I Contracted Myself

【161】Magical Crucible

Most lives can only see the world from one angle.

Because of this, life is limited and the world we see is unreal.

After Chen Muyi ran wildly for an hour, he saw the four adventurers under him. They had their backs to him and still maintained their previous movements.


Chen Muyi covered his wound and slowly stopped.

He looked at the four adventurers with their backs turned to him, his eyes revealing deep despair.

Why is this happening?

It was obvious that he was running forward, and it was obvious that the direction he was running towards was the city.

But in the end he came back here, back to where he started.

an hour ago.

Outside the Lizard City, a circular space door slowly opened.

Wuming came out of the door and turned around to see an extremely spectacular scene. Above the huge city, a lake fell like a CD, inserted right in the center of the city.

This lake is only half of the lake, and the bottom is solid. It looks like a huge aquarium.

After the lake was inserted into the city along with space debris, Wuming could even see the fish swimming leisurely in the lake, completely undisturbed by the changes in the outside world.

But it's different in the city.

Because of the falling of the lake, screams and cries suddenly came one after another.

"Sister Weihua, I found a disaster point. Please arrange for help quickly." Wuming contacted Chen Weihua directly, provided the coordinates, and then went into the city to rescue people.

Of course, the work of rescuing people is actually completed by the dragon shell in conjunction with information control. With his small arms and legs, he can only sit inside the dragon shell while eating and analyzing the situation of the world.

The world is invaded by a large number of small fragments that insert themselves into the world with interesting results.

Many areas were completely distorted, forming a space similar to a closed loop, and some areas were cut open, forming fragments that fell into the void.

Fortunately, there are not many debris falling on this planet. Even if the world is about to be destroyed, the rescue team has a week to rescue and even collect resources.

The nature of space is diverse.

Wuming's understanding of space was very limited before. Even if he had space ability, his understanding of space was limited to 'space = energy'.

But now he is right

There is more understanding of space.

Space is like water, but also like ice. Different shapes will even produce different spatial properties.

Sharp and sharp space energy can easily cut through all things, rounded space energy can form a closed-loop space, and uneven space energy can even form a space with extremely weird physical laws.

Nowadays, the space fragment inserted into the Lizard City is actually a space with relatively rounded edges. Because the edges of the space are very blunt, everything inside is not destroyed and life can survive inside.

Theoretically, if this fragment is sealed, it can be used as a small world.

"Help, help!"

The city was in chaos, with dragon shells flying around to rescue the residents trapped under the rubble.

Wuming kept staring at the space fragment inserted in the center of the city. Suddenly he felt that the fragment seemed a little smaller. He wiped his eyes and looked again, but the fragment did not seem to have become smaller.

He felt something was wrong, so he continued to stare.

Sure enough, after a while, the fragments seemed to be a little smaller again. This time he was definitely not wrong.

He pulled the light in front of him and gradually enlarged the collision point between the space fragment and the city. In fact, this fragment had already opened up a huge space before finally hitting the ground.

Therefore, the impact point squeezes a large amount of space energy.

When Wuming found the impact point, a look of disbelief appeared on his face. He murmured to himself: "This... is too unscientific."

On the ground, a small black crucible withstood the pressure of space debris and stood intact on the ground. Moreover, the space around it was distorted and compacted, forming a layer of substance similar to a coating. Attached to the crucible.

The crucible and the space energy actually became one, so when the fragments were pressed down, they squeezed into the inside of the crucible little by little.

Wuming couldn't understand it, but he felt greatly shocked, so he decisively used the identification technique on the crucible.

[Identification successful]

[Magical Crucible: Can compress space into cubes, its specific use is unknown. 】

Then Wuming saw how the magical crucible was made.

This is just an ordinary crucible. The original owner was a pharmacist with a sinister face. After the space collapsed, the space where the crucible was located just shattered, forming a small independent space.

simply put,

There is only one crucible in this space fragment.

This fragment drifted in the void and encountered countless space collisions. Time did not exist in the void, and the crucible could not be destroyed.

Collision after collision, the space is continuously compressed, and finally becomes part of the crucible.

In fact, there is an extra layer of compressed space on the surface of the crucible.

But then such miracles happened again and again. It crashed into several worlds. Because of the compressed space energy on the surface, it crashed through those spaces and took away part of the space debris.

Just like this, it was compressed again and again, and forged again and again, and gradually it seemed to have miraculous abilities.

After watching the journey of the crucible, Wuming opened his eyes for a while before sighing: "Sure enough, the world is so big and full of wonders, and there are so many things I don't understand."

He controlled the dragon shell to fly under the magical crucible and grabbed the crucible with both hands.

When his will was injected into the crucible, the crucible immediately exerted a powerful force, and the fragments that were inserted horizontally on the city were sucked into the crucible in an instant.

However, after the space fragment disappeared, a crack remained in the middle of the city.

It may be because this fragment containing a lake was inserted into this world against the crucible, so the space barrier of this world is circular.

Although many holes were cut, the crack in the Giant Lizard City was very round, so there was no collapse or spread.

Of course, this is only temporary stability, and the balance will be broken sooner or later.

Ten minutes later, a large number of members of the rescue team entered the city, and the next work will be taken over by the logistics team.

Wuming rescued several more people, and then saw the logistics team coming over and flew into the air to observe the cracks. Sure enough, the edges of the cracks were not sharp, and there were no more small cracks, but the cuts were very smooth.

"I wonder if it can be repaired?"

Wuming's heart moved, but the impulse was quickly suppressed.

There are still many people in the city now. Even if he wants to do experiments, it is not at this time. If something unexpected happens, it will be troublesome.

"Hey, what's that over there?"

Wuming noticed that outside the city, about tens of kilometers away, the space was twisted into a flat O shape, the trees were all bent together, and even the ground was twisted into the sky.

It was like a bubble!

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