I Contracted Myself

【151】Why don’t you leave it to me?

Base under the moon.

The mummy was thinking about what to do next. Because he lost Ji Zhen's body, he was a little confused. Time was running out. He had no time to try and make mistakes, but there was no Ji Zhen's body. He didn't know what went wrong.

If you don’t know where the error occurred, you can’t improve it.

This means it may still fail the next time.

Failure is equivalent to death for today's mummies.

"Haha, it seems that I have really lived for too long, and even the world cannot tolerate me continuing to live." The mummy thought sadly as he thought about the final result.

But just when he was about to fight to the death and choose another leek from the human race to cultivate, he suddenly felt Ji Zhen's aura.


In fact, this aura is very obviously different from Ji Zhen's, but there are countless similarities between the two.

He immediately turned his attention to the ground, and then saw Chang Wei beating Laifu in a certain valley.


It was Wuming who was fighting the Beast God.

Because the appearance of the beast god is copied from the shell of an unknown dragon, from the perspective of the mummy, it looks like two brothers fighting.

Several questions suddenly popped up in Mummy's mind. What kind of drama is this?


The mummy was confused for a moment, and suddenly his eyes widened. His attention fell on the beast god, and his breathing became rapid. If he sensed it correctly, it was the breath of the god!

God-killers naturally want to kill gods!

Although the beast god's aura is very different from Ji Zhen's, the mummy doesn't care at all whether Ji Zhen is dead or alive. What he really cares about is God!

A ready-made god, as long as he kills this god, he will have a chance to live another life.

"God help me!"

The mummy was shaking with excitement at this moment. If it weren't for the fact that there was not a drop of water in his body, his eyes would definitely be wet.

After so many years of waiting and suffering, I finally got a god. This is not easy.

not good!

Suddenly, he felt Wuming tear off one of the beast god's arms, and his heart suddenly trembled slightly, realizing that something was wrong.

This beast god cannot die in the hands of others, but in his own hands. Whoever kills the beast god is his enemy.


Face, valley.

Wuming grabbed the hand of the beast god and found that the hand of the beast god did not die immediately, and the muscles inside it still maintained extremely strange vitality.

If the Beast God's body is killed, he has no doubt that this arm can repair itself and grow another Beast God.

Of course, it’s hard to say if this beast god is still the original beast god from time to time.

"So funny."

Wuming threw the Beast God's arm into the dream city, then looked at the Beast God who had grown his arm again, and said with a smile.

It is clear that his vitality is not very strong and his energy is not abundant, but his arm gives him a feeling that it is difficult to kill. The path of the beast god obviously contains some powerful rules.

Domain members can change the rules in the domain and are like gods within the domain.

The upgraded ones can strengthen their own concept of superpowers and enable themselves to break through the limits of the transcended ones.

As for the path of the beast god, it has a little bit of a domainr, a little bit of an ascender, and it also has its own characteristics.

The reason for this trait is unclear. It should be that everyone will have different changes, and when it falls on the beast god, it shows an extremely exaggerated immortality.

It is estimated that this is the immortality that is indelible for those in the field even if they open the field!


The Beast God still cannot face reality.

It's such a powerful body that it can't defeat Wuming at all, and it's even been suppressed and beaten by Wuming all the time. This is ridiculous.

"What kind of creature are you? You are definitely not a human!" It looked at Wuming and asked through gritted teeth.

Wuming smiled and said: "No, on the contrary, I am so powerful precisely because I am a human being. You have always been the real weak one!"

"How can humans be so strong!"

The memories belonging to Ji Zhen were tumbling in the mind of the beast god, and countless miserable and desolate scenes of the human race continued to emerge.

These pictures, without exception, prove how weak and pathetic creatures human beings are.

But Wuming told it that humans are very strong?



The beast god roared angrily, and one of its arms turned into a huge python and shot towards Wuming. Then the huge snake head opened its bloody mouth, and a large amount of venom suddenly sprayed towards Wuming.

This is a snake-eating python, a mutated beast that lives by devouring other venomous snakes.

Swallowing a lot of poison

After the snake, it will mix the venom of all venomous snakes together, eventually producing the most terrifying toxin in the world, one drop of which is enough to kill the top alienated beast.

Wherever it passes, within ten years there will be no grass growing and it will become a dead land!

The beast god stared at Wuming, not believing that Wuming could be immune to this unparalleled poison.

The next moment, Wuming stepped back. Apparently Wuming was also afraid of this powerful snake-eating venomous python. Sure enough, the alienated beast is the most powerful creature in the world, and as the beast god, it is at the apex of all creatures!

At this time, a book appeared in Wuming's hand, and then a little bird appeared out of thin air.

Before the beast god could think about where this little bird came from, the seemingly harmless bird instantly exploded the body of the snake-eating python, and then a terrifying force spread along the body of the snake-eating python. .


The beast god instantly felt what it meant to be on the thin line between life and death.

The moment before, he could still live for a long, long time. As long as no one killed him, he could even live until the day the world died.

But now a small bird took his life. This is ridiculous.

The beast god stared, unable to accept this absurd ending, but his body quickly withered and finally lost his breath.


When Wuming was surprised that the second snake nighthawk could kill the beast god in seconds, another sad roar came from the sky.

The beast god's unwilling roar before his death had just ended. This roar was very cleverly connected, and it sounded like the voice of the same person.

"It won't be so bloody, right? After beating the young one, the old one comes?"

Wuming looked up and saw a guy like a mummy flying quickly from the sky, his eyes still filled with anger.

At this moment, he inexplicably thought of many novels he had read before crossing over. A certain protagonist killed a certain dude, and then the dude's father came to seek revenge. After the protagonist killed him, the grandfather came again. Some shameless authors even wrote that the eighteenth generation of ancestors came to seek revenge in order to fill the story.

But the next moment, the mummy fell next to the dead beast god. He knelt on the ground and trembled to confirm the life and death of the beast god.

After discovering that the beast god was dead, he looked up at Wuming with a distorted face and said hatefully: "Why did you kill him? Why can't you leave it to me to kill!"

PS: Lose weight, I'm so hungry

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