I Contracted Myself

【170】Eight-edged Mace that Shakes the Heavens and Earth

As a flattener.

In fact, Wuming is not a struggling force, let alone a roll king.

He is a jerk who can sit but never stand, and can lie down but never sit. If he hadn't known that there were things that only he could do, he would actually be a jerk most of the time, and he was still too lazy to turn over.

If he can do both by being lazy and getting things done, he is actually happy to be lazy.

For example, create a bubble shell as the most comfortable shell. When fighting in the future, he will put one shell inside another shell. He will always drink Coke and sing songs in the bubble shell, watching the dragon shell fight to the end with the evil forces, or save Innocent people trapped in fire and water.

In this way, it not only satisfies his personal desires, but also satisfies his inner righteousness. It is simply perfect!

Wuming felt happy when he thought about the beautified scene in the future, so he moved his hands more diligently, and the bubble shell had more and more functions, loading almost all the hedonic functions he could think of into it.

"Hey, did Ni Jing choose that weapon?"

Suddenly, he found Ni Wing standing in front of a gun through the contract.

The Dragon-carrying Chongyue Spear, a cone spear, is three meters long and as heavy as a mountain. The owner, Li Xiaolian, once used this spear to pierce a meteorite.

This is a very distinctive weapon, and it is also very, very heavy. Several members of the rescue team have tried to capture this gun before, but they all ended in failure.

Although Ni Wing is very strong, can he hold this gun?

Speaking of which, because of this gun, Wuming also investigated the original owner of this gun, Li Xiaolian.

The name Li Xiaolian may seem cute, but he is actually a tall, eight-foot-tall, powerful man with a very arrogant and arrogant character. He has taken action to protect the Hope Outpost many times, and he also has a rare good death among so many weapons. By.

His gun is almost a replica of him, imitating his personal temperament almost perfectly.

Wuming tried to reason with it at first, but in the end it didn't make sense. In desperation, he had no choice but to convince it with reason and beat it up before it agreed to sign the contract.

It is not that easy for ordinary people to surrender this gun.

Ni Wing has actually come around in a circle. He is fond of many weapons, but after trying them, he discovered one thing, that is, those weapons are too light.

He is very powerful. If he turns into a beast,

It can get bigger, and some weapons, while heavy enough, are too small.

It was easy to use when he maintained his human form, but after transforming into the orc form, those weapons were like toothpicks or daggers in his hands, which was too embarrassing.

After looking around, he finally fixed his sights on the Carrying Dragon Chongyue Gun. First of all, this gun was long enough that he could still use it even after he transformed.

Secondly, this thing is heavy enough, so it should feel good when hitting people with it.

As for marksmanship...

With a weapon of this weight, is marksmanship important?

Ni Jing stretched out his hand to hold the body of the Carrying Dragon Zhongyue Spear, then gritted his teeth and tried to pick it up. Soon he found that he had underestimated the weight of the Carrying Dragon Zhongyue Spear.

This thing is so heavy.

"Boy, even with your little strength, you still want to pick me up, so give up!"

Suddenly, a rough voice sounded in his mind, and at the same time, the voice was full of contempt, obviously looking down on him.

He was surprised for a moment before he realized that the sound was the sound of Dragon Chongyue's gun.

"Don't you want to shine again? As a magical weapon, don't you want to gallop on the battlefield anymore?" he asked.

The dragon carrying the gun, Zhongyue Qiang, laughed and said: "Glow and heat? Galloping on the battlefield? Is it with you? That's not called shining and heating, that's called a pearl secretly throwing. With your weak strength, you'd better find other weapons, Gungun." "

Obviously, Carrying Dragon Zhongyue Spear didn't look down on Ni Jing's strength at all.

Ni Jing didn't expect to come to choose a weapon, but was ridiculed by the weapon, and felt a little speechless.

He didn't say anything about thirty years to the east of the river and thirty years to the west of the river. He just silently let go of the Dragon Chongyue Spear and looked around helplessly. There were still many weapons that he hadn't seen yet. It seemed that it would take some time.

On the other side, Wuming, who was paying attention to the development of the matter, also sighed slightly. Sure enough, Ni Jing was not the protagonist. How could he easily subdue such an unruly weapon like the Carrying Dragon Zhongyue Spear.

But then things took a turn for the worse.

Ni Wing walked around in the weapons arsenal and finally saw a five-meter-long eight-edged mace.

The name of this eight-edged mace is the Earth-shaking Eight-edged Mace. It is about five meters long and weighs eight tons. It also comes with eight special effects. It is considered top-notch among all weapons.

Like the Carrying Dragon Chongyue Spear, many people have tried this before and after.

weapons, but they all ended in failure.

Now Ni Wing just wanted to try it without losing money, so he directly grasped the handle of the earth-shattering eight-edged mace, gritted his teeth and used strength to lift it up little by little.

"Too weak, let me go. It seems that you are not the one I want to wait for." The earth-shaking Eight Edged Mace's voice was thick and thick, a bit like the sound of a copper bell, deafening.

Ni Jing helplessly put down his earth-shattering eight-edged weapon, and couldn't help complaining: "The gun was like this just now, and you are like this now. Can't you look further ahead? It's not like I can't get stronger. Since I think I'm too weak, so just grow up with me. Who doesn't know how to grow from weak to strong?"

"Is the gun you're talking about that shit-yellow gun?" The Earth-Shaking Eight-Edge Mace suddenly asked.

Ni Jing nodded and said, "Well, that's it."

"Very good, happy cooperation. Since you want to become stronger, I will teach you everything I learned from my old master. Don't regret it!" The Eight-edged Mace suddenly changed his words.

Ni Jing blinked and said unexpectedly: "So... you agreed?"

"I agreed, but there is a request. When you become strong enough, you must let that shit-yellow gun take a good look at your strength and make it regret its mistake today." The Eight-edged Mace said indifferently.

Obviously, the Eight-edged Mace and the Tuolong Zhongyue Gun don't get along, so after getting to know Ni Jing and being rejected by the Tuolong Zhongyue Gun, it decided to train Ni Jing personally and then slap the Tuolong Zhongyue Gun in the face.

Ni Jing was a little confused for a while when he held the Eight-edged Mace. He didn't expect that he would really get the recognition of the Eight-edged Mace and get a top-level magic weapon.

He returned to the door of the armory and saw Bai Mo coming back with a smug look on his face a moment later.

"What weapon did you get?" Ni Jing looked at Bai Mo and asked.

Bai Mo smiled and said, "Secret!"

"Look at the weapon in my hand, is it big?" Ni Jing asked.

Bai Mo nodded and said, "Big!"

"Is it heavy?" Ni Jing continued to ask.

Bai Mo nodded and said, "Of course it is heavy!"

"Then do you think you can withstand it if it hits you?" Ni Jing asked.

Bai Mo quickly raised his hands and surrendered, "I was wrong, I shouldn't have kept you in suspense."

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