I Contracted Myself


Wuming looked at the lizard man tied to the ground and guessed: "Why don't you try killing it?"

"What if I kill this lizard man and he dies?" Chen Weihua asked with a frown.

Wuming lay flat in the bubble and said helplessly: "What about now?"

"This bubble of yours is the previous space?" Chen Weihua looked at the nameless bubble and suddenly thought of a way.

Since the lizard people come from the O-shaped space, is there any way for Wuming to send the lizard people back to Chen Muli's head through bubbles?

"I'm afraid it can't be done." Wuming thought for a while, and finally said helplessly, spreading his hands.

The moment the lizard man comes out of the O-shaped space, it actually has nothing to do with this space unless it goes back on its own.

The problem is that now this space has been turned into a shell by him. Even if he turns the shell back into energy, it will only be pure space energy.

Everything that belonged to the lizard people was long gone.

"Why can't it be done?" Chen Weihua couldn't understand.

Wuming smiled bitterly and said: "My ability has 'polluted' this space energy, which is actually equivalent to formatting it."

"Then we can only do our best." Chen Weihua said helplessly.

Wuming still wanted to save Chen Muli. He controlled the bubbles to float next to Chen Muli and carefully observed Chen Muli's situation.

Under the treatment of doctors from the rescue team, Chen Muyi's physical condition was very normal in all aspects, but his biological force field was getting weaker and weaker, and his brain waves were like a vegetative state.

"You think, can you put a bowl on his head and call his soul to wake him up?" Wuming said, touching his chin.

A doctor who was squatting on the ground to treat Chen Muyi raised his head with black lines on his forehead and complained: "Captain, can you please think of a more scientific method?"

"Isn't there a way to use some superpowers?" Wuming said with a smile.

He took out a gem from his pocket, and a white energy instantly enveloped the gem, forming a necklace.

Next, a piece of light appeared in front of him. After filtering through countless superpowers, he connected to one of them and said with a smile: "Since his condition is similar to that of a vegetative state, let's try to see if we can reconnect his mind and body. , maybe there are other solutions.”

He spread his hands and activated his super power 'Tongxin Gu'.

Tongxin Gu consumes physical and mental energy to create two Gu insect seeds. After they are swallowed by two targets respectively, they will have telepathy and gradually become mentally unified.

One, from two people to one.

Wuming handed the Tongxingu seeds to the doctor and introduced the functions of the two seeds.

"Although I don't know if it will be useful, I can only do it now." After hearing this, the doctor said with some lack of confidence.

The main reason is that Chen Muli himself is already in a vegetative state, so it's hard to say whether Tongxin Gu can work.

The doctor fed the two seeds to Chen Muli and the lizard man respectively, and then everyone waited silently.

"To be honest, if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn't have believed that a person's soul could be separated in this way." A doctor said with emotion.

Chen Weihua entered the nameless bubble and sat down, and said casually: "It's not a soul. With this guy's strength, he is not qualified to produce a soul."

"Yes, the strength is too weak, and the mental power is not strong. It really doesn't look like it can give birth to a soul." A researcher pushed up his glasses and nodded in agreement.

Lin Renmei said in surprise: "Wouldn't that be even more magical? A creature without a soul can get a new body."

"Space is too mysterious. I'd better just study medicine honestly." A doctor said with a wry smile.

Chen Weihua said with a smile while studying the nameless bubble shell: "As long as we continue to follow the right path, sooner or later we will understand the mysteries of all spaces. What we don't understand now, we will eventually have the opportunity to understand it in the future." clear."

At this time, the bodies of Chen Muli and the lizard man both shook slightly at the same time, and then the unconscious Chen Muli subconsciously clenched the soil on the ground with his hands.

The doctor on the side quickly checked his condition. When he opened his eyelids, he saw that his eyeballs were shaking wildly, as if he had seen something.

On the other side, the lizard man was tied up, and his body was shaking violently.

Because although the lizard man was weak to Wuming and Lin Renmei, he still posed a considerable threat to other members, so Wuming took the initiative to control the bubble shell to move forward, and then used his telekinesis to check the lizard man's situation.

The lizard man's eyes were also trembling violently, and his heart was beating faster. At the same time, his body seemed to be undergoing some strange changes.

Someone has observed before that the lizard man in front of him seems to be wrapped in a layer of energy, almost like wearing a lizard gelcoat.

But now this layer of energy seems to be transforming into reality, and the cortex under the scales is rapidly forming, becoming more and more like a real lizard man.

"Put them together and look at them!" Wuming thought for a while and said.

The next moment, everyone moved Chen Muli to the side of the lizard man. Wuming reached out and grabbed Chen Muli's hand and placed it on the lizard man's hand.

"Is this useful?" Chen Weihua asked.

Wuming pondered for a moment and replied: "It depends on his choice. If he chooses to be a human, he should be able to change back to a human, but if he chooses to be a lizard... then he will probably be a lizard in the future."

The Tongxin Gu reconnects the two bodies. Because the two come from the same source, they now have the opportunity to fuse together under the influence of the Tongxin Gu.

The problem is that Chen Muli's subconscious mind has some kind of contradiction.

Chen Muli must hate lizards, but his spiritual body has been distorted once, so now he has become extremely fond of lizards.

This aversion has long become the instinct of the body, so Chen Muli's body and his own spirit are in conflict.

Now it depends on who will have the upper hand in the end and who will become the final leader.

Wuming and others watched silently, while the doctors kept confirming Chen Muli's condition. Suddenly, a doctor frowned and said, "Chen Muli's heartbeat has stopped."

"The brain waves have completely disappeared." A doctor frowned.

At this time, Wuming sighed and said, "It seems that the lizard man has won."

The next moment, the lizard man suddenly opened his eyes, grabbed Chen Muli next to him and opened his mouth to bite, but Wuming's action was faster than it, and he directly used his telekinesis to freeze its action.

"The rescue failed, let's destroy it humanely." Chen Weihua sighed.

If Chen Muli wakes up, then they are equivalent to saving a person, and if the lizard man wakes up, it is equivalent to saving a monster.

This mentally twisted monster must not be left behind.

Lin Renmei knew that Wuming didn't like killing, so she said, "Let me do it."

As she spoke, she stood up, took out a flying knife and threw it out, and the flying knife instantly pierced the lizard man's head.

Wuming rolled his eyes. In fact, he was not that fragile. Rescue had the possibility of success and failure. As long as he tried hard for it, he could accept it calmly regardless of the result.

As the lizard man's body gradually dissipated, everyone buried Chen Muli and returned to Giant Lizard City.

Now for this world, the rescue operation has just begun, and there is still a long time before it ends.

They need to save those who need to be saved and collect as many resources as possible, otherwise even if they save these people, they will eventually starve to death.

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