I Contracted Myself



Wuming was ready to fight.

But what the mummy old man said made him unable to react.

What do you mean by 'why can't you leave it to me to kill'? This is so weird that he can't even wrap his head around it.

At the same time, the mummy looked at the corpse of the Beast God, and his brain started spinning crazily. He really didn't want to die, but the opportunity to advance to the God Killer had been destroyed by Wuming, and now the Beast God had become a corpse.

There was no way he could kill a corpse, so the path to the Godslayer was dead.

Although he could spend more time cultivating a 'god', it would take too long, and he would not have the confidence to do it again.

Killing God.

Killing God……

Suddenly, a bold idea came to his mind, and he stared at the corpse intently.

The God-Slayer can’t become a God-Eater, but what about the God-Eater?

God’s corpse is also God.

If you can’t kill, then eat!

This terrifying thought quickly occupied his mind.


Wuming looked at the mummy at this time, wanting to comfort him.

People cannot be resurrected. This killing has already been done. No matter what grudges you have, you should let go. Why be so persistent?

But as soon as Wuming opened his mouth, he saw a terrifying scene.

In an instant, the mummy's body melted and then covered the body of the beast god. Then the beast god's body was quickly dissolved and turned into a pool of bloody liquid.

There is a strange smell in the air.

Wuming frowned, feeling that something was a little wrong. He controlled the dragon shell to retreat, and at the same time, the information control quickly began to analyze the current situation.

There is no doubt that the old man definitely does not have any deep grudge against the beast god.

At this time, the information control sent out a large amount of information. Wuming looked at the information parsed by the information control and observed the changes in the blood-colored liquid.

"Is this also a way to advance?"

He squinted his eyes, and based on the partial information analyzed by the information control and his own observations, he came to a conclusion in his mind.

"Interesting, it seems that Ji Zhen's advancement path was not developed by Ji Zhen himself... No, Ji Zhen may have mistakenly thought that he developed it by himself, but in fact he became someone else's chess piece. It's just that this chess player probably didn't think of it. I will kill Ji Zhen and even the Beast God so quickly!"


I believe this is a coincidence, because according to the analysis of information control, the current advanced modes of mummies and beast gods are too perfect.

This kind of perfection does not mean that this advanced method is the best, but it is like two building blocks that fit perfectly and can be put together perfectly.

In fact, he can completely interrupt the advancement of the mummy now, but he is more curious about what the mummy will become and what power it will have after it advances.

"You are beautiful, come and watch the show!"

Wuming thought for a while and finally decided to play it safe.

Although he is confident that after awakening his super power, he will not be weaker than the Transcendent, and can even touch the strongest ones above the Transcendent, but for the sake of safety, it is better to be cautious.

With Lin Renmei on the side, this mummy can't make big waves no matter what level it is advanced to.

A few minutes later, Lin Renmei flew over from the city.

She landed next to Wuming and said, "What show are you watching?"

As she spoke, her eyes shifted from Wuming to the surroundings, and finally landed on the pool of blood-colored liquid that was obviously abnormal, and then looked at Wuming suspiciously.

"There is another path for transcendence to advance. Isn't it worth seeing?" Wuming said with a smile.

Then he reached out and gently touched Lin Renmei's face. In an instant, Lin Renmei's body twisted, and the next moment she appeared inside the dragon's shell.

Lin Renmei had experienced this move before. She naturally sat next to Wuming and said with a smile: "So you are looking for me to protect your bottom line?"

"There are also considerations in this regard!"

Wuming's answer was quite straight, but Lin Renmei had long been used to it. She rolled her eyes, then looked at the information analyzed by the information control, and asked: "How long will it take for him to advance?"


Wuming replied, then thought of something, pulled out a new bag and said, "This is the latest information, take a look."

"The path of the beast god?"

Lin Renmei looked at Guang Xun and whispered.

Her expression became serious, and she slowly looked down. After reading it, she frowned and said to Wuming, "Isn't this way of advancement too vicious?"

"But there are merits, and some parts are similar to those of the upgraded ones. I plan to use the death shell to conduct an experiment. If successful, maybe the death shell can truly become the god of death!" Wuming said with a smile.

Lin Renmei looked at Wuming seriously.

Said: "What test?"

If she killed innocent people indiscriminately like the Beast God, which required blood sacrifices for countless creatures, she would not let Wuming do whatever she wanted no matter how much she liked Wuming.

Wuming smiled, and then told Lin Renmei his plan.

Of course he wasn't going to imitate Ji Zhen, but he could still learn a thing or two about how to become a god, especially by analyzing the arms torn off from the beast god. He knew that this path was indeed interesting, and he could even create something similar to it later. The Kingdom of Gods.

Theoretically, this path is a bit like being an upgraded person and a realm person. The only problem is that there are great hidden dangers, and it is very possible to become a madman or a beast.

The reason why the Lord of Darkness did not choose this path is probably because of this consideration.

However, Wuming is different. He does not need to advance himself, but uses the shell to advance, so these hidden dangers have little impact. Even if the shell becomes an irrational beast, he can control the shell 100%.

"Hell and heaven?"

Lin Renmei breathed a sigh of relief after listening to Wuming's explanation.

Fortunately, Wuming's way of advancement is not to kill innocent people indiscriminately, but to use death row prisoners and spirits, and use the clean world to create hell and heaven to accommodate these two completely different spirits.

Since people can have thoughts, spirits can naturally have thoughts. If the time is long enough, Wuming's death god shell does have a chance to advance to the real death god.

Of course, this will definitely take a very long time!

When the topic of the two gradually shifted from the path of advancement to the next date, the mummy finally completed the advancement.

The blood-colored liquid gradually bulged, and a large amount of red energy condensed on the surface of the bulging blood, and finally formed a vague human figure, and at the same time a corpse odor emanated from the human figure.

"It seems that the advancement failed?"

Lin Renmei looked at the vague human figure and said to Wuming.

Wuming nodded and said, "Well, it should have failed. From the data just analyzed, if he succeeds in the upgrade, he should be able to return to a normal human form."

"Didn't they say that he and the corpse are very compatible?" Lin Renmei was a little confused.

Wuming said helplessly, "I don't know. I also thought he would succeed. Who knows..."

He actually hoped that the mummy could succeed in the upgrade, just as he also hoped that Ji Zhen could succeed in the upgrade. Who knew that the results of the two people were the same, both failed.

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