I Contracted Myself

【163】Nightmare Lizard

What is space?

If it were before, Wuming's answer would definitely be: space is a kind of energy.

After his experience in the Lizard City, he gained a new understanding: space is like water, but also like ice, and different shapes will even produce different spatial properties.

But when he flew out of the city and came to the huge O-shaped bubble space, he was confused again.

The inside of the O-shaped bubble was completely white. At first, he thought it was round, but when he looked at it from another angle, he discovered that it was actually flat, like a mirror.

But it would be wrong to say that it is really flat, because it does have a huge space inside.

"There's blood in it!"

Wuming suddenly discovered that there was a pool of blood in the vast white space. The blood was unreal, like red mist, sometimes spreading and sometimes condensing.

Is there someone inside?

Still alive?

Originally, he just planned to take a look and never thought about going in.

After all, the world will be destroyed soon. After transferring the people, the fragment will naturally fall into the void as the world collapses, and there is no need for him to deal with it at all.

But it would be different if there were people inside waiting for his rescue.

But when he tried to enter this space, he had a premonition that he would die if he entered!

"Are there any unknown dangers?"

Wuming sat in the dragon's shell, scratched his itchy head, and couldn't help but mutter to himself.

This space is so strange.

Because although Wuming refers to space fragments as 'fragments', in fact the space itself is not a flat existence like glass or a mirror, but a whole mass of space energy, wrapped inside the matter that existed in this space in the past.

There are indeed space fragments like lenses, but they are definitely not as flat as the O-shaped space in front of us, and the interior is so fuzzy and weird.

Apart from anything else, the feeling on the surface of this space is very weird. It has an illusory and unreal feeling, but it actually exists.

If I had to say what it was like, Wuming could only think of his dream city.

But Dream City is not that real. Although Dream City can store things, it is actually a manifestation of superpowers, and the O-shaped space in front of you has no superpower interference.

But Wuming can be sure that this is definitely not a physical phenomenon.

At this time, the information control analyzed some information about the O-shaped space. Wuming suddenly realized after reading it: "Did the dream become a space?"


It should be said that a ball of space energy hit a person, and then the unconscious person became the carrier of the ball of energy, so the ball of energy expanded like a balloon, and eventually turned into the O-shaped space in front of him.

Its surface is the dream of the unlucky person, and its inner layer is the consciousness of the unlucky person.

At the same time, the O-shaped space also occupies a part of the real space. If there is life surviving in that part of the space, once the unlucky person enters the dream, he will probably die miserably, because this dream seems to be a nightmare.

To be honest, Wuming couldn't understand why the unlucky guy had nightmares when he was in a coma.

However, dreams are feedback from reality. Perhaps the dreamer is uneasy and nervous in reality, so he has nightmares.

After understanding the situation of the O-shaped space, Wuming was a little troubled. In fact, the way to solve the O-shaped space is very simple, that is, wake up the unlucky guy who is dreaming.

Once the unlucky guy wakes up on his own, the dream will be automatically shattered... right?

The problem is that the other party is in the inner layer. If you want to wake the other party, you must enter the surface layer. Only after passing through the surface layer can you reach the inner layer.

The surface space rules must be beneficial to the nightmare itself. No matter how powerful Wuming is, he can only be killed by monsters facing unreasonable rules.

"Sure enough, we still can't take risks."

Wuming circled around the O-shaped space, but finally felt that it was too dangerous to rush in without knowing anything.

Now there is no guarantee Bodhisattva to help guarantee the safety. If you die, you will really die.

"Let's do a little experiment first!"

Wuming thought for a while, then simply flew to the woods below, uprooted a big tree, and then threw the big tree into the O-shaped space.

The big tree entered the O-shaped space and instantly disappeared into the white space. After about a few minutes, a large number of tree debris appeared on the surface of the white space.


Wuming's eyes suddenly widened.

He found that these tree debris were very similar to the mist-like blood just now, and they became very illusory and unreal.

Devouring reality?

It's a pity that the true nature of the nightmare is always hidden under that white.

The body of nightmares contains a large amount of information, and can even

Deducing what nightmares are all about.

If he could understand the nature of nightmares, Wuming would be able to enter the surface without dying.

Next, he threw some random things in.

Trees, rocks, randomly caught alien beasts.

The result was that many tree debris appeared on the surface, as well as an intact rock, while the alien beast only left a pool of extremely unreal blood.

Just when he was about to find something more to throw in, suddenly the Dragon Shell quickly retreated under the control of information control. While retreating, he raised his body's position and flew directly towards the sky.

The next second, a monster's head popped out of the O-shaped space, opened its mouth and bit at the place where Wuming was originally. After the blow missed, it glanced at Wuming in the sky unwillingly, and finally slowly retracted. O-shaped space.


Wuming's mood was a little complicated.

He saw the monster clearly, but that was not the true appearance of the monster. It was just an appearance made up of real matter.

Four twisted, tattered, extremely disgusting corpses, plus the corpses of trees and alien beasts, finally formed the outline of a lizard.

It turned out that someone had died inside, and it was unknown whether there were other survivors inside...

But now the situation is clear. The monster needs more real matter. If it devours enough real matter, it can come out of the space inside.

Wuming thought about it, and the next moment his mind power burst out, all the trees underground were uprooted and then thrown into the O-shaped space.

More than ten minutes later, a lizard made of trees slowly crawled out of the O-shaped space. Its eyeballs happened to be made up of two human heads, which were extremely terrifying and disgusting when twisted.

After coming out, it looked up at Wuming, and the next moment it slowly left.


Wuming looked at the giant lizard in surprise. He thought it would try to attack him madly.

But... since the lizard has run away, is the inside of the O-shaped space empty?

Then can he go in?

Wuming looked at the white O-shaped space and felt a sense of danger just as he was about to go in.

He stopped at the surface of the O-shaped space and sighed after a while.

It's not that easy after all.

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