I Contracted Myself

【165】I understand

But soon Wuming noticed that there seemed to be some new changes in the O-shaped space.

Because when he got closer, the feeling of danger disappeared inexplicably.

Can we go in?

Wuming looked at the O-shaped space, and for a moment he didn't know whether it was better to go in or not.

What if this is a ploy to lure the enemy?

What if danger appears once he enters?

After all, he is also a big shot now, and there are countless people behind him counting on his survival.

Under the great destruction, countless living beings will be able to continue to survive because of him. If he takes risks casually now, it will be equivalent to disregarding the lives of those people.

Safety first, safety first!

Wuming muttered silently in his mind, and then threw small stones into the O-shaped space again.

It's impossible to get in, so you can only throw rocks outside to see if you can lure the monster out.

The next moment he threw the stone in, a red arm suddenly stretched out from the white space and grabbed his hand directly. However, the arm was too slow, so he easily avoided the arm's grasp.

"Hey, don't you need real matter?" Wuming suddenly showed surprise when he saw this arm.

The big lizard just now was made entirely of real matter, so it was able to come out of it, and this arm didn't seem to need real matter.


Maybe it’s already reality!

Wuming's eyes lit up, and when he retracted his arm, he quickly held the hand with telekinesis.

It's not very powerful, maybe it can be pulled out!

Wuming felt it for a moment, and then used force to pull his arm out.

In the space, Chen Muli originally wanted to pull in the creature that was throwing stones outside and kill it, but who knew that if he didn't catch it, there would be a terrifying force pulling it out.

This power is too strong, even if it turns into a lizard man, it is still no match for this power.

It gritted its teeth and pulled back, but its body moved outward little by little. Finally, it realized the terror of the creatures outside and knew that the monster was far more powerful than itself. Once it was pulled out, it would probably die!

"No, I don't want to go out!"

Chen Muli roared in his heart, and his arms that were pulled showed signs of tearing, and many of his scales split in half instantly.

At this time, the space it is in generates a large amount of white strip energy, and all the strip energy is wrapped around its body like a ribbon, and it immediately feels

His own strength increased greatly, and he pulled his hand back fiercely.

At the moment when it was pulled back, it actually tried to catch the unknown creature pulling itself, but failed.

"This feeling……"

After Chen Muli pulled back his arm, he quickly discovered what was special about the white strip.

As long as these white strips of energy are wrapped around the body, they will provide a steady stream of power to the body. If it transforms into a lizard and makes it feel that its strength has increased dramatically, then as long as it has the blessing of these white strips of energy, it will have the most endurance in the world. A powerful presence.

"I'm invincible!"

Chen Muyi wrapped all the white strips of energy around his hands, and instantly felt that his arms had a huge power that could crack mountains and crack rocks.

But at this moment, a thick beam of light was blasted directly from outside, and it was hit head-on by the beam before it had time to dodge.


Chen Muli was instantly hit by a beam of light that pierced his arms blocking his chest, and a big hole was punched through his chest.

The beam did not disappear after it penetrated it, but quickly bounced around in the space, and then hit it several times.

After three seconds, the beam disappeared.

Chen Muyi was lying on the ground, with an expression of doubt on his face.

It is obviously so powerful, why can the creatures outside be able to seriously injure it?

Countless white strips of energy drooped down at this time, and its body quickly recovered under the huge supply of energy. When its arms and legs grew back, these white strips of energy slowly retracted.

It just lay on the ground, not wanting to get up.

Outside the O-shaped space.

Wuming observed for a while, and then showed a look of understanding.

Sure enough, the O-shaped space became slightly smaller under his attack.

In other words, the creature in the O-shaped space does not have the ability to absorb real matter, so his attack actually hurts the opponent.

However, the red-armed monster seemed to have a very close connection with this space, so when his attack hurt the monster, the O-shaped space did not hesitate to use its own energy to repair the opponent.

"It's getting really interesting."

Wuming looked at the O-shaped space and wished he could pack up the entire space and take it away. Maybe if he understood the space in front of him, he could play with all the spaces.

At this time, Chen Weihua, Lin Renmei and many researchers rushed over.

"Wu Ming, is this the special dream-like space you mentioned?" Chen Weihua stepped forward.


Wuming fell to the ground and nodded: "Yes, but don't get too close, because this dream should be a nightmare dream, so there are unknown dangers in it."

Space is space.

Even Lin Renmei doesn't have the power to explode the space, so you can imagine how strong the space is.

When these spaces have their own rules, unless you have the strength to explode the space, you will inevitably be bound by the rules of the space you are in.

Perhaps existences such as Domainers can resist these rules, but Wuming and others do not have such strength, so they must be careful to test and observe carefully. Even Lin Renmei cannot easily enter such an unknown space.

"Don't worry, Yating got a piece of debris in a world before, and we all know how to deal with it." Chen Weihua smiled.

It has been several months since the beginning of the great destruction, and the rescue team has more or less accumulated some experience, especially the experience of dealing with space debris. It can't be said to be very rich, but it is definitely not a novice.

Next, several researchers took out several mechanical beasts, and after adjusting the frequency, these mechanical beasts were put into the O-shaped space.

Everyone can connect to the monitoring of the mechanical beasts through the energy engine.

Wuming was surprised when he saw the picture: "It turns out that there is really a white expanse inside. I thought this white substance was just a curtain."

"Is that the unknown danger you mentioned?" Chen Weihua looked at Chen Muli in the picture and asked.

Wuming nodded and said: "It should be this big guy. There was originally a big lizard inside, but because I put a lot of real matter, the big lizard ran away."

"Renmei has caught the big lizard just now, and it should have been transported back to the headquarters now." Chen Weihua said calmly.

At this time, a researcher said: "There is something wrong with this lizard man. There is too much energy in it, and you see, there is actually a person under the energy!"

In the energy observation screen, the lizard man looks like a human wearing a lizard rubber suit.

"I understand!"

When Wuming saw this picture, a flash of inspiration came to his mind, and he smiled as if he had gained something.

He already knew the nature of the lizard man, and also understood why the O-shaped space would spend energy to heal it.

Additional: The nightmare demon lizard is not that it does not attack Wuming, but it has its own rules of action. It will only attack those creatures that exude fear. Because Wuming was not afraid of it when he saw it, it did not attack Wuming.

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