I Contracted Myself

【153】Incomprehensible information


"Jijijiji, 圄巳铖鰰, 遹铓擓狠棣�掎的哳媛鰰!!!"

At this time, the fuzzy figure suddenly trembled, and then opened its sticky mouth and made a series of meaningless sounds.

Then it suddenly twisted its body strangely, the upper and lower body turned around, and its head looked at the dragon shell like a snake.

"What did it say?"

Lin Renmei frowned and asked Wuming.

She didn't understand what the fuzzy figure was saying at all, but she vaguely felt that this meaningless roar should be meaningful.

Wuming has the ability to communicate with all things, so she asked Wuming.

But this time Wuming was also a little confused and replied: "I don't know, I can't translate it."

"That should be a meaningless weird cry."

Lin Renmei came to a conclusion, so she didn't bother with the strange sound in the fuzzy figure's mouth.


At this time, the fuzzy humanoid suddenly screamed and pounced on the dragon's shell.

Its movement was very strange, almost including the movement of various creatures. Its back grew dragonfly-like wings, vibrating wildly, and the liquid below grew dense and thin legs, just like a millipede moving at high speed, while its body twisted in an 'S' shape, winding forward like a snake.

And its tail grew a tail fin similar to that of a fish, constantly slapping the blood-colored liquid that was not with the fuzzy humanoid.

In this case, its movement speed was not dragged down by the chaotic movement, but was very, very fast. It almost approached the dragon's shell in the blink of an eye, and then it opened its mouth and bit the dragon's shell.


The dragon's shell came later but arrived first. At the moment when the fuzzy humanoid opened its mouth and pounced, it raised its hand and punched its chest first. The majestic energy surged from the fist and instantly turned into a terrifying flame.

The flames bloomed like flowers, and in an instant, most of the blurred human figure was evaporated. The remaining part was blown away by the powerful shock wave and turned into dense "red beads" dripping on the ground.

"So weak, Wuming, you are too cautious, is it necessary to call me over for such a weak chicken?" Lin Renmei looked at the valley affected by the flames in the distance, and said to Wuming with some amusement.

Then her starry eyes turned slightly,

and said with a smile: "Could it be that you actually missed me, so you used such a lame excuse?"

If it were a normal man, he would definitely admit the woman's guess at this time.

However, as an honest young man who is upright and does not lie, Wuming's young face showed helplessness, and shook his head and said: "That's not the case. If he succeeds in advancing, it is indeed possible to threaten me, so I asked you to come, but it's a pity that he failed."

At the end, Wuming's eyes were full of regret, and he was obviously very disappointed with the failure of the mummy's advancement.


Lin Renmei looked at Wuming speechlessly, and finally did not get angry.

She already knew who Wuming was. If he knew how to coax her at this time, he would not be Wuming.

"Look, it's not that easy to die."

Wuming's eyes lit up slightly, and he smiled and said to Lin Renmei.

The scattered liquids underwent completely different changes at this time. Some liquids turned into bacterial colonies and were spreading rapidly to form a strange mushroom field.

Some liquids turned into various insects and were fighting each other. After a short fight, a centipede won, coiled up with a body nearly one meter long, and looked in the direction of the dragon shell.

"Hungry, hungry!!!"

The bloody centipede made a strange sound, and then glanced around, instantly locking onto Wuming not far away, and brazenly approached the dragon shell.

Its two tentacles still had the ability to extend, and its body was more than ten meters away from the dragon shell. The tentacles turned into sharp knives and stabbed into the gap at the knee of the dragon shell in the process of moving forward.

As a shell, the dragon's shell naturally has some gaps, but these tiny gaps do not actually have real gaps inside. It's just that when moving, some places inside the gaps will become soft and tough.

When the dragon's shell is not moving, that part of the connection point is actually very hard.


With a slight sound, the centipede's tentacles collided and broke, and the two fragments fell to the ground, making a metallic sound.

Wuming's expression moved, and he controlled the dragon's shell to bend down and pick up the two fragments, and said in surprise: "This seems to be a brand new biological metal!"

"What's wrong with a brand new metal?" Lin Renmei supported her cheek with one hand, looking at the metal fragments in the light screen, and asked without much care.

Wuming smiled and said: "Don't think it can't break my defense. In fact, it is very hard, and it should have other properties. If it is studied clearly, it may cause a technological explosion in the rescue team."

Any kind of extraordinary material has unexpected effects.

The wires used in the rescue team are all superconducting materials, which can transmit various energy sources without loss.

There are also some metals that can build perfect servers, and can even transmit and receive information across time and space.

The server currently used by the rescue team is made of these extraordinary materials, which can send signals to countless worlds. However, if the rescue team wants to transmit signals back to the server, they must use a watch made of the same material.

In addition, the core of the dragon's shell is composed of the curse of the Dark King. Even Lin Renmei can't break the dragon's shell. How can a mere biometal break it?

So it's not that the centipede is too weak, but that the dragon's shell is too hard.

The centipede also reacted quickly. After realizing that its hardness was not as good as the dragon's shell, it decisively changed its attack strategy and sprayed out a large amount of red liquid when it raised its head.

Although it is composed of red liquid, this big centipede actually has some traces of solidification, and the red liquid sprayed out now is just the opposite, with some atomization.


The sprayed liquid immediately corroded the ground into large pits when it fell, and the liquid that landed on the feet of the Dragon Shell continued to smoke and make a harsh sound.

"Interesting, collect them!"

Wuming's eyes lit up again, and he immediately used his mind power to control the liquid on his feet into the air, then took out a bottle from Dream City, filled it, and finally threw it into Dream City.

"You might as well catch it like this. Do you want any materials?" Lin Renmei said with a smile.

Wuming looked at Centipede and said thoughtfully, "It seems right!"

Then he pressed the centipede on the ground with overwhelming force of mind. Just as he was about to catch the centipede with his mind, the centipede instantly turned into a puddle of liquid, and then the liquid turned into countless densely packed small red dots, quickly moving toward the centipede. Escape in different directions.

At the same time, I don’t know if there is a connection between the liquids. At this time, the liquid that turned into a mushroom field suddenly erupted.

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