I Contracted Myself

【155】Infinite Traitor

Lin Renmei read the information provided by the information control and frowned: "Wu Ming, how are you going to deal with these two... evil beings?"

She thought of many adjectives in an instant, but in the end she used 'god' to describe the mushroom field and this social cell.

Because this was truly more monster than monster, she had never seen anything like it.

If she had to choose a name to replace the monster, she thought about it and the most suitable name might be 'god'.

"Abomination? This name is quite appropriate."

Wuming said with a smile while dealing with the monsters produced by the mushroom field.

After clearing all the monsters, Wuming looked at the mushroom field and the spreading red cells, and said with a relaxed smile: "Don't be nervous, it's actually not difficult to deal with."

As he spoke, his telepathy spread instantly, forming a huge cover covering the entire valley. Then his telepathy penetrated into the ground, gradually uprooting the entire valley.

The dragon's shell quickly flew into the air, and Dream City directly swallowed the land dug out by telekinesis.

Since these cells couldn't be captured with the power of mind, then they might as well capture the entire area. Anyway, Wuming originally wanted to study these cells, and there was no guarantee that there would be another 'god shell' in the future.

Lin Renmei blinked her eyes, and finally said with a helpless smile: "Sure enough, the more abilities you have, the better. If it were me...it would be really difficult to deal with these evil beings."

These gods are extremely resistant to various attacks. Even if Lin Renmei can explode stars with one punch, the result will only be that these cells will divide a few more times.

After endless divisions, it will only become increasingly difficult to eliminate them.

The only way Lin Renmei could think of was probably to seal these cells with a holy ring coffin to prevent them from continuing to fight and evolve.

For Lin Renmei, this was a difficult problem, but for Wu Ming, this was actually just an interesting scene.

Wuming asked Lin Renmei to come over to raid the formation, mainly to prevent some uncertain dangers that would arise after the mummy advanced. After the mummy failed to advance, this uncertain danger had actually been eliminated.

All the subsequent changes were actually just interesting and fun to Wuming, not dangerous at all.

Infinity-Pearl City.

The Lord of Darkness was admiring his collection when he suddenly sneezed, then frowned and tilted his head to look at the sky outside the window.

After about a minute, he looked behind him with an unhappy expression.

Dark Feng Laixian, who had been standing still, said: "One of my 'baby' was killed."

Before Dark Feng Laixian could speak, he stood up from his chair and said with a look of reluctance: "It took a lot of effort for our organization to come up with an interesting traitor, damn it!"

"King, are you talking about Wu Shihui, the traitor who defected ten thousand years ago?" Dark Phoenix Fairy's expression changed slightly and she asked.

The King of Darkness nodded and said: "Well, it's Wu Shihui. I originally thought he would give me a surprise after defecting, but he died inexplicably."

The Infinite Organization is very free. As long as they obey the orders of the Lord of Darkness, generally speaking, members of the organization can do whatever they want. They will not be punished for murder, arson, rape, robbery, or even the destruction of the world. If they do well, they will be rewarded. .

After all, the Lord of Darkness has long said that they are a villain organization!

Occasionally, the Lord of Darkness will also train one or two white-eyed wolves, rebels, and nerds for fun. For him, if a person can't even 'betray', what's the difference between him and a dog?

Wu Shihui was a member who joined the Infinite Organization but was unable to advance to the realm and eventually defected.

Originally, the Dark King thought Wu Shihui was boring and thought about killing him. Who knew that Wu Shihui actually developed an advanced method similar to the Wedding Dress Magic, so the Dark King became interested.

This was an advancement path that the King of Darkness had not calculated, so the King of Darkness let Wu Shihui go and prepared to appear in front of Wu Shihui again on the day Wu Shihui succeeds and give him a good 'surprise'.

"Feng Laixian, go and see who killed Wu Shihui. You should know what to do." The King of Darkness looked at the King of Darkness and ordered.

Dark Phoenix Fairy lowered her head in response, then turned and left.

"Sure enough... Fenglaixian is also very boring." After Dark Fenglaixian left, the Dark King picked up a figure and wiped it while saying to himself.

But as a dog, Dark Phoenix is ​​definitely a good dog.

The Infinite Organization needs interesting talents, but it also needs obedient and easy-to-use dogs, so members like Dark Phoenix must exist.

Dark Phoenix walked out of the headquarters, the black cloak was slightly opened, and a ball of flame flew out of the cloak instantly.

The flame turned into a black, smoking charred corpse in an instant. He looked at Dark Phoenix Fairy with malicious eyes, and Dark Phoenix Fairy said without changing his expression: "Feng Laixian, go ahead and massacre everything in that world." s life,

I want to see a completely charred planet! "

After saying this, he waved his hand, and the charred corpse of Phoenix Fairy was photographed into a burst of distorted time and space.

"I wonder what's wrong with the captain now."

Ni Jing had just completed his task of diverting the crowd. He sat on a stone pier and said to Bai Mo, who was drinking a drink next to him.

Tons, tons, tons!

Bai Mo drank a large amount of the drink and comforted: "Don't worry, the captain will be fine!"

"Where is Emperor Fengqiu?" Ni Jing looked around and then asked.

Bai Mo shook his head and said, "I didn't see anyone. It seemed like he was called to help by an old lady just now."

Many houses collapsed in the city, so in addition to evacuating the crowd, the collapsed houses also need to be repaired.

"Okay, I'll go over there to help!" Bai Mo felt that he had rested enough, so he stood up and said.

Ni Jing nodded and said, "Well, I'll go over there too in a while."

He watched Bai Mo leave, and his eyes turned back to the direction where Wuming left, and he always felt unsafe in his heart.

In fact, he had felt this uneasy feeling since he came to this world, but it was very weak at that time. He mistakenly thought that he was not used to the new world, but now this feeling is getting stronger and stronger.

If it just made him a little uncomfortable before, now it's almost to the point of exploding.

"Captain, is there really no problem?" He whispered to himself.

"What captain is really okay? What's the problem?"

"I don't know, but it always feels very dangerous."

Ni Jing answered subconsciously, and then he was stunned, and immediately looked in the direction where the sound came from, only to see Wuming being held up by the dragon's shell, drinking milk tea and looking at him.

"Captain!" Ni Jing immediately stood up and said.

Wuming smiled and said, "Isn't it necessary to be so reserved? What do you mean it's dangerous?"

"That monster... was solved?" Ni Jing did not answer, but asked.

Wuming nodded and said, "Yes, it was solved."


Where did the danger come from?

Ni Jing frowned slightly after hearing Wuming's words, and was also confused.

At this time, the sky suddenly twisted, and a fireball quickly fell into the city. The moment the fireball appeared, Wuming and Ni Jing looked up and locked onto the fireball.

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