I Contracted Myself

【144】Development Master

Wuming sighed: "In other words, what happens to these things after you eat them?"

"Digestion?" Ni Jing replied weakly.

He also knows this.

So he uses the characteristics of phagocytosis to speed up digestion.

Otherwise, how could he have grown up like this when he was only thirteen years old? If he went out and said that he was thirty years old, some people would probably believe him.

"No, what you eat is yours, so it's...possession!" Wuming stretched out his hand and shook Ni Wing's hand.

He said solemnly: "Swallowing all things means occupying all things, occupying everything, and controlling everything!"

"Occupy everything, dominate everything, control everything!" Ni Wing's eyes suddenly widened, feeling as if the whole world had undergone earth-shaking changes.

Wuming smiled and said: "Haven't you ever heard a saying, only what you eat into your stomach is yours!"

"What you eat into your stomach is yours!" Ni Jing repeated again.

Then he looked at himself in the picture who was frantically beating the invisible man. Gradually his eyes focused on his fists, and he finally saw the problem.

Now his fist is actually attached with a layer of energy similar to that of the invisible man. It is this energy that is working, so he can hit the invisible man.

Where does that energy come from?

Of course he swallowed it!

After understanding, Ni Whale's eyes changed slightly and he said to himself: "It turns out that my superpower was developed wrongly from the beginning."

"Actually, it's not a development mistake. This feature itself is difficult to control. Now it's controlled by information control, which is equivalent to being controlled by a micro-manipulation master. That's why it's so simple. You still need to practice slowly when you can do it yourself." Wuming explained.

Just like when Cheng Xuejie developed the biological force field, many superpowers actually have hidden characteristics, which need to be discovered and developed by users themselves.

It is difficult for ordinary people to discover this characteristic, mainly because the explicit characteristics of the ability are too obvious and too easy to develop.

For example, Ni Wing's superpower is very simple. He only needs to activate his ability to transform instinctively. He can even maintain the form of a half-orc after practicing for a period of time.

But it would be slightly more difficult for him to practice swallowing, and even more difficult would be to truly transform what he swallowed into his own.

Even, I’m afraid most people don’t know

Your own superpowers will also have these characteristics.

If Cheng Xuejie didn't have Wuming's help, she might never be able to develop a biological force field in her lifetime.

It can be said that Wuming has a unique vision in the development of super powers.

There are many superpower development masters at the rescue team headquarters, and Wuming, who has seen and used countless superpowers, can pat his chest and boast: "I am the strongest superpower development master."

Now he has just awakened his superpower, and he can already use the double shell. This is his talent.

When the cat shell entered Ni Whale's body just now, he actually used the double shell technique.

If he continues to develop it in the future, there will even be triple shells or even infinite shells.

When the enemy breaks his shell, he will be disappointed to find that there is another shell inside, and then there is another shell inside, and then there is another shell inside...

Back to business.

In the outside world, Ni Whale's shell beats the invisible person violently, but this invisible person is also extremely tenacious.

After being violently beaten, he cut off his wrist decisively and sacrificed part of his energy, and quickly escaped from the clutches of Ni Whale's shell. Probably because of his serious injuries, he did not dare to stay this time, but turned around and ran away.

However, before he ran very far, he felt a huge suction coming from behind. When he turned around, his expression suddenly changed.

Ni Whale Shell opened his mouth wide, but the air was not sucked into his mouth, and the surrounding objects were not sucked into his mouth. Only the invisible person was targeted.

After the invisible man struggled for a few minutes, he screamed and was sucked into the belly of the whale's shell.

"So strong!"

Luo Xi and the others stared at Ni Jing in half-orc form, feeling as if they didn't recognize Ni Jing.

At this time, a cat jumped out of Ni Wing's body. Ni Wing's legs suddenly softened and he almost fell to the ground. He took a breath and then said: "I feel so tired. How much energy did you just consume?"

"About 80%, after all, the opponent is not weak at all." Wuming replied.

With a complex expression, Ni Whale covered his abdomen and asked hesitantly: "Then am I a cannibal now?"

"No, he has been locked up by me. I will consider whether to turn him into a shell later." Wuming controlled the cat's shell and stood up, then took out a gem and said with a smile.

Ni Jing saw the gem in Akira

The moving figure felt slightly relieved, okay, okay, otherwise he would really be unable to face himself.

"Of course, whether or not to make it into a shell mainly depends on how many bad things he has done." Wuming put the gem away and then added.

If the crime does not lead to death, he will imprison this guy for hundreds of thousands of years and then release him.

If the sin is unforgivable, then one can only turn it into a shell and slowly repay the debt.

"Okay, it's not time to chat yet. There's still one guy we haven't caught yet. Let's keep going." Wuming jumped onto Bai Mo's shoulder, licked his paws, and then said with a smile.

Ni Wing ate a compressed energy bar and immediately led the way after recovering his strength.

This time, there was no invisible person to hinder them. They quickly found the house where Lady Rose was hiding. It was a rather gorgeous manor. Because the rescue team had fought with the nobles here before, there were many potholes inside the manor. It was estimated that it would take repairs before people could live there.

The four entered the manor, and Ni Jing quickly found the scent of Lady Rose, and then said, "Follow me!"

After that, he walked in quickly, and finally came to a study room after many twists and turns.

He carefully pushed open the study room and found that the bookshelf had been moved away. Behind the bookshelf was a staircase leading to the basement.

"I have a bad feeling, let's go!" Luo Xi said.

Because the super brain calculation has a potential characteristic, it can enhance his sixth sense and predictive ability.

Although he cannot predict the future, when he has enough information, his premonition is very accurate.

The four quickly walked down the stairs and faintly heard a woman's voice. The woman sometimes called loudly, sometimes sang in a low voice, and from time to time there was a groaning sound.

"Hurry, hurry!" Luo Xi felt that things were getting worse, and immediately shouted loudly.

Ni Jing gritted his teeth, turned into a half-orc, and rushed down. Any obstacles that blocked him were directly smashed by him, and the remaining three followed closely behind him.

In a blink of an eye, they came to the basement.

Ni Jing smashed the door, and what he saw was Madam Rose trembling and looking up, and a space crack appeared above her, and a huge tentacle was drilling out of the crack.

The tentacle slowly rotated, and slowly bloomed like a flower from the center point. Inside was a yellow eye, and the flat pupil just fell on Madam Rose.

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