I Contracted Myself

【156】Domino effect




Killing intent.

As soon as the fireball appeared, Ni Wing felt the crazy malice emanating from the black figure inside the fireball.

Could this be what I perceive...danger!

Ni Jing frowned and looked at the fireball falling rapidly from the sky, and couldn't help but think to himself.

However, when the fireball fell into the air twenty meters above the ground, suddenly there was a cracking sound from the place where it had just appeared. The cracking spread in the next second, and in an instant, dense cracks appeared in the entire sky.

Through those cracks, one can vaguely see the boundless darkness, and there are pipe-like existences further away.

"That's..." Ni Wing couldn't help but mutter to himself as he didn't react for a moment.

Then the cracks continued to spread, and in the blink of an eye the fireball was overtaken by the cracks. A terrifying and shrill scream came from the fireball, and then the entire fireball fell into pieces, and then exploded violently, turning into a dense rain of fire.

All of this actually happened very quickly. It only took a second or two from the time the fireball appeared to the time the crack exploded the fireball.

"Captain, what's going on?" Ni Wing felt his heartbeat speeding up. The feeling of danger was heightened to the maximum, so that his eyes turned slightly red.

Wuming put down the milk tea, his body instantly merged into the dragon's shell, and said: "It's not clear what exactly happened, but if the cracks continue to spread, the world may collapse!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the cracks suddenly accelerated and the whole sky exploded.

The air began to escape toward the cracks, and the clouds that were originally floating in the sky were sucked into the cracks. At the same time, the cracks did not actually spread horizontally, but spread both horizontally and vertically. More cracks opened toward space.

"Something's wrong. In theory, space is a kind of energy and should have the ability to repair itself. Why are the cracks spreading now?" Wuming said solemnly.

He originally thought it was the work of the charred corpse in the fireball, but he took that idea back after the crack killed the charred corpse in the fireball.

Obviously this was an accident, possibly related to the fireball being transported through the twisted space, but it was certainly not the original intention of the scorched corpse in the fireball.

Besides, it's too late to say anything now. At the moment when the crack appears, Wuming actually needs to face

There are only three questions: Can the crack be repaired? If not, how damaging would the rift be? Is it necessary to relocate the inhabitants of this world to a safer world?

"Wu Ming, I have an indescribable feeling, this crack... something isn't right." Lin Renmei, who had been inside the Dragon Shell, looked at the crack outside and said with a frown.

Wuming himself didn't feel much, but the information control constantly refreshed the data, which provided a lot of intelligence.

"The space is broken?"

"Wait, the world is spinning too fast, causing it to break?"

Wuming frowned and looked at the information. Finally, he thought about inserting the information control line into the back of his head. In an instant, he saw a model of the world.

In the world of Lashao Universe, every shape is like a galaxy, only magnified countless times.

It is roughly like a round plate, with invisible pipes in the middle connecting countless worlds together. The pipes are actually like umbilical cords for each world.

They originate from and are bounded by the umbilical cord.

Because each world is spinning, the more worlds there are, the faster it spins.

Once it reaches a certain speed, this world will form an extremely strong torque, making it difficult for creatures from other worlds to enter this world.

The nameless ones can freely enter and leave different worlds. That's because the mysterious sewer is actually attached to the 'umbilical cord'. They enter the world through the umbilical cord, just like matter inside the world, so they will not be rejected or cause any problems. Notice.

But this time the charred corpse in the fireball entered the world by being directly sent in, so the world was equivalent to being hit by some kind of force.

Under normal circumstances, if this force is strong enough, the world will open up and repair itself in a very short period of time.

But now the whistle-blowing universe is actually on the verge of collapse. The rotation speed of every universe is very fast. People cannot feel the ultra-high rotation speed inside the world, but if they go outside the world, they can feel the amazing speed. speed.

The delivery method of Dark Phoenix actually comes with a force that is opposite to the rotation direction of the world. This force temporarily breaks the spatial barrier of the world to achieve the purpose of sending people safely there.

There was no problem doing this in the past, but it doesn’t mean it’s the same today.

Still no problem doing this.

This opposing force exists for a short time. If the world does not rotate very fast, it will only have a slight impact at most. But as the world rotates faster and faster, it is actually equivalent to inserting a chopstick into a high-speed rotating fan. The result can be Just imagine.

Although the 'Chopsticks' were withdrawn in a very short period of time, the damage had been done, the world was still spinning, and the power was extremely huge.

In this case, the internal material begins to escape outward, further tearing the space apart in the process of escaping, and more cracks appear.

In turn, the more cracks there are, the greater the damage to the world!

This world is hopeless...

After Wuming fully understood what was happening in the world, he sighed slightly in his heart.

He opened his eyes and contacted Chen Weihua directly, and ordered: "Sister Weihua, my world will have a big problem in half an hour, get ready to evacuate all personnel!"

Of course, this world will not be completely destroyed so soon. The problem is that the location of the crack is too close to this planet.

He didn't know when other planets would be affected, but for the planet he was on now, even if he would try to stop the crack from spreading to the ground as much as possible, it would take no more than three hours at most, and the ground would inevitably be sucked into the crack.

There is no hope, we must evacuate!

Wuming looked at Lin Renmei on the side and said briefly: "Renmei, I'm afraid this world can't be saved. You should also help organize people and evacuate first."

"What about you?" Lin Renmei was stunned and asked.

Wuming looked at the crack that was still spreading in the sky and smiled: "Of course, we will try our best to buy time for everyone."

If no one stops it, the ground will be sucked into the crack in three minutes, and everyone on the ground will be instantly torn apart by the twisted crack.

"Be careful!" Lin Renmei knew Wuming would definitely go, so she held Wuming's hand and said seriously.

Wuming smiled and said, "Yeah, you too!"

Then the two separated.

Wuming flew into the sky, while Lin Renmei came out of the dragon's shell and flew directly to the city center.

PS: It's Labor Day, so you have to work hard, come on! Happy Labor Day to everyone, eat well, drink well, keep dancing and playing music!

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