I Contracted Myself

【162】The Beast of Reality and Fantasy

Chen Muli's adventure team is named Anliu Team.

The meaning is very clear, that is, Chen Muli wants to send all the monitor lizards to rest in hell.

In addition to Chen Muyi, the other four members are the awakener Chen Guanglu who awakened the power of giant strength, the awakener Chen Anping who awakened the scale armor ability, the awakener Liu Nenghuo who awakened the bullseye ability, and the awakener who awakened the stone skin ability. Zhang Zhenshi.

The abilities of the four of them are not particularly good. The strongest Liu Nenghuo is only at the actual combat level, while Chen Anping's ability is only at the practical level.

They all know that no matter how hard they train, they will only remain at the level of advanced awakened beings throughout their lives.

So, they just want to make money.

Originally, according to their plan, after catching Chen Muli, they would move him to a resettlement site they had prepared, and then slowly torture him to learn how to hunt the monitor lizard.

But they underestimated the energy a person could unleash when faced with danger, and in the end, Chen Muli ran away.

On the way to catch up, Liu Nenghuo and others were actually put off, mainly because they were afraid that the injured Chen Muyi would torment him to death.

If Chen Muli dies, they will be brought back to their original form and become the lowest level adventurers in the city. They can only hope that other adventure teams will take a fancy to them and let them join the adventure team to work as cowboys and horses.

But what happened next left them at a loss.

Chen Muyi, who was still running, was suddenly hit by something, and then his body turned into a ball of flat material. Then his body was spread out infinitely, with human skin connected to internal organs, blood, blood vessels, nerves, bone……

These parts belonging to Chen Muli gradually spread out and finally formed a circle.

"What...what's going on?"

Liu Nenghuo squinted his eyes and stepped back subconsciously.

But at this time, Chen Anping behind him said in horror: "Look... behind!"

The other three people looked back one after another, and then they saw a twisted space, and then Chen Muli ran quickly from the distortion, and then disappeared suddenly.

"in front of!"

Chen Guanglu roared, subconsciously clenching the ax in his hand, his strong muscles bulged, and blood vessels protruded.

"Something is wrong, something is very wrong. Let's retreat!" Liu Nenghuo gritted his teeth, his pupils turned into a cross shape, and said quickly.

Zhang Zhenshi, whose body was covered with a layer of rocks, asked: "Which way to go?"

"follow me!"

Liu Nenghuo glanced around, then walked towards his right front.

The main reason is that the woods on the right front are not distorted, but the sunlight outside is a bit harsh, even a bit too white.

Liu Nenghuo strode forward. The remaining three knew that Liu Nenghuo had the best eyesight, so they followed silently. When they passed through the woods, they suddenly felt that something was not right. The surrounding light was too white.

"Brother Can Live, it seems something is wrong!" Zhang Zhenshi said weakly.

But the next moment he realized that Liu Nenghuo was missing. He turned around and looked back. Chen Guanglu and Chen Anping had also disappeared.

At this moment, the other person immediately panicked and couldn't help but subconsciously run back. But before he returned to the woods after running for thirty seconds, he knew something was wrong.

"Brother Huo! Brother Lu! Anping!!!" He couldn't help shouting.

But no one responded to his call, and there was a vast white silence all around.

Suddenly, his heart trembled violently, and a feeling of heart palpitations spread from his soul to his body. He was suddenly sweating profusely, and his hands and feet were shaking slightly.


Zhang Zhenshi subconsciously activated his power, and the rocks covering the surface of his body became more compact.

The next moment, a huge green lizard appeared behind him, and drool fell on his shoulders. He turned around with a pale face, and then saw the huge green lizard.

Before he could react, the lizard lowered its head very flexibly and opened its mouth to bite.

A large amount of blood flowed along the legs to the ground, and a pool of red blood suddenly appeared on the white ground. The legs shook slightly, and finally fell to the ground.

Only the legs were left of these legs, and everything above the thighs was gone.

On the other side, Chen Guanglu was also running.

Chen Guanglu's parents wanted him to have wider walks as he walked, so they named him Chen Guanglu.

Chen Guanglu is indeed a man who knows how to work hard.

Superpowers like giant strength are of very low value in the Lizard City.

After all, he has all the weaknesses that a person should have, except that he is a little stronger than ordinary people.

In the beginning, he could only work as a senior worker in a trading company and move rocks. However, after deliberately working hard, he later joined an adventurer brother and worked as an ox and horse in an adventure team. Under normal circumstances, he was not required to fight. He needs to transport the prey he hunts.

Later, Chen Muyi had a falling out with his teammates in the adventure team, so he took the opportunity to join Chen Muyi's team.

In fact, he didn't have many ideas himself, but under Liu Nenghuo's instigation, he was blinded by the huge benefits and wonderful progress, and finally joined the ranks of forcing the palace.


To be honest, he regrets it now. If Liu Nenghuo hadn't been instigated, how could he be in this situation now.

This ghost place was completely white, and no matter how he ran, he seemed to be standing still. He was panicked and afraid, and he didn't dare to stop at all. He always felt that if he stopped, he would be overtaken by unknown dangers.

If I had known that the result would be like this, I might as well have worked honestly with Chen Muyi.

Although Chen Muyi is not a thing, it is still more comfortable than being a cow and horse in other adventure teams, not to mention that when he was in the trading company, the managers really didn't treat him as a human being, they just treated him as a beast.

"Liu Nenghuo!!! Chen Anping!!! Zhang Shitou!!!"

In panic, Chen Guanglu couldn't hold back the fear in his heart, so he shouted loudly.

If he could find other people, maybe he wouldn't be so scared.

Suddenly, a small dot appeared in front of him.

Chen Guanglu's eyes lit up, dragging his tired and scared body forward. Gradually, the small dot became bigger and bigger, and his eyes became bigger and bigger.

It was not a small dot, but a huge lizard. It still had half of Chen Anping's body in its mouth. The blood of the body flowed back to the head and dripped on the ground along the long hair.

Chen Anping's eyes that were not closed after death, and the fearful expression on his face before his death made Chen Guanglu suddenly feel a chill running straight from the soles of his feet to the top of his head, and his hair and sweat hairs all exploded instantly.


Chen Guanglu shouted in his heart, subconsciously turned around and ran.

What happened to the awakener?

What happened to Juli?

At this moment, Chen Guanglu was more like a weak chicken who was powerless, and his heart collapsed first.


After running countless laps, Chen Muli sat on the ground tiredly.

He leaned against the big tree, and there was only despair in his heart. He couldn't run away from this ghost place.

Suddenly, he felt something changing in his sight, frowned and looked at the four motionless people, and then his pupils shrank suddenly.

The four people who were pierced by the small stone before without bleeding, now have strange changes in their bodies. Zhang Zhenshi lost two legs, and blood kept flowing out from the broken ends. Chen Anping's waist was cracked, and blood kept spurting out.

The next moment, Chen Guanglu's body also changed. In an instant, his head disappeared, and the broken neck was like a volcanic eruption, and blood spurted out.

What the hell is this?

Chen Muli's face turned pale, his hands and feet were cold, and he looked at the four people in fear.

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