I Contracted Myself


Do owls have phototropism?

Wuming saw this scene and an idea came to his mind.

Then he raised his hand slightly and tentatively shot a blinding light ball downwards. The problem was that the owl did not look at the light ball and continued to move towards the ground.


Wuming scratched his head. It seemed that it was not phototropism.

Maybe this owl was born free and instinctively did not want to stay in the small underground secret room.

Of course, it was also possible that the Near God Thing noticed the killer move that Wuming had hidden in the underground secret room.

Originally, Wuming did not intend to use this move so soon, but the problem was that if he did not use it now, the Near God Thing would run away, so he had to activate his ability.

In an instant, the underground secret room that was originally widened and enlarged by Wuxia shrank crazily, as if an invisible black hole was absorbing the surrounding space. Although the Near God Thing had begun to climb up, it was still affected and was instantly sucked into the collapsed space. In the blink of an eye, the underground secret room returned to its original size.

The Near God is very large, and the original underground chamber cannot contain its body. If it comes out, it will inevitably cause the earth to explode, causing countless casualties.

So Wuming used a combination of superpowers at the beginning to widen and raise the space to accommodate the Near God's body.

At the same time, he strengthened the ground around to ensure that their battle would not reach the other side of the planet.

And now these preparations have become a killer move against the Near God.

When the space was instantly reduced, the hard ground did not explode, but compressed the Near God into a ball. Any creature compressed like this will die!

This is like compressing a whale into a can. Can the whale still survive?

"Why do I think of whales?"

Wuming slowly landed on the stairs leading to the underground chamber, touching his chin and talking to himself.

Then the picture of Ni Jing turning into a flying killer whale appeared in his mind, and then he couldn't help laughing to himself.

After he had laughed enough, he walked to the underground secret room and looked at the near-god thing that had been pressed into an "unspeakable meat paste".

This move, unfortunately, has high requirements for the environment, and the target must be an extremely large enemy, so there should not be many opportunities to use it.


Suddenly, Wuming felt the danger and immediately blocked himself with a mental wall.

The meat paste-like near-god thing ejected dense tentacles. When the tentacles

collided with the mental wall, they immediately bounced off with great elasticity, then hit the surrounding walls, and then attacked Wuming from different angles after rebounding.

For a moment, the tentacles ejected frantically, hitting the mental wall at a very fast speed.

This attack, when the frequency is high, becomes terrible.

Wuming can feel that the mental power is consumed a little bit by the tentacles every time, and when the number of collisions increases, the consumption is a bit terrifying.

He immediately changed his mental power to the dark mist, and then the mental power quickly extended along the ground to the bottom of the meat paste and shoveled upwards, and all the tentacles were directly cut off by the mental power.

But the next moment, he saw densely packed eyes growing on the fleshy surface, and then the faces of monsters protruded again.

If this scene was seen by a person with intensive phobia, he would be sure to die on the spot.


The ground.

Although Wuming had tried his best to prevent the battle from spreading to the ground, the problem was that the near-god creature obviously did not have such awareness.

The movement of its body could easily hit the surrounding soil. Under the terrifying force, every unexpected collision was equivalent to an earthquake.

Thanks to the efforts of the rescue team's logistics team, the people in the city were evacuating in an orderly and rapid manner, but there were too many people in the city, and it was impossible to evacuate them all in a short time.

Ni Jing, Bai Mo and others joined the rescue operation. Some houses collapsed and crushed the residents. They quickly dug up the ruins and rescued the people from inside.

"Ni Jing, you turn into a killer whale and transport some of the injured first!" Luo Xi rushed over with a resident covered in blood on his head and said.

Emperor Feng Qiu also carried the injured with both hands and nodded: "Yes, now you are more useful as a killer whale than saving people."


Ni Jing nodded, and the next moment he jumped into the air, quickly turning into a huge flying killer whale.

The remaining three people quickly transferred all the injured to Ni Jing's back, and then moved all the way out of the city, taking the disabled injured and the elderly along the way.

Soon after they left, a huge tentacle emerged from the ground, and then swept across the surrounding houses like a whip.

"Danger, go!"

Emperor Feng Qiu saw this scene and immediately shouted.

The tentacle only looks like a tentacle, but it is actually made of meat and cartilage, and the surface is covered with faces of various animals. They all have self-awareness and can control the tentacles individually.

When the attack ended, all these heads instantly locked onto the fleeing Ni Jing.

There was no way.

The main reason is that Ni Jing is now too big, which is most likely to attract the attention of other creatures.

At the moment when these heads locked onto Ni Jing, Ni Jing and the others all felt like they were being stared at by a large predator. Feng Qiu Huang even suffocated for a moment, and his hands and feet were cold.

But just when they thought they were going to die, the tentacle suddenly retracted to the ground.

The pressure disappeared instantly.

Ni Jing and the others took a deep breath, each showing an expression of having survived a disaster.

"One tentacle is so scary, what about the body?"

Feng Qiu Huang couldn't help but clench his fists and muttered to the others.

Before, Wuming blocked the momentum of the Near God Thing. Although they felt that the Near God Thing was scary, it was definitely not as profound as this time.

If the tentacles had launched an attack just now, they would have been dead.

The four people could not help but look at the ground. They all knew that Wuming was fighting with the Near God Thing under the ground.

Underground, Wuming used his telekinesis to pull back the tentacles that had jumped onto the ground, cut them off and threw them into the Dream City.

After the killer failed, Wuming realized that this thing was immortal to a certain extent. As long as the Near God Thing still had this activity and biological energy in its body, it would not die.

It was impossible to really kill it by compression alone unless it could be compressed into a black hole.

So Wuming decisively changed his strategy and mainly focused on weakening it. He cut off as many tentacles and limbs as this thing grew.

And in order to prevent these flesh and blood from being recycled by the Near God Thing, he would throw them into the Dream City after cutting them off, not giving the Near God Thing any chance to recover its physical strength.

Sure enough, after changing the tactics, the effect was remarkable.

Although the Near God Thing is still madly growing tentacles or some alien beast limbs, it is no longer much of a threat.

The only variable is whether the wildness and divinity will change again after the body is weakened.

Just like a little lion or a little tiger, the wildness is definitely not as good as that of an adult lion or tiger.

And in old age, after the blood and qi are weak, the beast will also become less aggressive than before, and the wildness will slowly fade away.

Now that the Near God Thing is constantly being weakened by Wuming, it is actually equivalent to the "beast nature" being weakened. Once the balance is unbalanced again, no one knows what changes will happen to the Near God Thing.

PS: I am very sorry that I stopped for several days.

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