I Contracted Myself



Chen Muyi weakly covered his wound and subconsciously called for help.

Although he knew very well that the probability of being rescued was very low, but now he had no choice but to call for help.

The wound on his waist was bleeding too much, and the strenuous exercise had consumed too much energy. Now he felt cold, tired, and thirsty.

Suddenly, he frowned, vaguely feeling as if he had lost something.

He couldn't tell what it was specifically, but the next moment his eyes widened as he watched a huge green lizard slowly walking from outside the forest.

So...so cute!

Chen Muli looked at the monitor lizard and suddenly felt as if he was in love.

The lizard approached him slowly and finally lay down beside him. He was obviously very tired, but he couldn't help but touch the lizard's body with his hands.


It feels very good in hand.

Chen Muyi couldn't help but touch it a few more times, and then suddenly froze.

its not right.

When did I like lizards so much?

I...I...shouldn't I hate lizards?

He suddenly realized that there was something wrong with his behavior. He used to frown when he saw lizards. Monitor City was the place he hated the most, because every household in Monitor City kept lizards.

He hated the lizard's cold skin, he hated the lizard's movable eyes, and he hated the lizard's tail.

In the end, he hated his father who loved the lizard more than he loved himself. He hated his father who owed a huge debt because of the lizard, which ultimately caused his mother to leave.


It's all my father's fault.

He was actually just venting his anger on the lizard.

Lizards are so cute, how could I hate lizards? All I have ever hated is my father!

sorry Sorry sorry.

I have done so many wrong things in the past and killed so many innocent little cuties.

Chen Muli looked at the lizard beside him, murmured to himself, and finally couldn't help but kiss the lizard. With this kiss, the lizard and him gradually became one.

"Sure enough, lizards are the most perfect creatures in the world!"

For a moment, Chen Muli turned into a lizard man. He opened his eyes, felt the changes in his body, and couldn't help but murmur to himself.

Thanks to the lizard, his wound healed in a very short time

, he feels that he is extremely strong now. If he encounters those four white-eyed wolves again, he can beat them into meat pies with one punch.

Getting up from the ground, he stretched his muscles and felt better than ever before.

"I'm a little hungry. It's time to find something to eat."

Chen Muli glanced around, then slowly walked out of the woods.

Originally, he could only run in circles no matter how hard he ran, but this time he easily walked out of the woods. Outside the woods was a vast white blank land.

He walked forward slowly, and suddenly his tail flicked violently, and a blurry figure was hit instantly.

The figure was knocked backwards by the huge force and rolled dozens of times on the ground before stopping.

It was lying on the ground like this, with its face facing the ground and its back to the sky, and its specific face could not be seen clearly.

"stand up!"

Chen Muyi walked forward slowly, looked down at the people on the ground, and said lightly.

The man on the ground slowly raised his head and showed a twisted smile to Chen Muli, and Chen Muli also showed a ferocious smile to it.

This face is so familiar.

When he was young, he saw the big one, from admiration to disgust, and even gradually turned into hatred.

"Father, you look delicious!" He looked at his father's face on the ground and said with a smile.

The next moment, the figure on the ground solidified and turned into the appearance of his father Chen Damu. Then Chen Damu used his hands and feet to jump up from the ground and pounce directly on Chen Muli.

The two of them immediately struggled with each other. Chen Damu grabbed Chen Muyi's shoulder tightly, and focused on Chen Muyi's head with his other hand, landing punch after punch.

Chen Muyi kept hitting Chen Damu's abdomen, causing a depression in Chen Damu's abdomen and a fist mark gradually bulging out on his back.

Finally, Chen Damu was hit by a heavy punch from Chen Muli. Because he failed to hold Chen Muli's shoulder firmly, his body was blown away by the punch.

But he reacted very quickly. He rolled quickly when he landed on the ground, and then one leg exerted force, and his whole body bounced up from the ground in an instant, just as Chen Muli stepped on it in its original position.

"Come on, keep going!"

Chen Muyi roared and immediately rushed towards Chen Damu.

The two collided again in an instant, and Chen Damu was knocked out on the spot. Before he even landed, a tail wrapped around his waist, and then he was pulled back to Chen Muyi. Chen Muyi smiled evilly and punched him one after another. Chen Damu's face.

Let you enslave the lizards!

Let you use lizards as food!

Chen Muyi punched happily, feeling that his heart was filled with joy with every punch.

Finally, Chen Damu's body became limp, as if his bones had been pulled out. Chen Muli's eyes trembled slightly, saliva flowed from the corners of his mouth, and with the next bite, he bent his head and bit down hard on Chen Damu's body.




After just a few mouthfuls, Chen Damu was devoured by Chen Muli.

After swallowing the last bite of meat that didn't look like meat, Chen Muli's body trembled slightly. The next moment, his dark green skin turned into blood red. At the same time, two sharp horns grew out of his forehead, and his body became stronger.

Originally, he was about three meters tall after turning into a lizard man, but now he has expanded to a full five meters.

"I am...the Lizard King!"

Chen Muli clenched his fists and then smiled confidently.

He wanted to rule all the lizards in the world, and then create a world where lizards were kings. Humans and even all other alien beasts were only worthy of being food and slaves of lizards!

Suddenly, a stone appeared out of thin air and hit him on the head.

The stone was very small, and it didn't hurt him, but veins suddenly appeared on his forehead.


He turned around and looked around, but didn't find anyone.

Then he vaguely heard a man's voice: "Strange, the feeling of danger seems to be gone again?"


Chen Muli looked in the direction where the voice came from and roared.

But the person who spoke still didn't appear, and he couldn't help frowning, his eyes exuding murderous intent.



Wuming flew in the air, holding a few stones in his hands.

As long as the feeling of danger didn't disappear, he would not easily enter the O-shaped space no matter what he said.

But this time the situation was even stranger. Whether he threw wood or stones, the creatures inside didn't seem to be interested.

He suddenly missed the lizard that had just left. At least the big lizard ate everything and was easy to deal with. Now he didn't know what was hidden in the O-shaped space, especially the fact that it didn't eat wood, which was really too much.

Could it be that the ghost thing inside wanted to eat people?

It really wanted to make trouble!

Wuming threw a stone into the O-shaped space while talking, mumbling to himself.

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