I Contracted Myself

【160】Dimensionality reduction collision

Chen Muyi is not a qualified leader.

He was arrogant and stubborn, and always pocketed the majority of the profits, while only sharing a small amount of profits with a few other members of the team.

The problem is that he's proficient at hunting monitor lizards.

He can always find traces of monitor lizard activity in the wild and track the monitor lizard through these traces.

This is knowledge that many adventurers want to learn but cannot. Under the guidance of his father, he has mastered this craft at a very young age.

It's just that his father hopes that through this craft, he can fulfill his unfulfilled wish and successfully tame monitor lizards in the future, so that monitor lizards can become good friends and companions of humans.

But he uses this skill to hunt monitor lizards.

Outside the rocky beach, the Chen Mu Lizard is looking for feces. As a herbivorous monitor lizard, the White Skin Lizard definitely does not live in the rocky beach. It probably appears on the rocky beach for drinking water.

Then after drinking water, the white skink will definitely return to the place where it lives.

Chen Muli only needs to find the habitat of the White Skin Lizard, place a trap there, and wait for the White Skin Lizard to step into the trap.

But just as he was bending down to look for feces and footprints, a strong wind suddenly came from behind.

He subconsciously rolled to dodge, but his skin was still scratched by the sharp tip of the knife. He rolled in a circle, and when he turned around, he saw several of his team members staring at him with unkind expressions.


Chen Muli's face was gloomy, and he gritted his teeth and said angrily.

"Chen Mu Lizard, we have tolerated you for a long time. Now...if you don't want to die, hand over the skill of hunting giant lizards, otherwise..." One of the adventurers said with narrowed eyes, holding a half-meter long dagger.

Chen Muyi took a deep breath. Although he was furious in his heart, he knew very well that he was injured and was definitely no match for these white-eyed wolves.

"Want the skills to hunt giant lizards? Haha, you can, but I will only give it to one person." He looked at the four people in front of him and said with a sneer.

But the adventurer was not fooled at all, and sneered: "That's it? Sorry, we have already discussed it. We will get the skill of hunting the giant lizard, which is shared by everyone. You...either die here, or hand over the hunting giant lizard." There is no other way!"

Because following Chen Muyi is 100% rewarding, although you only receive a very small amount of profit every month, it is still compared to

Other adventure teams are better at stability.

For other adventure teams, every time they go hunting in the wild, they try their luck. If they are lucky, they can catch or kill prey, but if they are not lucky, they may return empty-handed.

This is also the reason why these adventurers can tolerate Chen Muli.

But the so-called promotion of rice favors means fighting against rice hatred.

The members watched Chen Muyi make a fortune day and night, and Chen Muyi was never polite to the members of his team. He was just acting as a worker, which laid the foundation for today's disaster.

After all, although these adventurers didn't know much about the techniques of hunting giant lizards, they still put in effort in every hunt. Sometimes the trap failed and they still had to fight with their lives to fight the giant lizard.

If this continues for a long time, whoever will die will die if Chen Muli doesn't die.

Chen Muyi realized that the four of them probably had to kill him. Even if they surrendered their skills in hunting giant lizards, the other party would not let him go.

He gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, I'll give it!"

After saying that, he stood up holding the wound with difficulty, then took a deep breath, and when the four people surrounded him, he opened his mouth and let out a sharp scream.

When the four of them were stunned, he turned around and ran into the woods.

"Grass, chase!"

The adventurer holding the short sword immediately shouted.

The four people quickly chased Chen Muli and shuttled through the woods quickly. Many animals were alarmed, running away and watching.

"Something's wrong!"

Chen Muyi covered his wound, his forehead covered with cold sweat as he ran.

But his attention is not on himself now, but on the outside world. Normally, wherever the White Skin Lizard lives, there will always be one or two super-sized alien beasts.

These alienated beasts like the tail of the White Skin Lizard, so they have lived around the White Skin Lizard for a long time.

Normally, after hearing his scream, these alienated beasts would definitely appear in order to protect the White Skin Lizard. At that time, he could borrow a knife to kill people and use the alienated beast pit to kill the four white-eyed wolves behind him.

But now he has been running for more than ten seconds, but there is no movement around him.

Suddenly, he felt something approaching from behind, and he instantly twisted his waist. A large amount of blood suddenly oozed from the wound, and his clothes were stained with blood.

But his judgment was correct, and a flying knife landed on the tree next to him.

"Chen Muyi, if you don't stop, you won't be able to wait for a while.

It's not one flying knife, but four flying knives. Let's see how many you can dodge. "The narrow-eyed adventurer behind Chen Muyi sneered.

Chen Muyi knew that what the other party said was true, and there was no way they would let him go.

Why are there no alien beasts appearing?

His mind was so confused that he tripped over a tree root while distracted. He fell to the ground and rolled several times before he stopped.

The fall was painful, and due to the strenuous exercise, the wound bleeded heavily, and he felt a little dizzy.

He closed his eyes, knowing in his heart that he was finished. If he fell into the hands of those four white-eyed wolves, he would definitely die.


so quiet.

The whole world seemed to have suddenly lost its voice.

He frowned and opened his eyes in confusion. The next moment he saw a picture he had never seen before.

In the woods, a ‘glass ribbon’-like existence twisted and spread out, and the four adventurers who were chasing him were wrapped in this ‘glass ribbon’ like amber, and their bodies were completely still.

Each of them had different movements. It can be seen that they were still moving violently the moment before, and the next moment it was as if they were paused, so they kept the movement at that moment and stopped completely.

“What the hell is this?”

Chen Muli sat up, feeling a little creepy.

He first suspected that this was the alien beast he attracted, but after watching it for a while, he could not feel any signs of life in this thing.

At this time, he saw something moving in the ‘glass ribbon’, which was a very small stone, which seemed to be floating slowly from a distance.

When this stone floated to the adventurer, it was like an indestructible bullet, directly piercing the bodies of the four adventurers.

But no blood flowed out.

Where the four adventurers were pierced, the space was slightly distorted, all the cells were squeezed together, and the edges were slightly protruding, looking like the mouth of a wine bottle.

Chen Muli didn’t know why, but he felt an extremely terrifying feeling in his heart.

He stood up with shaking legs, turned around and ran without saying a word.

At first he was still panicking and didn't know where to go. After running for a distance, he realized that he had to go back to the city to be safe.

So he changed direction and ran towards the city at full speed.

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