I Contracted Myself


After being hit by space debris, Chen Muli fell into a coma.

After he fell into coma, the space fragments were combined with his subconscious dreams, so there was an O-shaped space in front of him.

The O-shaped space is divided into two layers, the surface layer and the inner layer. The surface layer is Chen Muli's nightmare, and the inner layer is Chen Muli's subconscious self-mapping.

The current situation is that Chen Muli's self has entered the surface from the inner layer, and has defeated his own fear and hatred, so he is equivalent to ruling this dream.

Of course, he is now the owner of the O-shaped space.

In this way, it is not difficult to understand why the O-shaped space consumes energy to heal Chen Muli.

Wuming told everyone his understanding. After hearing this, Chen Weihua frowned and said, "In other words, the people inside are actually the ones we need to rescue?"

"Strictly speaking, it's the spiritual body of the person we need to rescue." Wuming smiled.

Lin Renmei said calmly: "Judging from the current situation, the other party does not seem to be a good person."

Subconscious mapping is like speaking the truth after drinking. It can most truly reflect a person's temperament. Chen Muli cannot be considered friendly.

"It doesn't matter. What I'm interested in right now is the space itself. Saving people is incidental. Besides, we're not sure if there are any other survivors besides the lizard people inside, so it's worth wasting a little time." Wuming explained. road.

It can be said that it is to save people by the way, or it can be said that it is to study the O-shaped space by the way, because the two things are not in conflict in nature.

"If Wuming's judgment is correct, then there are two ways to solve this space now. One is a relatively simple method, just kill the lizard man, and the other is to pull the lizard man out of this space. But we don't I don’t know whether killing the lizard man will harm the opponent’s spirit, and I don’t know if pulling the lizard man out of this space will have any side effects,” Chen Weihua said at this time.

The reason why the first method is relatively simple is because if Wuming and Lin Renmei let go, they can kill the lizard men hiding in the space in a very short time.

Wuming had fought several times before. Firstly, he was worried about hurting the survivors who might exist in the space. Secondly, he also had a tentative mind, so he didn't really use his full strength to fight.


Not to mention Lin Renmei, even if she picked up a stone and threw it blindly, she might kill the lizard man directly.

"Be conservative and try to see if you can pull it out first. If it doesn't work, use the previous method." Wuming thought for a while, but still didn't want to be too radical.

Chen Weihua actually guessed that Wuming would choose the latter when she mentioned these two methods.

She nodded and smiled: "Then let's try and see if we can catch the lizard man out."

Next, under the control of several researchers, the mechanical beasts located in the O-shaped space opened the baffles on their backs, and a colorless and odorless gas dispersed in the space.

Chen Muyi was already lying down, and he was too scared to go out.

But as it breathed, the gas emitted by the mechanical beast was gradually inhaled into its body, and its heart beat faster and faster. Like a mouse forced into a corner, it suddenly jumped up from the ground, its eyes red. He turned around and looked around, as if he wanted to choose someone to devour.

However, it did not find the mechanical beasts on the ground, because these mechanical beasts have abilities similar to chameleons and are extremely difficult to detect against the white background of the O-shaped space.


Wuming looked at Chen Muli, who was getting increasingly violent in the picture, and asked, "So it will come out?"

"There is no guarantee that it will be provoked, but its current IQ is probably not much different from that of a real beast, so the probability of being lured out is quite high." Chen Weihua said with a smile.

The gas released by the mechanical beast comes from an illusion awakener. His ability is to give the liquid a special hallucinogenic effect, thereby triggering the inner emotions of fear, anger, sadness, etc. in the creature.

Now this ability user cooperates with the rescue team to develop a specially developed medicine, which can easily reduce the IQ of living creatures and make them aggressive and aggressive.

If the creature itself is in despair, it will even inspire the other party's determination to fight without any hope of life.

Under normal circumstances, this drug is used to target alienated beasts such as rats, and it can easily force rats to come out of certain special locations. Moreover, rats are generally very weak, and even if they are determined to do everything possible, they often just deliver food.

Although it is a bit risky to use it on lizard people now, there are

Wuming and Lin Renmei were preparing on the side, and Chen Weihua didn't need to worry about the lizard man coming out and hurting others.

Sure enough, the lizard man in the space was breathing heavily, and his eyes gradually focused on the direction of the first attack. If the space barrier was regarded as a wall, then the lizard man and Wuming and the others were now only separated by a wall.

The lizard man stepped forward step by step, the murderous intent in its eyes getting stronger and stronger. Finally, it roared and rushed towards the space barrier with its legs.

Although it is the master of the O-shaped space, don't expect the O-shaped space to stop it, because the O-shaped space itself only has instincts and does not have self-thinking.

If the lizard man is injured in space, the most it can do is instinctively repair the lizard man's injury.

If the lizardman himself does not want to go out, it may assist the lizardman to stay in this space according to the lizardman's wishes.

But now that the lizard man wants to go out on his own, the O-shaped space will not react in any way. It will not prevent the lizard man from doing anything he wants to do.

Instantly, the lizardman jumped out of the O-shaped space, its vertical pupils locked onto a petite female researcher, and immediately pounced on her.

But at this moment, a delicate white fist blocked it in front of it, and it was instantly hit into the sky by the fist. Before it could react, a powerful telekinesis bound it.

The one who punched was Lin Renmei, who hit the lizardman's chin with an uppercut, so the lizardman was punched into the sky while moving forward.

The telekinesis came from Wuming.

Without the assistance of the O-shaped space, the lizardman is really nothing now, and there is no room for resistance in front of the two.

"Is this solved?" Lin Renmei twisted her wrist, feeling that the fight was a little unsatisfying.

She didn't dare to use force in the previous punch, for fear that she would kill the lizardman with one punch.

At this time, the O-shaped space began to shrink, and under the eyes of everyone, it became a ball of indescribable energy. It was invisible and traceless, and its shape was similar to that of a water droplet. The reason why it could be observed was entirely because its existence distorted the surrounding space.

It's probably like putting glass in water. Although glass is as transparent as water, it is fundamentally different from water.

This energy is incompatible with this world, so it is clearly separated.

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