I Contracted Myself

【145】Things close to God

This was not the first time that Mrs. Rose had looked into this eye. She had performed countless rituals and witnessed this eye countless times.

But in the past, this eye had only glanced through the cracks in space, and it had never been so close.

She was enthusiastic at first, then confused, and then took a step back in surprise.

The look is wrong!

Although this eye was very cold before, it could see the wisdom of forbearance and restraint.

But now there is no emotion in this eye, only the violent emotions that have bottomed out... Appetite!

In a flash of lightning, Mrs. Rose realized that she had been tricked by an invisible person.

But it was too late.

The pupil gradually expanded, like a huge mouth of an abyss. Mrs. Rose looked at the dark, boat-like pupil, and her body seemed to be eaten away bit by bit, first the brain, then the arms, then the waist...


At the last second when her mind was running, she saw her master, but her beloved master was no longer the one she knew.

So ugly!


For no reason, she regretted it.

But she woke up too late, and the next moment her consciousness fell into darkness forever.

In the eyes of Ni Jing and others, Mrs. Rose was still standing on the spot, but her eyes suddenly became empty and lifeless. Then her body swayed, she lost her balance and fell to the ground, shattering like porcelain. open.

“It’s so fun!”

Wuming jumped from Bai Mo's shoulder to Ni Jing's shoulder, looked at the huge eyes in front of him, and slowly smiled.

He has learned the identity of Mrs. Rose through information control.

If she was just an innocent, deceived woman, he would definitely come to the rescue, but if it was Mrs. Rose, forget it.

No matter whether everything was Mrs. Rose's original intention or not, she deserved to die. Death a hundred times was not enough. Perhaps death in the hands of this monster was the biggest punishment for her.

After the eyes devoured Mrs. Rose, they immediately turned to look at Ni Wing and others.

Ni Jing and the others immediately felt as if they were facing a formidable enemy and put on defensive postures one after another.

"Don't worry, I'm here!"

Wuming said with a smile. The next moment he jumped to the ground, and his body suddenly twisted and reversed. The cat's shell immediately split in half, and was then absorbed into the red shell.

After a strange twist, the dragon's shell was revealed, and the cat's shell was enclosed within it.

When Ni Jing and the other two saw the tall and mighty dragon shell, they immediately felt confident and safe.


Chief, what kind of monster is this? Bai Mo swallowed his saliva and asked curiously.

Wuming smiled and said: "It's just something close to God."

What this thing is is no longer important, and it is difficult to trace.

It may be a super alienated beast that breaks through the shackles of the planet, or it may even be a truly alien creature.

But now it has absorbed too many human beliefs and has become what some people think it is, but it does not have this concept itself, so the body becomes so weird.

It needs a soul that is strong enough to support its overly bloated body.


Wuming smiled slightly, and the small basement suddenly stretched infinitely. Ni Jing and others felt as if they were getting smaller, while the entire basement grew infinitely.

The space crack spread crazily, and more and more tentacles, hard lumps, bones, and stone thorns emerged from the crack. It drilled out of the crack bit by bit. More and more eyes opened, all locked on the front. nameless.

too big!

No matter who sees the giant beast in front of them, I am afraid they only have this thought in their heart.

[Name: Something close to God]

[Race: Unknown]

[Potential: Unknown]

[Lifespan: Unknown]

[Level: Unknown]

[Level: Unknown]


[Divine Body: Absorbing a lot of thoughts about the 'Beast God', the body is evolving towards the concept of the 'Beast God'. 】

[Eye of the Beast God: The body will continue to evolve into various animal eyes with different functions. 】

[Meteorite Collapse Cannon: Releases the energy accumulated in the body, mixes it with the meteorite that is eaten daily, and launches it, with the power to destroy the planet. 】

The level is a bit high.

Wuming can only identify this bit of information at present.

What does this mean? It means that this monster's own strength is higher than that of the transcendent. The so-called "belief in the beast god" actually lowers its own strength.

It can't be said that it has been lowered.

It's like the forces of two completely different systems are mixed together. Although it doesn't reach the point of conflict, it still hinders each other.

If these two forces can be successfully integrated in the end, the strength of this big guy can reach another level.

"Cage of trapped beasts!"

Wuming closed the information provided by the information control, then pressed his hand on the ground, and a large number of long strips of unknown material similar to glass shards quickly weaved a cage.

When the near-god thing completely came out of the crack, it immediately opened three mouths, and three different colors and internal

Energy balls with blazing plasma are sprayed towards the cage at the same time.


Three energy balls hit the cage, radiating light and thundering.

Ni Wing and others clung to the door frame. Although the power of the explosion was not revealed at all, they felt like they were standing on the edge of destruction.

It's probably like people standing next to a nuclear bomb. Even if they know that the nuclear bomb will not explode, they still feel frightened.

"Is this the opponent that the top combat power of the rescue team faces?" Ni Jing thought to himself as he looked at the red back standing in the light.

Feng Qiuhuang was the same. He used to think that he was not bad. Even if he was still not his father's opponent, he could finally squeeze into the first-class. But now, when he saw Wuming and the Near God, he realized that he was still too weak.

This level of battle was not something they could get involved in.

If Wuming hadn't stood in front of them, they would have died with one move from the Near God.

Finally, the explosion was over.

The cage of the trapped beast was not penetrated, and there was not even any trace of being attacked.

Wuming checked the state of the cage of the trapped beast, and then showed a satisfied look. This ability was also his "great achievement". It was a wonderful ability formed by the combination of his newly awakened superpowers and the many messy abilities in the dragon's shell.

Although this move had this strength mainly because the "pot" was good, the "pot" of the Shell of All Laws originally belonged to him, so rounding it off, it was naturally his "good cooking skills".

The Shell of All Laws has the characteristic of strengthening the shell characteristics, and the Dragon Shell itself is a shell. When Wuming turns this shell into a shell, its most powerful characteristic becomes "shell" + "dragon".

The ability loaded by the shell is also strengthened by the Shell of All Laws.

Originally, there was a layer between them. Even if these abilities were originally Wuming's own abilities, they were not as easy to use as before. But now they have not only been improved, but also become as he wishes.

Some things that he couldn't do in the past can now be easily completed.

For example, combining multiple abilities into one ability:

Space Blade + Vine Net + Resilience Enhancement + Beast Cage + Self-Repair + Space Ring = Beast Cage.

This is not a rigid simultaneous activation of superpowers, but a true perfect fusion, which is almost equivalent to the effect of producing a higher-level superpower.

So a few superpowers, combined together, have an amazing defensive power that is enough to block the attack of monster light cannons such as Near God Things.

PS: I caught a cold and had a fever, so I stopped updating for a few days. I am very sorry.

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