I Contracted Myself

【139】The Meaning of All Things

The graduation ceremony of the New Training Academy is over.

In the end, the number one among the top ten students was neither Bai Mo nor Feng Qiuhuang, but a student that Wuming paid no attention to at all.

After the graduation ceremony, Wuming said goodbye to Liu Sishan, hurried back home, and then did many interesting tests on his superpowers at home.

He discovered that the Shell of All Laws actually had strange limitations.

The reason why it is strange is that the restrictions are inexplicable and there are no rules to follow. Some things he can directly make into shells, but some things are useless even if he has enough mental power. He just can't turn that thing into a shell. .

For example, with peanut kernels, Wuming once peeled two peanut kernels out of the same peanut shell. One peanut kernel can be made into a shell, but the other peanut kernel cannot.

This made him very troubled.

After all, there are limitations in this area. Although the ability is still very strong, there will be problems with it working sometimes.

"What exactly is going on?"

Wuming sat on the bed, looking at the various objects placed on the quilt, and had a hundred thousand reasons in his heart.

He really wanted to ask these things what they were about...


It seemed like he could really ask.

So, he controlled the dragon shell to come over, and used the ability to communicate with all things to ask the peanut kernel that could not be made into a shell: "Peanut kernel, why can't you be made into a shell?"

"Why? You still have the nerve to ask why? You don't follow martial ethics!" The peanut man immediately cursed angrily.

Wuming blinked and asked, "Why don't I talk about martial ethics? You know you have to speak clearly."

"My brother is already a soldier, why do you want me to be a soldier? You are going too far. Do we, the Peanut family, deserve to have no descendants?" Peanut cursed angrily.

Wuming suddenly realized: "I see, there seems to be a saying that if there are two men in a family, only one can be recruited as a soldier."

"Look, you obviously know this truth!" Peanut was even more aggrieved.

Wuming looked at the peanuts, frowned for a while and said, "But you are butter peanuts, they are already ripe!"

"What, it turns out I'm a cooked peanut!" Peanut said in shock.

It sounds like it's just discovered that it's too

Just like a prisoner.

"Although I'm sorry, when I bought you back, you were already overripe peanuts. It was impossible for you to germinate, let alone reproduce. Generally speaking, farmers will select the best peanuts to use as seeds, so since you If you become a ripe peanut, it means you are not the best." Wuming explained.

The peanut kernels suddenly turned gray-white, as if the color of life had been lost.

Wuming ignored the peanut kernel, then looked at a needle and asked: "What about you? What's your reason for not being my shell?"

"In this world, I am the only one who can penetrate other people, and others can never penetrate me. This is my belief as a needle!" The needle said in a hoarse voice.

At this moment, Wuming felt that he was definitely a master of this needle, perhaps the tyrant among needles!

Wuming then looked at the piece of blood jade next to him. This was his birthday gift from Zhao Yanhu one year.

He asked: "So Dragon Tiger Blood Jade, what's your reason?"

"Girls should take good care of themselves. How can you hand over your body so easily? Master, you are a big hooligan. You just want to enter someone's body without asking. They won't agree to it!" Yujiao replied quietly.

Wuming nodded and agreed: "That makes sense, I'm sorry, I didn't expect you to be a girl."

After he asked these things, he already had the answer in his mind.

Maybe his ability actually has some hidden settings. For example, the target must agree before he can turn the target into a shell.

Although most objects are inanimate, they will still passively receive some inexplicable information because they come into contact with many people or animals.

This is like the growth rings of a big tree, which eventually become part of these objects. If activated, this information will become part of their character and cognition.

This makes it easy to understand.

The reason why Wuming cannot turn some things into shells is because these things themselves do not want to be turned into shells.

time flies.

Outside the planet, an indescribable monster opened its mouth and swallowed a meteorite with extremely high gold content.

The haggard man parasitic on the monster woke up and fell asleep again. He found that the wait this time seemed to be particularly long, and the overlap between him and the monster had completely stopped.

Coming down, he couldn't feel any trace of fusion.

What went wrong?

The man's heart was full of question marks, and he secretly made up his mind that if there was no movement in half a month, he would try to contact Anzi on the ground.

On the ground, the rain kept falling.

In the lush mountain forest, Mrs. Rose is in ragged clothes and has transformed from the original noble lady into a savage.

Her hair was messy, her expression was numb, and her dirty body looked as if she hadn't taken a shower for a long time. She was holding a vine in her hand, and a very thin pheasant was tied to the vine.

This is her food today.

The wild was too dangerous. She thought she could do better, but she almost died at the mouth of the alien beast several times. In the end, she could only hunt more cautiously, and the food naturally became less and less.

And this situation cannot last long. When she hunts a certain range of prey for a long time, many smart animals will instinctively escape from her hunting range. As a result, her food is getting worse day by day.

More than ten days ago, she could still eat the meat of silly roe deer, but in the past two days, she could not see any large herbivores.

Yesterday she ate a bullfrog, and today she only hunted a pheasant with only a few ounces of meat.

It is easy to go from frugality to luxury, but it is difficult to go from luxury to frugality.

Mrs. Rose, who was used to living a life of fine clothing and fine food, suddenly became a savage. She no longer knows whether she still has the courage to face tomorrow.

Her mind went blank, and she walked into the cave driven entirely by instinct. She was about to clean up the pheasants when suddenly a man's voice sounded faintly: "Madam, have you forgotten the master's mission?"

"No, I didn't!" Mrs. Rose suddenly shouted, almost instinctively.

Then she turned around and looked not far behind her. The space seemed to be distorted by something, vaguely forming the outline of a human figure.

"But what can I do now? The city is looking for me. Once I show up, I will definitely be beheaded like those nobles and wealthy businessmen. I can't go back." Mrs. Rose said in frustration.

The figure said calmly: "Then what if there is a way for me to let Madam go back without being recognized by anyone?"

In an instant.

Mrs. Rose looked up at the human form, her eyes shining with hope.

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