I Contracted Myself


To be honest, anyone who encounters the country being overthrown and being relocated due to danger in a short period of time, and finally returns home only to be informed that the world is coming to an end and everyone must evacuate this world, will definitely feel dissatisfied. Even resentment and anger towards the new ruler.

However, the logistics team is definitely professional. Under the arrangements of the logistics team, the residents soon began to move in an orderly manner, and some thorns were quickly dealt with by Lin Renmei and others.

Many people looked up at the sky as they walked. It was a view they had never seen before.

The sky was like broken glass, which had become several separate pieces. The cracks that were originally spreading downwards temporarily slowed down their spread due to Wuming's efforts.

But Wuming only stopped the crack from spreading downwards, but did not stop the crack from spreading in other directions, so the crack eventually spread to the moon.

The moon was instantly torn apart, and then many of the cracked lunar surfaces were sucked into the cracks.

A large amount of material is lost, forming a vacuum spiral. Looking from the ground to the sky, many gray vortices appear where the moon is, and the center of the vortex is pitch black.

This image is so spectacular, but also so terrible.

Many people didn't know why, but felt an indescribable sense of fear in their hearts, so they quickened their pace and fled towards the entrance of the sewer.

Wuming was flying in the air, his dragon-shell hands raised, as if he was holding something up.

In fact, the hands of the Dragon Shell do hold up invisible barriers. Wuming's method of preventing the cracks from spreading downward is very simple, and that is to use a huge space barrier to separate the sky from the earth.

This is very strenuous.

Because the existence of the rift stems from the rotation of the world itself, nameless blocking the rift is equivalent to wrestling with the world.

Of course, there are many directions for the cracks to spread, and spreading to the ground is only one of them, so what Wuming faces can only be said to be one billionth of the world's power.

If it were truly the power of the complete world, Wuming would be crushed into mud in an instant.

After all, there is a huge difference in size between the two sides.

Regardless of the fact that many members of the Infinite Organization have the power to destroy the world, and even Wuming himself has super powers that are enough to destroy the world, in fact they are more like destroying a world from within rather than actually possessing the power to destroy the world.


It's probably like placing explosives at key locations in a building to disrupt the balance of the building, causing it to collapse.

Inside the dragon's shell, Wuming carefully observed all the changes in the sky. He saw a whole piece of the world collapse, eventually falling into the cracks and disappearing in the blink of an eye.

You can even see some broken meteorites falling towards the world further away.

Naturally, his own naked eyes cannot see the world beyond the rift, but information control combined with many superpowers allows him to see many things that ordinary people cannot see.

Just look forward along the 'umbilical cord of the world', and there will definitely be a world ahead.

The path is clear, and it is only a matter of time before we can observe that world.

"I don't know what kind of impact the fragmentation of this world will have on the world far away. I hope the fragments will fall in an area far away from life." Wuming watched many materials that were sucked out of the world die in the darkness, and some materials were It seemed like it was constantly emitting powder and flying towards the distant world, and I couldn't help but sigh in my heart.

Every world is boundless for tiny humans, but superpowers are too incredible.

In the face of certain superpowers, the world is as fragile as fine porcelain, which can break at the slightest touch.

If a fragment of the world falls into another world, which happens to be the location of a living planet, then it will definitely be a disaster for the life on that planet.

When the world completely collapses, large pieces of space debris will inevitably form. Wuming has personally determined this inside the Great Sun Delimiting Divine Needle.

If there are only a few space fragments, Wuming can still seal them, but if a world is shattered, the number of fragments will be too many. Even he is powerless and can only pray that these fragments will not cause harm to other worlds. harm.

Suddenly, he felt the pressure increase, and the hands of the Dragon Shell holding up the space barrier bent down.

"Holy shit!"

Wuming immediately looked for the reason, and then his eyes nearly popped out.

He had just prayed that the fragments would not cause harm to other worlds, and then a huge fragment wrapped around the partially broken moon slowly pressed towards the ground.

Because of this fragment, the surrounding space was squeezed, and the pressure was transmitted to his body.

"Renmei, how many people have been withdrawn?" Wuming quickly contacted Lin Renmei and asked directly.

Lin Renmei replied: "Two-thirds have been evacuated!"

This time is different from the previous move out of the city. Last time, only a few people from the logistics team were used. This time the rescue team mobilized the vast majority of the members of the logistics team who stayed behind at the headquarters. Many suitable superpowers are being exerted. effect.

Salutes have become lighter, people's walking speed has increased, and the elderly are directly wrapped in telekinesis and flew away, so the current evacuation speed has increased.

The problem is that this time it is not the people in a city that need to be evacuated, but all the people on the planet. There is even a logistics team that goes out to capture the unique creatures of this world.

So it takes longer!

Wuming gritted his teeth and said, "Renmei, come here and help."

"Okay!" Lin Renmei responded.

In less than a minute, Lin Renmei flew from the ground to Wuming's side. She looked at Wuming and asked, "What do you want me to do?"

"If that piece of space debris falls completely, I'm afraid I won't be able to hold on. Find a way to break it and knock it out of this world!" Wuming pointed at the falling space debris and said seriously.

Lin Renmei looked in the direction Wuming pointed and immediately found the space debris.

The main thing is that although the space debris is far away, it is very special. It squeezes the space below, causing the space below to twist to both sides. The material near the edge below is all concave, and the distortion is very obvious.

"Be careful, there are a lot of space cracks outside. For the flesh, space cracks are much sharper than glass." Wuming continued to warn.

Lin Renmei nodded, then passed through the space barrier and quickly flew towards the space debris.

She does not have the ability to destroy space. No matter how powerful she is, she can't break space. After all, space is actually very strong, so strong that even a black hole cannot destroy it.

However, she can use the bio-force field to destroy the moon fragments in the space debris.

That space is too small. Once the moon fragments inside are destroyed, the gravity of the ground will not be enough to pull it down, so it will fall into the void. As for where it will fly to, that is not a problem that Wuming and Lin Renmei need to consider now.

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