I Contracted Myself



When the four decided to give chase, a white cat suddenly walked in from outside the door, raised its head and barked at the four.

Ni Wing frowned and said, "Why does this cat give me a feeling of danger?"

"Be careful, it may be an enemy!" Emperor Fengqiu immediately warned.

The white cat licked its paws and said helplessly: "Don't be nervous, I'm Wuming!"


All four of them suddenly widened their eyes.

Then Luo Xi shook her head repeatedly and said: "No, no, it's impossible. How could the unknown captain turn into a cat?"

"This is just a shell. Enough chatter. It seems we are all late." Wuming said.

He received the message from Ni Whale and did not rush over immediately. The main reason was that he had been playing a little crazy before and consumed too much mental energy, so he came over after taking a nap.

Superpowers will only become stronger if they are constantly used. Therefore, after awakening his superpowers, he spent a lot of time exercising his superpowers every day. Ni Wing sent the message in the afternoon, so unfortunately, his mental strength was already exhausted at that time. Almost consumed.

"Captain, I can track him!" Ni Jing said excitedly.

Wuming jumped onto Ni Jing's shoulder and said calmly: "Then let's catch up and see what they want to do."


Ni Wing suddenly roared loudly, as if he had been injected with chicken blood.

Then they left the temporary settlement and followed the scent of Lady Rose.

"Captain, does this shell of yours have any special abilities?" Luo Xi asked curiously as she walked.

Wuming lay lazily inside the cat's shell and replied: "There is a lion hidden inside every kitten, who knows."

The cat itself was just an ordinary kitten that Wuming met in the headquarters cafeteria. After questioning, the kitten agreed to cooperate with Wuming, so it became one of Wuming's temporary shells.

After being enhanced with superpowers, this cat does have two interesting abilities.

The first ability is nine lives. Simply put, this kitten has nine lives when it is in the shell state. It cannot be truly killed until it is killed nine times.

The second is the cat body and tiger mind. This ability comes from the kitten itself.

Although it is just an ordinary little kitten, it longs to become a mighty tiger in its heart, so Wuming's ability is equivalent to a catalyst, and it can transform into a tiger and fight.

Of course, the most important thing is that the cat body and tiger mind also have a hidden quality, that is, if Wuming really puts a tiger inside it, its strength will be increased a hundred times. If it transforms into a tiger, the two will be added together. There will be even more wonderful effects later.

But whether he is strong or not, Wuming actually doesn't care.

What he cares about is that he can legitimately put the healing white tiger into the cat's shell. In this way, the cat's shell will not only increase its strength, but Wuming will also be very comfortable in the cat's shell.

"Captain, we are almost there."

Half an hour later, Ni Wing looked at the ordinary houses in front and said seriously.

Wuming lazily lay on the body of the healing white tiger, controlled the cat's shell and said: "Then go in, be careful, if you can't handle it, I will take action."

"What are you waiting for!"

With the nameless guarantee, the four of them immediately became confident.

Feng Qiuhuang yelled and kicked open the door of the house. Several ordinary residents in the house were unconscious, but they were not killed.

"They are all fine." Luo Xi checked the residents' condition and then said.

Bai Mo asked: "Where is that person?"

"The smell does disappear here." Ni Wing said seriously.

Luo Xi looked at Bai Mo and said, "Try your abilities and don't miss any gaps!"

"Do you suspect there is a secret passage here?" Bai Mo immediately understood what Luo Xi meant.

He took out the ink and directly controlled the ink to search the surrounding area, but still found nothing.

"That's weird, where did the person go?" Ni Wing said with a frown.

Feng Qiuhuang entered several rooms to check, but found no one. Then he went to the backyard to search, but still did not find any clues.

"Did people really disappear here?" He looked at Ni Jing and asked again.

Ni Jing nodded and said: "I can guarantee that this is where the breath last appeared!"

"What if the other party has help?" Wuming said with a smile.

Ni Wing's judgment was not wrong, but his ability had limitations after all. Through information control, he had found several doubts in the room.

Apparently, Ni Whale was taken to the wrong place using clothes or something else.

"Captain, have you discovered anything?" Luo Xi asked immediately.

Wuming nodded and said: "Classmate Ni Jing's judgment is correct, but he did not

You have considered a question, that is, the other party has helpers, and don’t you think it is too luxurious? "

"Too luxurious?" Bai Mo looked at the house and didn't see anything extravagant about it.

Emperor Feng Qiu frowned and suddenly looked at the stove and candles. He said seriously: "So that's it. It's impossible for an ordinary family to waste like this. If the enemy came in, they wouldn't light so many candles."

"Because he needs to destroy something with a smell." Ni Wing said with narrowed eyes.

Wuming smiled and said, "That's about it, but he didn't use fire to destroy the clothes, but used his own ability to destroy the clothes, and then put the excess ashes into the stove. As for lighting candles and stoves, it was to prevent you from noticing the smell of burning objects here, otherwise it would be too discordant."

The whole room is now filled with the smell of burning candles and firewood. The smell of burning things is too normal in this room.

Because it is normal, the four people did not realize that there is a problem.

If it weren't for the detailed analysis of information control, Wuming would have been deceived by the other party.

"Let's go, it seems that the other party is not here." Feng Qiuhuang sighed.

In this way, it will be difficult for them to find the other party. The whole city is so big, and trying to find a hidden person is really like looking for a needle in a haystack.

The four people put the unconscious residents on the bed and left the house.

"Captain, what should we do now?" Bai Mo put away the ink and asked.

Wuming smiled and said, "It depends on you. I am only responsible for the bottom line. If the situation becomes serious to a certain extent, I will naturally take action."

"Is this a test? Then I will definitely find the other party!" Ni Jing said seriously.

Wuming smiled, but he sighed in his heart. Unknowingly, he has become a bottom-line bodhisattva. At the beginning, the bottom-line bodhisattva guaranteed him, and now he is the bottom line for Ni Jing and others.

"But how can we find people now?" Feng Qiuhuang frowned.

Ni Jing smiled and said, "I still have a trick that I haven't used. I felt that it was a bit disturbing in the middle of the night, but now I can't care so much."

"Do you have any other means?" Feng Qiuhuang was surprised.

Ni Jing realized that Feng Qiuhuang had misunderstood, so he explained, "It's not an attacking trick, but it's very useful to find people or things."

His meaning was very clear. When he fought with Feng Qiuhuang, he had already tried his best and didn't hide it.

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