I Contracted Myself

【140】Tip off

She was really fed up with the life of a savage in the wild. As long as she could return to the city, she would accept any price.

A few minutes later, a sharp scream came from the cave, followed by rapid breathing.

A few days later.

A woman with an aging face appeared outside the city.

The rescue team soon discovered the old man, but the old man seemed to have a mental problem and was almost confused. The rescue team had to take the old man back to the city temporarily and arrange for a doctor to see what was wrong with the old man.

Two female rescue team members helped the old man into the city. The old man looked at everything in the city in surprise. Is this still the city in her memory?

The streets are clean and hygienic, and people's faces are filled with happy, confident and happy smiles.

Children can play freely on the streets without worrying about being caught by traffickers. When vendors pass by, some will even kindly give children some cheap snacks.

At this time, four men came slowly, and the old man quickly closed his eyes, not daring to show any emotion.

She could feel that these four young men were not weak in strength.

"Ami, do you need my help?" one of the men asked.

One of the women supporting the old man said calmly: "Don't call him so intimate, I'm not familiar with you."

"We've known each other for three years, but Ah Mei is heartless." The man said in frustration.

These four young people are actually Bai Mo, Luo Xi, Feng Qiuhuang, and Ni Jing. After graduation, they felt that they were similar in strength and finally decided to form a team.

In fact, there are many teams like theirs among the first graduating students. Some are formed based on their strength, and some are formed between acquaintances.

Of course, it is more likely to join the logistics team directly and follow the organization's arrangements.

For example, the two female rescue team members currently supporting the old man are actually classmates of Bai Mo and the others.

Bai Mo and A Mei chatted while walking, while Luo Xi took the opportunity to observe the old man supported by the two female team members. The mission they took on was a long-term mission to find the Beast God Cult.

This mission has always existed in the rescue team, and it is a mission that anyone can take on.

As long as you are the first to find clues to the Beast God Cult, you will have completed the mission. If you can provide more information, you will get double rewards.

Of course, this mission was just a casual mission for the four people. Their real mission was to come to the city to drive away a group of alien beasts that threatened the villages outside the city.

"What's going on with this old man?" Luo Xi asked curiously.

A Mei said helplessly: "I don't know. The guard outside the city found her unconscious on a hill not far away, and then asked us to come over and have a look. But this old lady couldn't communicate at all. She might be suffering from Alzheimer's disease, so She is lost with her family. We will find a way to return her to her family later."

"Could it be that the family thought she was a nuisance, so they deliberately put her outside the city?" Feng Qiuhuang put forward his own opinion. He never minded looking at the surrounding things with the greatest malice.

Ni Jing frowned and said, "How could there be such a scumbag?"

"How is it impossible? The news has reported similar situations before. Didn't Grandson Gui get sentenced in the end?" Bai Mo said immediately.

A Mei said helplessly: "Stop arguing, I feel it is unlikely that her family drove her away on purpose. The city is much better now, and food and employment reserve funds were only distributed recently. Her family did not give up on her in the past." , there is no reason to give up now.”

"It makes sense." Ni Jing nodded.

Luo Xi looked at the old man, and her eyes gradually followed the old man's clothes. Then Bai Mo covered his eyes and said with a look of disgust: "What are you looking at? You don't even want to take advantage of the old man, do you? Hey, You are so disgusting!”


Luo Xi rolled her eyes and looked at Bai Mo speechlessly.

"Okay, the mission is urgent, let's go." Feng Qiuhuang said at this time.

They originally planned to leave the city, but now they met their classmates and lost a lot of time. If they procrastinated again, they would probably arrive at the mission location in the evening.

The four of them said goodbye to their classmates and continued walking out of the city.

Luo Xi said: "There is something wrong with that old man. She may not be that old."

"How do you know? Oh oh oh, you saw my grandma!" Bai Mo asked at first, then suddenly opened his eyes wide and pointed his hands at Luo Xi as if he were a gun.

Luo Xi sighed and said calmly: "Shut up, if I had known you were a talker, I wouldn't have teamed up with you."

"Let's get down to business, Luo Xi, do you suspect that the old man is a member of the Beast God Cult?

? "Ni Jing then held Bai Mo's shoulders and looked at Luo Xi and said.

Bai Mo felt a huge pressure on his shoulders, so he had no choice but to stay still.

"I have this idea, but it's just a guess. But she is definitely not an old man with dementia, nor is she a fool. She just quietly observed us. Her eyes were very clear and bright, and there was no dull feeling at all." Luo Xi nodded. .

Emperor Feng Qiu stopped and said calmly: "Since there is a suspicion, let's go and confirm it."

"Wait, the problem is that we have no evidence to prove anything at all. My idea is to solve the task of expelling the alienated beasts first, and then we will come back to see the situation." Luo Xi said at this time.

Ni Jing agreed, "I agree with Luo Xi's method. If the other party is not a member of the Beast God Cult, wouldn't we waste a lot of time in vain? If the village is destroyed by the alien beast, we will be guilty. Let's save the people around us first. Even if the Beast God Cult really exists, it won't cause any trouble for a while. Why not let the bullet fly for a while."

"I agree too!" Bai Mo raised his hand.

Feng Qiuhuang nodded and said, "I know, then do as Luo Xi said."

The four continued to move forward. Ni Jing thought about it and turned on the virtual engine. Before Wuming went to visit him, he and Wuming added friends. He sent Luo Xi's guess to Wuming, thought about it and added, 'The above are all Luo Xi's guesses. Sorry to bother the captain. '.

To be honest, he regretted it a little after sending it. This kind of thing should be confirmed before sending it to Wuming. Doesn't it feel a bit anxious to take credit now?

Sure enough, it shouldn't be sent!

Ni Jing rubbed his face and wanted to withdraw his message, but found that Wuming had already read his message.

"(Smiley face) Got it!"

Then Ni Jing saw Wuming's reply, and he immediately showed a satisfied expression.

It would be great if I could help.

"What's wrong?"

Bai Mo asked curiously when he saw Ni Jing's happy face.

Then he showed a mean expression and asked, "Is it your girlfriend?"

"Shut up!"

Ni Jing frowned and stared at Bai Mo, who immediately felt a murderous aura and quickly raised his hands to surrender.

Gradually, the four disappeared in the crowd on the street...

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