I Contracted Myself


A land of ten virtues, with blue sky and white clouds.

Wuming was sitting in a sea of ​​flowers, playing with a glass ball.

This glass ball is the bubble shell. At that time, he only activated his ability to convert space energy into the bubble shell, but in fact there was still a lot of room for transformation.

Now he is slowly modifying the bubble shell while waiting for someone.

The subsequent rescue missions in the Lizard City will basically be completed by the logistics team, and have little to do with the high-level combat capabilities of him and Lin Renmei.

After returning to the Lizard City for a day, he returned to the rescue team headquarters first, and after discussing with Chen Weihua, Lin Renmei, and Cheng Xuejie, he decided to open the weapons arsenal of the Ten Good Places so that some people could enter the Hope Post. Choose weapons from the station's arsenal.

If it were in the past, if you wanted to get these weapons, you would definitely have to exchange for meritorious service.

But now the plan cannot keep up with the changes, and the great destruction has suddenly come. Many worlds are facing the threat of collapse and destruction. The strength of the rescue team is too small in the face of the great destruction.

Even if the entire team stays awake from now on, it is impossible to save everyone, so Wuming and the others decided to arm a group of members as much as possible to make them stronger, so that they can assume more important positions and shoulder heavier responsibilities. .

Inside Hope Outpost.

Lin Renmei led several members of the rescue team into the weapons depot.

"Cool, these weapons are so cool." A girl said with bright eyes.

A man with his eyes covered with black cloth said calmly: "What a strong sword spirit. It seems that there are good swords here."

"By the way, why do we have to choose weapons with these big guys? Ni Jing, are you the illegitimate son of the captain?" Bai Mo followed a group of strong men, poked Ni Jing next to him, and whispered. .

Ni Jing rolled his eyes and said calmly: "Don't talk nonsense. This is a benefit for the first top ten of our New Training Academy. Everyone has it. Look over there...Luo Nitian and Bai Weiwei are here too."

Perhaps because they didn't know each other before, Luo Nitian and Bai Weiwei were also in a team, but they had two teammates who were not among the top ten in the academy, so Ni Jing and Bai Mo only paid attention to Luo Nitian and Bai Weiwei.

"The seniors in front have such strong auras, especially the one standing at the front. Do you know them?" Bai Mo looked at Luo Ni

Tian and Bai Weiwei glanced at each other, and then their attention shifted.

Everyone in the rescue team basically knows the well-known strong men, but there are also some members who don't like to be in the limelight and don't like to be noticed.

Bai Yating and her team were originally invited, but there was an important task that needed them temporarily, so they had no choice but to come back. Now standing at the front of the team is a member who is not well-known but is one of the best in the rescue team.

"The blindfolded one is called Yan Wusheng. He only joined the rescue team two years ago. In theory, he should be one of ours, but he is very capable, and his biological force field has reached level four. He is also a powerful swordsman. , so after passing the test, there is no need to receive training and you will pass the assessment directly." At this time, Luo Xi said softly.

Bai Mo exclaimed: "So strong!"

"He is ten years older than us. If we wait for another ten years, we may not lose to him." Feng Qiuhuang said calmly.

Luo Xi nodded and then introduced: "The girl next to Yan Wusheng is called Zhao Lingsui. She was popular on the Internet for a while a year ago. You should all remember her."

"Zhao Lingsui, such a familiar name, but I didn't use the Internet much in school." Bai Mo said.

Ni Jing said calmly: "Zhao Lingsui's super power is the heart of nature, which can control four natural phenomena. A year ago, she became famous on the Internet because she used her power to solve a world's famine problem. She was called the Chosen Girl. "

"Another title is Brother Cool." Luo Xi added smoothly.

Because Zhao Lingsui always talks about "cool", many people on the Internet call her "Brother Cool".

But as soon as Luo Xi finished speaking, Yan Wusheng and Zhao Lingsui looked back. Luo Xi immediately looked around, pretending that she had not spoken.

"Tch, that's not cool at all." Zhao Lingsui said boringly.

At this time, Chen Weihua said: "These weapons have their own personality just like superpowers. You are choosing them, and they are also choosing you. I hope you can find the weapon that suits you, so let's start now."

There are a large number of anonymously collected superpowers in the rescue team. Each of those superpowers has its own conditions. Members who have come into contact with those superpowers know that everyone actually chooses each other.

Yan Wusheng and Zhao Lingsui immediately walked forward, and Zhao Lingsui soon stopped in front of a wooden cane.


This cane exudes a natural atmosphere. Only the front end of the whole cane has a huge leaf, which looks like a shield.


Zhao Lingsui looked at the cane and drooled.

On the other side, Wuming was sitting in a sea of ​​flowers. He smiled and said, "Have you started choosing?"

He has contracted all the weapons in the arsenal, and he can check the status of these weapons at any time. Some weapons found new owners quickly, while others were not satisfactory to anyone.

Wuming was slightly distracted, and then withdrew his thoughts.

"The bubble shell currently only has defensive capabilities, and is easily squeezed by the original space in other worlds. It requires the integration of several superpowers to solve it perfectly."

Wuming looked at the bubbles in his hand and thought silently in his heart.

The bubble space is very special. It may have been just an ordinary space fragment, but after the cleansing of the void and the transformation of Chen Muxi by chance, it is essentially between reality and fantasy.

It has the properties of space and dreams, so it has unlimited potential like the Death Shell and has great room for improvement.

At present, Wuming's three most important shells are the Dragon Shell, the Death Shell and the newly acquired Bubble Shell.

The Dragon Shell is the shell he has been using before awakening his ability, and he usually uses it the most. The Death Shell still needs time to slowly nurture. Unless there are some suitable places, he will not use it under normal circumstances.

The last Bubble Shell, because of its special properties, Wuming may use it more often than the Dragon Shell in the future.

After all, the Bubble Shell can be used for rest and sleep and for work while awake, and he is now using superpowers to make the Bubble Shell more comfortable.

After the complete transformation, the Bubble Shell will definitely be more perfect.

Fairy Leopard Guide, Space Shield, Space Cutting...

Wuming energizes these abilities and then integrates them into the Bubble Space, while also adding a layer of dream characteristics to the surface of the space.

Before, when he looked inside the O-shaped space from the outside, it was all white. Now he used this characteristic of bubbles to create a screen.

Even if he was bathing in bubbles, people outside could only see him concentrating on practicing or working.

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