I Contracted Myself

【141】Sacrificial Method


Lady Rose lay on the soft bed.

She still couldn't understand why so much had changed in the city in just a few months.

The smiles on those people's faces are so sincere. Those children who were originally dirty are now clean, and the smiles on their faces are so pure and cute.

"It's time to move!"

Suddenly, a man's voice sounded in Mrs. Rose's ears.

Mrs. Rose's expression tightened and she quietly clenched the quilt. After a while, she lifted the quilt and sat up from the bed.

The Beast God Cult does not exist, but it can be said that it does exist. Although there are only two people maintaining the operation of the Beast God Cult, she is only responsible for providing funds and daily sacrifices of believers, and another person is responsible for playing the role of the Beast God Cult. Congregation to stabilize the imperial power, nobles and other forces.

Now, Mrs. Rose knows that compared to the fallen palace she runs, the family members of another master are more thoughtful.

This city has already become an altar to sacrifice the beast god. As long as she goes to the center of the altar, she can activate the entire altar, and finally sacrifice all the creatures in the city to the beast god.

At that time, the beast god came and was unstoppable!

When the beast god comes, the sacrifices on the ground will witness the greatness of the beast god with their own eyes. At that moment, their spirits will be feared and worshiped like never before.

Their masters will have the opportunity to ascend the ladder of god in advance and become the true beast god.

As for why the other person didn't activate the altar himself, it was because the other person's body had been destroyed long ago, and now it was completely filled with weird energy.

An inanimate being cannot activate the altar or preside over the entire sacrificial ceremony.

This is why the other party spent several months to find Madam Rose from the wild. He couldn't do it himself, so he had to let Madam Rose, who was familiar with the sacrifice process, perform this task.

"Does it have to be in this city? I mean this city is too dangerous, why not choose a safer city?" Mrs. Rose sat on the edge of the bed, thought for a while and asked.

The invisible man spoke: "But this city has the largest population!"


Mrs. Rose was about to ask another question that was deep in her heart, but in the end she swallowed back the words in her heart.

Really only the beast god can bring happiness and happiness to mankind


But why are people in the city so happy now?

Mrs. Rose stood up silently, just as a nurse came in with porridge. Before she could react, the invisible person immediately rushed towards the nurse. The nurse rolled her eyes and passed out.

"Don't kill people... they are all sacrifices!" Mrs. Rose looked at the white porridge scattered on the floor and said with clenched fists.

The invisible person let go of the nurse and agreed: "Yes, every one of them is a sacrifice. She won't wake up in a few hours. Let's go quickly!"

"Yes!" Mrs. Rose nodded.

They took the uninhabited road and finally left the temporary settlement of the rescue team. Then the invisible man took them away in front, while Mrs. Rose walked behind.

The roads are so clean, there is no garbage, and there are many trash cans. The garbage inside seems to have been cleaned recently and even sprayed with perfume. Not only does it not stink, but it also exudes a fresh fragrance.

"Everything is for the master!"

Mrs. Rose hesitated in her heart, but thought of her master's plan and hardened her heart again.

She couldn't even help but laugh at herself in her heart. Who can show her indecisiveness now? There are hundreds of thousands of people who died in her hands, not just one million. How can she pretend to be kind now?

"There is no turning back. Only if the master succeeds can I continue to maintain my past life!"

Mrs. Rose clenched her fists, prepared herself mentally, and followed closely behind the invisible man.

She decided to sacrifice this city.

The moonlight is like ink.

The city gate has been closed, and several members of the rescue team guarding the city couldn't help but yawn.

At this time, they suddenly saw a huge whale flying slowly in the distance. One of the old members was about to sound the alarm, and another new member said: "Wait a minute, Brother Chen, that's my classmate."

"Your classmate?" The old rescue team member asked with his eyes widened, pointing at the killer whale flying in the sky.

The new member smiled wryly and nodded: "It must be him, he is a whale. He can transform into a flying killer whale. I have seen many killer whales in the aquarium, but this one is definitely the only one that can fly!"

"Then... let's see again."

The old rescue team members relaxed a little when they saw how sure the new young people were.

After a moment, they saw three killer whales flying in the sky sitting on their backs.

After seeing those three people, the old rescue team members breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's very dangerous for your classmate to do this. Talk to him later. If you encounter a hot-tempered guy, shoot him down in a minute." Brother Chen said with a smile.

The new member smiled bitterly and nodded repeatedly.

Ten minutes later, the four Ni Jings were lectured by members of the rescue team guarding the city, and were released into the city after promising not to do it next time.

All four of them were injured. Ni Jing yawned and said, "I'm going back to take a hot bath and then have a good sleep."

"The soft bed, I miss it so much." Bai Mo agreed.

Luo Xi said at this time: "There is one more thing. I won't feel safe if I don't confirm it."

"You mean that old man?" Feng Qiuhuang asked.

Luo Xi nodded and said: "Well, she doesn't feel like an old man to me. Although she may not be from the Beast God Cult, there must be something wrong with her!"

"Okay, let's go and have a look together. We'll go back to the hotel after we confirm that everything is OK!" Bai Mo said.

Then the four of them walked towards the temporary resettlement site.

A few minutes later, they arrived at the temporary resettlement site. After asking the night watchman, they followed the instructions to find the room where the old man was resting.

Luo Xi knocked on the door. The door was not locked and opened naturally.

"Not good!"

Luo Xi saw the unconscious nurse on the ground and immediately walked into the room.

He immediately scanned the only bed in the room. After confirming that there was no one, he squatted on the ground to confirm whether the nurse was still breathing.

"Fortunately, there is still a pulse."

After a moment, he breathed a sigh of relief and said to Ni Jing and others.

Feng Qiuhuang said coldly: "That old woman is indeed problematic."

"But where is she?" Bai Mo looked around and asked in confusion.

Ni Jing moved his nose and said indifferently: "She has been gone for a while, but I can smell her scent!"

"Then let's chase her?" Bai Mo looked at the three people and asked uncertainly.

Luo Xi put the unconscious nurse on the bed and nodded, "Chase her. She must have no good intentions when she sneaked into the city. No matter what she wants to do, we must stop her!"

Since the nurse was knocked unconscious in broad daylight, it is obvious that the other party has not considered coming back.

If we don't chase her now, it will be difficult to chase her when the sun rises.

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