I Contracted Myself

【167】Bubble Shell

This ball of energy slowly fell downwards.

Directly below the energy, a man was lying on the ground dying, with a stab wound on his waist, but the most obvious thing was that he also had a wound on his head.

If you look carefully, you will find that the shape of this wound is exactly the same as this ball of energy.

Obviously, when this ball of energy first arrived in this world, it actually hit the man below, and then combined with the other person's subconscious dream, which led to these subsequent events.

However, being able to combine with the other party's subconscious dream is an extremely incredible phenomenon in itself.

Other members of the rescue team stepped forward to check the man's condition, while Wuming flew to the energy ball. He first tried to analyze the energy, but an interesting scene occurred.

Psychological analysis cannot capture this energy at all and penetrates directly through it.

"does not exist?"

Wuming looked at the information displayed on the screen with a look of surprise.

This ball of energy was clearly right in front of him, so why didn't it exist?


Can it only be touched by living things?

Wuming thought for a while and tried to use the dragon shell to collect the energy. As expected, the dragon shell passed directly through the energy because it was not a living thing.

In fact, there are many microorganisms in the air, but those microorganisms have no self-awareness, so they seem to have no way to interact with this mass of energy.

Wuming came out of the Dragon Shell. He stood on the Dragon Shell's arm and carefully stretched out his hand.

If his judgment was correct, then he should be able to touch this mass of energy, and even some interesting phenomena would occur, such as the creation of an existence similar to an O-shaped space.

To be honest, he was also a little curious about what shape his 'O-shaped space' would be.

Lin Renmei noticed Wuming's movements and immediately flew over to look after him.

"Don't worry, there should be no danger."

Wuming glanced at Lin Renmei, smiled and comforted her.

The next moment, his hand touched the energy group, but he did not interact with the energy group, he just grabbed the energy.

"Nameless?" Lin Renmei was a little worried when she saw this scene.

Wuming exerted a little force, but the energy remained motionless, only falling at an extremely slow speed.

Originally, the speed of this ball of energy should be very fast, so it smashed a big hole in Chen Muli's head, but now it is stuck in the space of this world and is squeezed by the surrounding space, so although it is still moving, it is actually The card is very secure.

"It's so interesting, Renmei, come and give it a try!" Wuming smiled and let go of his hand, then said to Lin Renmei.

Lin Renmei was curious and tried it. She tried all her strength, but she couldn't pull the ball of energy.

"It's obviously falling, but I can't pull it up at all." She said in surprise.

Wuming smiled and said: "If you want to pull it, you must at least have the power to destroy this world!"

Then his expression changed, he held the ball of energy again, and then activated his super power.

In an instant, this ball of energy expanded violently and enveloped his entire body. Lin Renmei was shocked, but before she could react, the energy ball became transparent and looked like a bubble. Bubbles, and Wuming is floating inside the bubbles.

"Are you okay?" Lin Renmei asked immediately.

Wuming shook his head and said: "It's okay, I'm just a little tired, but I didn't expect it to be successful. Now this ball of energy is also one of my outer shells."

He swam around in the bubble, then controlled the bubble to shrink to his body surface, and said with a smile: "This feels pretty good, come in and give it a try!"

As he spoke, he reached out and took Lin Renmei's hand. The bubbles followed Lin Renmei's hand and instantly wrapped her whole body.

"Strange, why do I feel like I'm sleeping?" Lin Renmei felt it, and then said in surprise.

Wuming smiled and said: "Because in this space, we are in a state of being both awake and asleep. We are considered to be awake and sleeping."

This space itself has no attributes. After experiencing the void wandering, it seems that everything in the space has been washed clean.

It was only after it met Chen Muli that it became what it is now.

Most people will fall into coma if they encounter it, or even get lost in real and fake dreams, but if a powerful being gets it, they can use it to stay awake forever.

Although Wuming is not strong, he directly turned this energy into a shell, so he can now enjoy the special benefits of this space.

"In other words, as long as you are in this space, you don't need to sleep?" Lin

After listening to Wuming's explanation, Renmei said thoughtfully.

In fact, she doesn't need to sleep, but as a human habit, she often takes a nap to relax her spirit.

"Yes, because now we have two states, one is sleeping and the other is awake, but these two states are perfectly superimposed." Wuming smiled.

Then he controlled the bubble to expand instantly, forming a large bubble five meters in diameter.

He pulled the dragon shell into the bubble, squeezed the dragon shell with his hand, and the dragon shell immediately became the size of a figure, and then put it in his pocket.

"Let's call this shell...bubble shell from now on." He named it with a smile.

Lin Renmei sat cross-legged in the bubble, stretched, and then asked: "How is its defense?"

"It can be very strong or zero. The lizardman before didn't know how to control it, so the defense of the space was zero." Wuming explained.

In fact, space is space.

If the lizardman knew how to use it, he only needed to prohibit all foreign objects from entering the interior, and Wuming and the others would be helpless.

Even Lin Renmei didn't have the power to blow up the space. Facing the space barrier with full defense, there was no way at all.

Now Wuming has turned this ball of space energy into a shell, and his control over space energy is far higher than that of the lizardman. He can turn on or off the defense at will, and even adjust the defense.

If we just compare the defense power, among all his shells, only the Death Shell and the Dragon Shell can be compared with the Bubble Shell. The other garbage shells can only be regarded as toys.

After explaining the various functions of the bubble shell to Lin Renmei in detail, the two landed on the ground. Wuming looked at Chen Muli who was being rescued and asked Chen Weihua: "Is he okay?"

"All the physical injuries have healed, but the problem is that his breath is getting weaker and weaker. The doctors can't figure out the reason. I suspect it has something to do with the lizard man." Chen Weihua replied.

Although Chen Muli's injuries were very serious, especially the excessive blood loss and the big hole on his head caused by the space energy, it almost killed him.

But the medical skills of the rescue team were too strong. As long as Chen Muli was still alive, the doctors of the rescue team could snatch him back from the hands of death.

The problem was that Chen Muli's physical injuries were healed, but there were still problems on the mental level.

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