I Contracted Myself

Volume 1: City of Sky Foxes [054] Blood of the Saints

In Zhang Ping's vision, Cheng Xuejie's legs seemed to be filled and blocked by a large amount of white matter. What he needed to do was to knock open these white substances and clear the blocked blood vessels and meridians.

This was not difficult.

He controlled the blood to rush frantically. After all, no one controlled the snake venom, and the blood contained his will, so the snake venom was vulnerable to the impact of the blood.

The pure blood body is exactly the same as the pure water body in one aspect, that is, purity.

The snake venom could not have any effect on his blood at all.

It was like his blood fell on the ground and would not be contaminated by dust. Otherwise, his blood snake would have turned into a ball of mud when it moved on the ground, and it would not have been possible to enter the body of the water-eroding bullet rabbit.

In just half a minute, Zhang Ping forced the snake venom to the vicinity of the wound.

From Cheng Xuejie's perspective, it was a lot of black blood flowing out of the wound bitten by the white snake.

She found that her leg, which had lost consciousness, had recovered again, and even the wound healed quickly, leaving only blood on the surface in a blink of an eye.

"Senior Cheng Xuejie, I have healed your wound." Zhang Ping said to Cheng Xuejie.

Cheng Xuejie heard Zhang Ping's voice and said in surprise: "You...you are in my body?"

"Well, please keep it secret for the time being, don't let the other party know my existence." Zhang Ping said, and then his consciousness was transferred back to Liu Sishan's body.

Cheng Xuejie got up from the ground again, glanced at Liu Sishan, and knew that now was not the time to ask, so she joined the battle again.

Outside the snake group, the two young men showed puzzlement.

"Brother, is the poison of the Holy Nest mother snake offspring so easy to solve?" The blue-clothed young man whispered.

The red-clothed young man frowned and said: "It seems that these snakes alone may not be able to solve them. Get ready to take action, don't let any of them go."

"If you really want to kill them all, will it be too cruel?" The blue-clothed young man whispered.

The red-clothed young man glared at the blue-clothed young man, who stuck out his tongue and had to raise his right hand obediently, and a strange fragrance emanated from his palm.

If you look closely, you will find that his palm actually has many small scars.

"What does he want to do?"

Zhang Ping saw this scene, thought about it and immediately used the identification technique on the blue-clothed youth.

In fact, it has been about three minutes since the ambush. He has not had time to use the identification on the two people. He is also worried that the sudden appearance of the identification screen will distract Liu Sishan, so he has been delaying until now.

[Identification failed]

[Identification failed]

[Identification successful]

[Name: Zhao Yanhu]

[Race: Human]


Saint Ancestor Village]

[Potential: ??????]

[Lifespan: 96]

[Level: Advanced Awakener]

[Level: 22]


[Blood of the Saint: The blood has a strong fragrance, which can attract all creatures around. The lower the wisdom, the easier it is to be attracted. ]

[Advanced skills]

[Intermediate-Paid Blood: Pay a small amount of blood to drive animals to fight for you. 】

【Advanced-Unfair Blood: You pay one blood, and the consumer must pay twice the price, until the consumer can no longer pay the price, and can only pay with his life, and is completely controlled by you. 】

Beast Taming System ability?

Zhang Ping thought to himself after reading it.

At the same time, Liu Sisi, Cheng Xuejie and Chen Weihua in the distance all saw the attribute interface that suddenly appeared.

Chen Weihua, who was far away in Mingzhu City, narrowed her eyes and looked at Feng Laixian who was still confronting Zuo Xiangming in front of her. She guessed that Zhang Ping might have encountered an enemy.

"Beast Taming System? I hope Zhang Ping can be safe." Chen Weihua thought to herself.

Liu Sishan and Cheng Xuejie looked at Zhao Yanhu at the same time. They all realized that if they wanted to deal with these white snakes, they had to take down Zhao Yanhu first.

But before they could do anything, there was a sudden vibration from the ground.

There are alien beasts coming!

"Not good."

The two of them changed their expressions at the same time. Liu Sishan looked at Cheng Xuejie, who immediately stood behind her and killed the white snake behind her.


Liu Sishan locked onto Zhao Yanhu, and a stream of water instantly turned into an ice blade and slashed at the opponent.

However, it was a hand that blocked Zhao Yanhu and directly shattered the ice blade. Liu Sishan frowned and looked at the owner of the arm, who was Zhao Yanhu's brother, the young man in red.

Zhang Ping saw this and immediately used the identification technique on the young man in red without saying a word.

[Identification failed]

[Identification failed]

[Identification successful]

[Name: Zhao Yanlong]

[Race: Human]

[Power: Shengzu Village]

[Potential: ?????]

[Lifespan: 96]

[Level: Advanced Awakener]

[Level: 25]


[Blood of the Saint: The blood contains extremely strong stimulants that can continuously strengthen itself, and is also a highly toxic substance. 】

[Advanced Skills]

[Intermediate - Super Strong: When the emotional fluctuations gradually increase, the blood circulation will stimulate various parts of the body, making the body stronger. 】


- Damp Poison: The poison in the blood will flow out with sweat and evaporated by body temperature, forming a large area of ​​​​poisonous fog. 】

This is the first time Zhang Ping has seen this situation.

Obviously, the abilities of the two brothers are both called Saint's Blood, but the actual effects are completely different.

Although the ability will slowly change into the shape the user likes according to the user's habits, these two abilities are completely opposite and have no connection at all.

At this moment, Zhang Ping has a deeper understanding of the potential of the ability.

At the same time, Liu Sishan and Cheng Xuejie both felt a little tricky. One of them could attract various creatures to besiege them, and the other served as a strong shield to block all attacks for the former.

If Zhao Yanlong is not dealt with first, it will be difficult to pose a threat to Zhao Yanhu.


At this time, there was a loud noise, and a huge tiger almost as big as an elephant appeared not far from the crowd. However, this tiger did not stare at Liu Sishan and others, but at Zhao Yanhu's hand.

"Not good, if it drinks the blood of that Zhao Yanhu, we will be in trouble." Zhang Ping reacted immediately and said.

Liu Sishan took a deep breath, and the next moment the water balls around him increased rapidly, and then these water balls changed their shapes and formed a huge bubble in an instant.

This bubble wrapped everyone up and rotated at a high speed. As soon as the white snakes approached, they were cut into several sections by the slightly protruding blades outside the bubble.

Because Lu Han didn't need to be distracted to protect his body, he instantly focused his mental power on the flying sword, and the flying sword quickly shot towards Zhao Yanlong, forcing Zhao Yanlong to fight with the flying sword.

Zhang Shouzhong held a huge bone crossbow and aimed at Zhao Yanhu. At the moment when Zhao Yanlong could not be distracted to resist the flying sword, he gently pulled the trigger.

The two brothers were only about fifteen meters away from him, so they were still within his range.

However, this arrow was caught by Zhao Yanhu with one hand. Zhao Yanhu looked at the arrow and smiled: "You don't think I'm a coward who needs to hide behind my brother? You want to hurt me with this toy?"

"In fact, we are not enemies. Why don't we each make a concession?" Lu Han narrowed his eyes and tried.

Zhao Yanhu threw away the arrow, cleaned his ears with his hands, blew on his little finger, and said nonchalantly: "I'm sorry, my brother and I were ordered to... kill everyone who blocked our way!"

As he spoke, the giant tiger, which was obviously a mutant beast, slowly approached him and sniffed his scent with its nose.

"Good boy, come here, this is your reward!"

Zhao Yanhu was not afraid of the giant tiger in front of him. He took out a knife from his back, cut open his palm with the knife, and slowly stretched his bleeding hand towards the giant tiger.

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