I Contracted Myself

【147】Out of control

But just when Wuming thought he was about to witness the birth of a new path, suddenly the human face on the chest of the near-god thing showed a hint of ferocity, and his eyes quickly became violent.

Then a large amount of black energy emerged out of thin air, instantly devouring everything close to the gods.

The body of the near-god thing that was shrinking and advancing suddenly rebounded and expanded, rolling and changing like a wild horse, and sprouted densely packed and weird heads and tentacles.

The black energy clings to the body surface of the near-god, rising like a flame, and you can vaguely see countless twisted faces in the black energy.

"What a powerful resentment, back off!"

Wuming's pupils shrank instantly, and he pressed one hand on the ground. The earth immediately rolled towards the near-god, and he quickly left the basement with Ni Wing and others.

"Captain, what happened?" Ni Jing asked as he ran.

Wuming walked at the end and explained to the four people: "That guy overturned. If everything goes well, animal nature and divinity will balance each other, while human nature will be in the middle and become the dominant one. But the belief he absorbed is not pure divinity, but Mixed with a lot of resentment!”

Under normal circumstances, these resentments are like water without a source, unable to stir up any trouble.

The problem is that the things close to gods were severely damaged by him, and the animal nature is not enough to suppress the divinity. After the divinity has a slight advantage, it will naturally have to completely control and devour the animal nature.

But this kind of behavior is tantamount to polluting the divinity, so the resentment that was originally sourceless water can enter the divinity along with the animal nature, directly polluting the things close to God.

For those dead sacrifices, at the last moment before death, the strongest emotion besides fear was resentment. Once this emotion was supported by energy, it was like a spark falling into an oil field, how could it not ignite a raging fire.

If Ji Zhen has this day, it can be said that he will die if he does many unjust things.


Suddenly, there was a violent vibration on the ground, and then a feathered arm shot out from the ground.

The soil was like tofu in front of this arm, completely unable to stop it from reaching Wuming and others. Wuming immediately levitated, turned around and shot two laser beams at the arm.

This laser was so powerful that it cut off the arm in an instant, but dense blood vessels immediately sprouted from the broken part of the arm. These blood vessels wrapped around the arm and still grabbed it with an unstoppable force.

"Go up and prepare to evacuate the crowd!"

Wuming ordered Ni Jing and others, and then directly punched the huge one from top to bottom.


The scene looked like a red bean falling on the palm, but then the arm derived from the near-god exploded, and countless flesh and blood flew out.

"The bones are hollow and more fragile than imagined."

Wuming succeeded in the attack and immediately floated in mid-air, looking at the bone he was holding in his hand.

The next moment, the flesh and blood that had been blasted by Wuming sprouted many sprouts, and then clung to each other, quickly repairing the injury. At the same time, the bones quickly grew dense spikes. The angles of these spikes changed, and they were all aimed at Wuming in an instant.

call out!

Countless bones were launched one after another.

"Is it just instinct?"

The nameless mental power opened up, instantly crushing the flying bones, and then a large amount of mental power continued to crush downwards, tearing apart all flesh and blood.

Then an indescribable roar came from below.

"what a pity."

Wuming sighed secretly in his heart, and continued to use his telekinesis, but gradually the flesh and blood that his telekinesis encountered became harder and harder, and it became more and more difficult to tear into pieces.

Suddenly, he felt something, and his body instantly rotated sideways in the air.

A series of terrifying beams of light shot through the ground from the side, passed directly through him, and then penetrated the ground at the other end, completely disappearing into the dark sky.

Through the large hole made by the beam, he saw that one side of the near-god was covered with the heads of various beasts.

These heads were all extremely ferocious, and some of them had black smoke coming out of their mouths. It was obvious that the beams of light just erupted from these heads.

Wuming must admit that the attack just now was very strong. Even if the dragon's shell could block this attack, it would definitely be worn out.

Originally, the appearance of the near-god thing was somewhat indescribable, but now it has become even more indescribable, mainly because its shape is indescribable, at least Wuming doesn't know what its shape is.

And it keeps changing, growing new heads from time to time, and then the head is swallowed by a bigger head, and then a head grows on the cheek of the head that swallowed the head...

Because it was always changing, if Wuming hadn't known that there was only one near-god monster under the ground, he might not have dared to recognize it as a near-god monster.

This also made him realize the danger of this advanced method.

He even felt that those who were promoted also had hidden dangers in this regard. Perhaps the path of the Lord of Darkness was indeed the most perfect path, and the remaining paths had more or less problems.

But he had no intention of following the path of his predecessors.

Regardless of whether it is an upgrader, a domainer, or the path Ji Zhen wants to take in front of him, he can only refer to it at most.

When he advances to become a top transcendent, he will definitely have to find his own path.

"Captain, I have informed the logistics team, but we need time."

At this time, Ni Wing contacted Wuming through the virtual engine and said while panting.

Originally, he didn't want to contact Wuming. After all, he didn't know what Wuming's situation was now, but those terrifying beams of light that just shot out of the ground were too terrifying.

A mountain not far away had one-third of its body cut off.

If this kind of attack landed in the city, especially in the residential area, the consequences would be absolutely disastrous.

In desperation, Ni Jing could only bite the bullet and contact Wuming, telling Wuming about the situation on the ground. He believed that Wuming must understand what he meant.

"Got it!"

Wuming had participated in countless rescue operations and instantly understood what Ni Jing wanted to express.

He looked at the Near God Thing and couldn't help muttering to himself: "Beast and divinity have completely run away, and human nature has been disturbed by the overly strong emotions. The self has been lost in the gap between beast and divinity. The belief in the beast god contains all the fantasies of the residents of Jilai Country about the alienated beasts. When these fantasies have power as support... It's really a bit scary."

To be honest, without knowing all the capabilities of the Near God Thing, it is really difficult to ensure that the attack of the Near God Thing does not fall in the city.

However, unexpectedly, when Wuming was ready to hold back the Near God at all costs, the Near God might have replaced its body too quickly, and the heads that were very hostile to Wuming a moment ago were now replaced by new heads.

So the Near God, which was originally prepared to continue attacking Wuming, behaved a little strangely.

The fish heads and dog heads showed eyes full of "wisdom" and controlled the huge body to turn around. After a while, the fish heads and dog heads were replaced by owl-like heads.

The owl head opened its eyes, turned its eyeballs, and looked at the big hole where the beam of light came out before. The hole led to the ground, and you could see the sky shining with stars and the silver moon like frost.

It grew a lot of limbs similar to spider legs, and it didn't intend to attack Wuming, but wanted to leave the underground and return to the ground.

PS: The disease recurred, and I woke up coughing in the middle of the night several times, and I happened to run into a writer's card. Do you know how many times I rewrote this chapter? It's too painful

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