I Contracted Myself

【150】Behind the scenes

Although Wuming wanted to tell the Beast God that the Dragon Shell was actually just a shell made of superpowers and many materials, and was not a powerful creature.

However, the Beast God obviously did not intend to listen to any of his explanations.

After the punch, both parties stepped back.

Then the Beast God didn't give Wuming a chance to speak. He raised his arms and showed off: "Do you know what the most muscular creature in the world is? The answer is the Mountain Shell Mantis, which is only one centimeter in size. But it can push the creatures on the mountain, and my muscles are all made up of the muscles of the shell-moving beetle. This is the strongest arm in the world!"


When Wuming asked the Beast God questions, Lin Renmei came to mind.

Compared to the mountain-moving shell beetle mentioned by the Beast God, Lin Renmei's power is even more exaggerated. Even if her superpowers are removed, Lin Renmei can easily break a continent.

However, after the Beast God showed off, he did not have any intention of talking. Instead, he immediately flashed in front of the Dragon Shell, raised his hand and punched out again.

The Dragon Shell punched out again under the control of information control. When the two punches collided, the situation was exactly the same as before.

In the center of the loud noise and gas explosion, the Beast God frowned. It did not use all its strength in the previous attack, but this time it went all out. It thought it could suppress Wuming, but the result seemed to be unchanged.

In the flash of lightning, the Beast God and Wuming retreated at the same time.

The beast god said in disbelief: "Why is your arm as powerful as mine?"

"Because..." Wuming said.

The Beast God interrupted: "No, it's impossible, you must have used some kind of super power!"

"Actually..." Wuming felt that he could have a good communication with the other party.

The Beast God interrupted again: "Hahahaha, it's worthy of the power of the Mountain Mantis, but the pure power of flesh and blood is no weaker than superpowers. So what if I use superpowers again?"

"That..." Wuming's forehead was covered with black lines.

The Beast God interrupted again: "Look, the ability I will use next comes from the most powerful existence among the alienated beasts, tremble under this power!"

Dragonfly-like wings sprouted from its back, and it instantly flew in front of Wuming and punched out again.

"Forget it, beat me to death and don't hold back!"

At this moment, Wuming had no desire to speak at all.

He was lying on the chair, eating the red flannel fruit, and giving orders to the information control.

Boom boom!


Next, the beast god and the dragon

The shells were bombarding each other crazily.

The Beast God was surprised to find that the power he was so proud of was on par with the Dragon Shell, as it clearly used superpowers.

It shouted while punching: "Impossible, I am the God of Beasts and have the most powerful power of all the alienated beasts. How can I not beat a mere human!"


The dragon shell still took action calmly, blocking all the attacks of the beast god.

Wuming opened his mouth, and finally gave up communicating with the Beast God, although he wanted to tell the Beast God: "Is it possible...the alienated beasts that it thinks are very strong are actually very weak, and those so-called powerful superpowers , actually it’s nothing?”

But considering the current state of the beast god...

Forget it.

Enough talking, let’s watch the show!

Wuming watched the beast god continuously activate the abilities of different alienated beasts, and then easily resolve them under the control of information. Finally, he couldn't help but yawn.

At the end, he felt sleepy.

After all, his body is just a child's body, and no matter how energetic he is, he still needs rest.

When he couldn't help but fall asleep, the eyes of the dragon shell suddenly burst into green light. The moment the beast god punched, its arm exploded. The beast god thought his punch was effective, but who knew what would happen next second? I felt a huge suction force and was sucked into a space full of stars in an instant.

The arm that burst out of the dragon's shell closed instantly, and then it fell to the ground motionless.


Thousands of meters underground, a steel base is operating automatically.

In the deepest part of the base, a mummy lay on a white bed and suddenly opened its eyes.


The mummy sat up slowly, looking at his bark-like skin with cloudy eyes, and thought to himself.

He has lost the ability to speak, and there is not a drop of blood in his body. The reason why he is still alive is entirely because his super power is still maintaining his vitality.

But even so, he is getting closer and closer to death, unless he can break through the limit and advance from a transcendent to a god-killer.


This is the name he gave to his next realm.

The way to advance from a transcendent to a god-eater is very simple, that is to kill a being with the personality of a god.

The problem is that there is no god in this world, so the first thing he needs to do is create a god.

However, people in the world are ignorant and accustomed to following the crowd.

There are few people with great perseverance and great wisdom.

Very few.

The mummy waited for a long time, sleeping and waking up, waking up and sleeping again. After countless repetitions, he waited for a genius who might become a god.

He quietly delivered the method of becoming a god to the other party, and then continued to sleep, waiting for the moment when the other party became a god.

Unfortunately, the other party failed.

The mummy activated its ability, and the next moment countless light spots fell along the moon.

"Where's the body?"

The mummy frowned, and found that he couldn't find Ji Zhen's body.

He closed his eyes and continued to activate his ability, but he still couldn't find the body.

Without the body, he couldn't analyze the reason for this failure, and there was a possibility of failure next time, and he didn't have much time.


It was dawn.

When Wuming woke up, it was already past ten in the morning.

He sat in the inner space of the Dragon Shell, drinking millet porridge while checking the battle records of the information control. When he saw that the Dragon Shell locked the Beast God into the space fragment, he almost spit out the millet porridge in his mouth.

"I thought it was over."

Wuming wiped the porridge from the corner of his mouth, and then controlled the Dragon Shell to fly from underground to the ground.


On the ground, Ni Jing and others silently returned to the city after sending the residents away, but they were worried that they would affect Wuming's battle, so they kept waiting outside.

"Good morning!"

Wuming originally wanted to fly to the wilderness to release the beast god, beat him up and then study him carefully, but when he saw Ni Jing and others, he circled in the air and landed in front of everyone.

"Captain, where is that monster?" Luo Xi looked at the big hole on the ground and couldn't help asking.

Ni Jing immediately swallowed the grudges he wanted to spit back into his stomach. He just wanted to tell Wuming that it was almost eleven o'clock and it was late.

"For the time being... it's solved, and the evacuated residents can come back." Wuming thought about it and said.

To be honest, evacuating residents in the middle of the night and letting them come back during the day can easily cause instability in people's hearts, especially since the rescue team has just taken over Ji Laiguo for a short time. This is actually very hurtful to the people.

However, the logistics team has many talents in governing the country, and Wuming believes that they will handle this matter well.

After chatting with Ni Jing and others for a while, Wuming flew directly out of the city, ready to score twice and have fun with the beast god again.

PS: I am working hard to recover and will soon resume the normal three chapters. Just look at the release time and you will know that the status is not particularly good yet.

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