I Contracted Myself

【146】Fusion Upgrade

"Then it's time to test your skills. You must win beautifully!"

After confirming the strength of the ability, the nameless hand pressed lightly on the ground, and the infinitely stretched basement suddenly shook and surged, and then the ground turned into a huge wave and swept towards the near-god thing.

Seeing this, the near-god creature immediately roared angrily, and the meteorites on its body exploded one after another. Tentacles were drilled out from the holes on the body. These tentacles intertwined with each other, and finally formed four thick limbs.

No one can tell whether these four limbs are fins or claws, or they can be said to be both.

These four thick limbs plunged into the wave of mud and kicked hard. The almost divine thing instantly hit the cage of the trapped beast. Before it could launch a follow-up attack, a large amount of mud wrapped around its lower body and threw it directly into the air.

"The juniors are watching, how could I let you succeed in counterattack!"

Wuming smiled and flew into the air, looking at the near-god thing, and the near-god thing was also staring at him.

The next second, the dragon's shell expanded and turned into a huge red dragon in the blink of an eye.

Stellar shaped energy cannon!

The red dragon opened its mouth, and a large number of red gems in its mouth suddenly shone red.

Each of these gems is made from the Divine Needle of the Great Sun, and contains countless eternally burning stars. Even if each gem can only extract a small amount of energy, it is still enough to easily destroy a planet when gathered together.

A near-god can sense how dangerous the red dragon is at this moment without looking at it. It suddenly roared, and a large amount of dark, obsidian-like material emerged out of thin air. It directly wrapped itself into a ball shape and entered a defensive state.

In an instant, a red light shot out from the mouth of the red dragon.

The world seemed to freeze at this moment, and wherever the red light passed, the space was distorted into the shape of waves. When the red light fell on the body of the near-god, the obsidian-like material was directly distorted, and then twisted and pulled. The black material was melted through a large hole.

The pupils of the god-like thing hidden inside the black substance suddenly shrank, and it was too late to dodge.


The huge body of the Near God was penetrated in anger, and then the red light fell on the cage of the trapped beast and exploded. However, the infinite fire light did not escape, but formed another giant dragon to wrap around the Near God. Object, directly drag the near-god object to the ground.

It can be said that after Wuming awakened his own super power, this was the first time he encountered a target that was suitable as a punching bag. Now he is also testing how far he can do it.

The Stellar Energy Cannon was actually a gift he was planning to give to the super giant snake on Chixia Star. Under normal circumstances, he would not have considered using this technique on the ground.

However, after awakening his superpower, he has better control over it than before, so he doesn't need to worry so much.

The energy dissipated by the star cannon not only has no impact on the outside world, but instead becomes part of his subsequent attacks.

At this time, a large hole had been opened in the body of the near-god, but there was no blood flowing out from inside. Instead, a large amount of oil-like substance dripped.

However, these dark, petroleum-like liquids are not flammable and form dark crystals when they fall on the ground.


"It's so hot and noisy!"

In the near-god object, Ji Zhen was finally awakened.

Under normal circumstances, he should have awakened after receiving new faith, but now the things close to God are seriously injured, and his relationship with the things close to God is already very close, so if the things close to God are seriously injured, he will also I felt very uncomfortable and woke up early.

He slowly opened his eyes in the darkness, and then he fell silent.


Ji Zhen didn't expect that Mrs. Rose would summon a near-god thing while she was sleeping. As a result, Mrs. Rose was eaten by a near-god thing that had no influence from him.

If he is awake, he can exert an influence on the near-gods, so that the near-gods know what can and cannot be eaten. However, because he mistakenly believed that there was a war on the ground, it would take a long time to restore order, so He decided to take some time off.

Who knows, everything will be messed up.


Ji Zhen took a deep breath and suppressed countless emotions in his heart.

Now is the time of life and death. Regardless of the love between children and all the delusions in the heart, they can only be put aside temporarily.

"Although it is not a complete interstellar beast, it is enough!"

If the near-god thing is at its peak, if he wants to evolve into a 'beast god' with the near-god thing, he still needs a lot of faith.

But now that the near-god thing has been beaten to a half-mutilation by Wuming, the threshold for 'fusion' has dropped.

Now, only by completely integrating with something close to a god and becoming a true beast god can he have a chance to fight Wuming.

outside world.

Wuming stopped his offensive, and his huge body instantly shrank, turning back into the normal form of the dragon's shell.

Information control showed that a new mental wave appeared in the near-god object.

"Is she pregnant?"

Wuming thought curiously as he looked at the near-god creature that was entangled by the fire dragon and was completely unable to break free.

Even though the fire dragon on the ground looks ordinary, in fact it not only absorbs the huge energy emitted by the stellar concentrated cannon, but also contains several superpowers exerted by Wuming.

The combination of these superpowers creates this fire dragon that even near-gods find difficult to break free from.


,This is……"

Wuming's eyes lit up slightly as he looked at the newly collected information from the information control.

Then he had no intention of attacking, but landed on the ground, retreated in front of Ni Wing and others, and said with a smile: "Look, this is also a road, leading to the future, a unique road!"

"the way?"

Ni Jing, Bai Mo and others were stunned for a moment, and then looked at the near-god thing in confusion.

At this time, the huge and incomplete body of the near-god creature twisted for a while, and something seemed to be coming out of its chest, while its flesh and blood was constantly being absorbed by the existence in its chest, making it seem like it was shrinking.

The thing that is close to the gods naturally does not want to sit still and wait for death, so it struggles crazily.

If it was in full strength, it would indeed have a chance to break free, but now its injuries were too severe. Not only had its body been pierced by the previous stellar energy cannon, but the fire dragon wrapped around it also made it difficult for it to fight to the death.

After a period of futile struggle, the body of the near-god gradually deformed, and at the same time, a human face gradually appeared on its chest.

"A monster turned into a human?"

Ni Jing and others looked at the human face on the chest of the near-god in surprise.

"It's a pity that you can't see the really interesting part."

Wuming looked at the near-god thing with some regret, and said to Ni Jing and others behind him.

The changes in the physical level of the near-god thing at this time are indeed interesting, but it is just like that, it is nothing more than two lives merging into one life. There is nothing strange about this. There are many animals that can do this.

For example, in the case of anglerfish, when a male fish encounters a female, he will bite her and not let go. Soon, he will become part of the female's body, which is equivalent to merging together.

What is truly magical about this scene before me is the change on the spiritual level.

Although the things close to gods have been 'pickled' by the belief in the beast god, it can still sense the crisis in terms of life and death instincts.

When its spirit merged with Ji Zhen's spirit, it seemed extremely repulsive, and the mental fluctuations were extremely strong and obvious.

The problem is that when the third spiritual wave appears, the more obvious its resistance becomes, the more perfect the integration of the three spiritual forces becomes.

This magical and harmonious phenomenon is what Wuming really pays attention to.

Animality, humanity, divinity.

If Ji Zhen represents human nature, then things close to gods represent animal nature, and the belief in beast gods spread in Ji Lai's country for countless years embodies divinity.

The perfect fusion of the three finally gave birth to a new soul.

This is a magical existence with Ji Zhen as the leader and a balance between animality and divinity.

PS: I was planning to resume the third update today, but I'm still out of shape. I'm very sorry. I'll work hard tomorrow to restore the third update.

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