time, the popcorn will absorb water molecules and eventually become less crispy.

Now Wuming has strengthened this characteristic of it, and the result is that it becomes less brittle faster.

Then Wuming controlled the popcorn shells to run along the table, and found that he was still running quite fast, and because his feet became wet, they still had a little stickiness. When the speed was enough, he could drift around corners, and from The corner of the table slid for a distance, and finally continued running forward next to the edge of the table.

His table is a very ordinary coffee table, the kind with grooves on the edge to prevent items from falling.

This groove is like a water channel for the popcorn shell. Wuming had an idea and controlled the popcorn to deform into the shape of a car. The wheels immediately started to rotate rapidly, and the speed was even faster.

"The shrimp catcher!"

The unknown drove the popcorn cart speeding across the table.

Then he made a beautiful drift, used the drainage channel bending method, and finally made a perfect corner and left without a trace.

A few minutes later, he stopped the car, looked up in the popcorn cart and sighed, "What's the point of becoming a car god? Invincible is so lonely."

He touched his mouth, but it was a pity that there was no cigarette. It would be even more sad if there was cigarette.

"Wake up, it doesn't matter if you are just a car god, you will be the man who saves the world in the future!"

After the antics were over, Wuming patted his cheeks that were still slightly baby-fat, smiled and said to himself.

Sure enough, his super power is so fun, this is his super power.

He opened the car door and appeared on the marshmallow chair in an instant. Then he looked at the popcorn on the table that had returned to its original shape. He pinched the popcorn carefully and took out a box to put it away.

These are his comrades. They once fought side by side on Coffee Table Road and must be preserved as a souvenir.

After putting the popcorn into Dream City, he then looked at the cup on the table.

Cup shell?

It doesn't seem so auspicious, so forget it.

Moreover, the cup is too big. With his current mental strength, he is really not sure that he can turn it into a shell.


The main reason was that he had used too much mental power to control the Death Shell, and now he had very little mental power to mobilize. He could just play with popcorn, but he would stop eating if he replaced it with something a little larger.

At this time, he glanced at his eyes, and then he was stunned. Who are the two people on the stage?

Apparently, the battle between Luo Nitian and Bai Weiwei had ended when he was playing with popcorn shells, and now the two classmates on the stage were the next group.

"Forget it, they don't know I didn't watch it anyway."

Wuming blinked, then simply lowered his head and continued looking for something that could be modified.

Finally, he set his sights on a candy. In an instant, he activated his ability and disappeared out of thin air, and the candy quickly turned into an armor form.

The hardness has increased!

Wuming jumped up slightly, then landed on the table, causing a small crater on the table.

This shows that even a mediocre candy will have considerable combat power with the blessing of the Shell of All Laws.

Wuming walked up to the cup and immediately punched it, causing the cup to explode on the spot.

"This power is almost at the level of an adult."

Wuming looked at the small fist with a candy shell and judged in his heart.

Of course, the adult here refers to the world after he traveled. After all, in the world before he traveled, although an adult has the ability to burst a cup with one punch, he will also be cut.

Only adults who have mastered the most basic biological force field can punch it and burst the cup while ensuring that their hands will not be cut.

Then he controlled the candy shell to grow a pair of extremely thin wings. After flapping the wings, the candy shell slowly flew up.

"It's really good!"

Wuming thought with some surprise, and then tried to change the candy shell into the form of a helicopter or a fighter jet.

However, since the fighter form does not have any fuel to spray, it cannot fly at all, and the candy itself does not have such characteristics of flight or spontaneous combustion. Even if Wuming wants to strengthen it, it cannot strengthen this ability.

Wuming came out of the candy shell after playing for a while, silently summarizing some new discoveries about his abilities.

outside world.

on the stage.

The two classmates, who were fighting bloody battles, roared in their hearts: "The captain is watching me, I must not lose!"

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