I Contracted Myself

【158】Chain reaction

Even if he is Wuming, he can only save what he can in front of him.

He has many superpowers, but he is still only a human being and is not an omnipotent god who cannot save those distant, unattainable and unreachable creatures.

Therefore, he only needs to do the things in front of him, even if it leads to worse results, he has a clear conscience.

Just as he killed the beast god, killed the mummy, and put away the mushroom field, only to attract scorched corpses in the fireball, leading to the destruction of this world.

But is it his fault?

It's definitely not his fault, he's just trying his best to protect and save what he can see.

Inside the Dragon Shell, in front of Wuming was a row of screen walls. Each screen monitored different things, including the situation on the ground, the situation in the sky, and the picture outside the crack. There was also a screen that focused on Lin Renmei. .

Once Lin Renmei is in danger, he will use his ability to teleport Lin Renmei back to him, because Lin Renmei is also his shell and he has this ability.

Lin Renmei flew at an extremely fast speed in the sky, and she quickly avoided any small cracks.

She was like a fairy flying in the air, gradually approaching the space fragment that was very small for the world, but extremely huge for humans.

In front of this piece of space debris... no, in front of the moon debris, human beings are as insignificant as ants facing a basketball.

If an ordinary person faced such a large piece of debris falling, he might not even have a chance to escape, and he would be crushed into mud by the debris in an instant.

But although Lin Renmei is small, she has unimaginable power.

When she successfully approached the fragment, the biological force field suddenly erupted. An invisible big hand blasted out from her fist, and the space was distorted with a punch.

Of course, this is not because her power is strong enough to distort space, but because her biological force field touches the collision point of the two spaces.

The collision point itself is distorted, so under the interference of external forces, the collision point ripples, looking like the space was distorted by Lin Renmei's punch.

The fist formed by the biological force field itself is an invisible existence, but when the space is distorted, the distorted outline can be vaguely seen.

This fist drove straight in, and everything in its path was shattered. In the end, it was fierce

It hit the surface of the moon fragments hard.

There is no sound.

Because the space debris blocks the sound, only extremely exaggerated images can be seen.

Under this punch, the huge moon fragment exploded directly, and a large amount of white smoke instantly emitted from the collision point, and magma sprayed wildly in all directions.

Finally, the fragment was penetrated by the fist. Under the huge force, the space below began to rebound. The space fragment was bounced up, and then fell into the boundless void.

In fact, this scene was very fast. Lin Renmei retracted the biological force field decisively, but she was still pulled by the terrifying potential energy and almost dragged into the void.

However, at the critical moment, Wuming immediately activated his super power. Lin Renmei instantly appeared next to Wuming, hitting the body of the Dragon Shell, and then her body was transported into the interior of the Dragon Shell. She rolled and sat next to Wuming.

"Phew, I thought I was going to fall." Lin Renmei slumped down on the soft chair, glanced at Wuming, and then breathed a sigh of relief.

Wuming asked curiously: "What does it feel like to be on the edge?"

"A feeling of powerlessness, as if you can't move if you fall, and everything will be stopped." Lin Renmei replied.

That feeling was very scary and creepy. Just thinking about it, Lin Renmei felt a hairy feeling and had goosebumps all over her body.

At this time, an even more terrifying scene appeared on one of the screens monitoring the world in the distance.

A piece of debris suddenly accelerated under the influence of an unknown force, getting faster and faster, and finally crashed into a distant world in a very short time.

Theoretically, even if these fragments move in the void, it will take at least hundreds of millions of years to reach another world, but now its speed is too fast, completely exceeding the speed of light.

The problem is that it hasn't changed in any way. Instead, it keeps breaking through and getting faster and faster.

The world in the distance was hit head-on by this fragment like a disc, and a very small hole appeared on the surface.

Wuming and Lin Renmei both fell silent and looked at the screen quietly, looking at the world that could only see a corner of the screen.

"That world...is it over?" Lin Renmei asked after a while.

Wuming looked at the screen and sighed, "I don't know, but I have a very, very bad feeling."

The world is spinning too fast now


A piece of debris that wasn't originally fatal may now become a fatal blow.

Once a chain reaction is formed, catastrophe may come early.

Who would have thought that a small thing would turn out to be the last straw leading to the coming of great destruction?

Infinity·Pearl City.

After Dark Feng Laixian dropped the burnt corpse Feng Laixian, he was about to return to the Beast King Boxing Gym, but he stopped again before walking a few steps.

He was disconnected from the practice of Jiaoshi Fenglaixian, which meant that Jiaoshi Fenglaixian was killed by an unknown enemy.

This speed is too fast. Does the other party have targeted superpowers?

The Dark Phoenix is ​​very aware of the horror of the Burnt Corpse Phoenix. He uses Phoenix from other worlds as materials and uses his own superpower to create the Burnt Corpse Phoenix. It can be said that as long as there is energy around, the Burnt Corpse Phoenix will Immortals cannot die.

Even if the enemy is very strong, he has confidence in Jiao Shi Feng Lai Xian and believes that Jiao Shi Feng Lai Xian can delay for a long time.

This is the task assigned to him by the Dark King. If Jiao Shi Feng Lai Xian can do it for him, he doesn't need to do it himself, but since Jiao Shi Feng Lai Xian failed, he can only go there in person.

Black flames instantly appeared on his body, and then the space around him felt slightly distorted. He took a step and disappeared instantly.

In fact, he has many ways to travel through space, but his favorite is to break into other worlds domineeringly, because this will form a large enough space explosion, and sometimes this alone is enough to solve many troubles.

He only felt a flash of the picture in front of his eyes, and then he appeared in the air, surrounded by cracks.

At this moment, he can clearly see the scenery outside the cracks around him, and also see the red armor below. Before he can react, the space explosion began.


The space exploded, and he immediately fell into the void...

At the moment when the space exploded, he hadn't reacted yet. When he reacted, his body was already unable to move. In the last second when his mind was still alive, he realized that he seemed to have made a mistake.


Inside the dragon's shell, Wuming and Lin Renmei looked at each other in bewilderment. A man in a black cloak suddenly appeared, and then exploded the fragments of the space he was in. Isn't this courting death?

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