I Contracted Myself

【171】Looking for someone

Time flies by in the blink of an eye.

May flew quietly as the rescue team was busy.

Yan Wusheng, Zhao Lingsui, Ni Jing, Bai Mo and others also re-entered the rescue mission after choosing their weapons. Each of them has a heavy responsibility and is busy every day.

The rescue operation is not smooth sailing, and not every rescue can be successful.

There are many factors that affect the operation. The Great Destruction is only one of them. There are also human factors and environmental factors.

Some people do not believe in the rescue team. They would rather leave with their families than accept the help of the rescue team. The rescue team has no way to deal with this kind of people.

The resources of the rescue team are limited.

Instead of wasting time persuading these people, it is better to save more people who are willing to believe.

Maybe every time the time and resources wasted on these people can save more lives in other places, so even if the rescue team wants to save everyone, they can often only save a part of them.

Wuming also constantly participates in the rescue. He can find the worlds affected by the Great Destruction very quickly, so he always takes the lead and goes first.

Of course, after the bubble shell was transformed, most of the rescue operations were actually completed by information control in conjunction with the dragon shell. His body was surfing the Internet, exercising, exercising superpowers, eating and drinking in the bubble shell, and he was completely a salted fish.

However, there was one operation when he was really angry.

He went to save people with good intentions, but was slandered by the local ruler as the culprit of the disaster. After a battle between the two sides, the local ruler was defeated, but it aroused everyone's hatred.

In the end, he could only retreat helplessly and give up that world.

Of course, he did not blame those people for being ignorant and being easily deceived by the ruler. If he were in his place, he would be more willing to believe in his leader rather than an armored man who appeared inexplicably.

Later, he asked the logistics team to try to contact the people in that world, but unfortunately he still failed to gain the trust of the people in that world.

The humans in that world, led by the ruler, began a long migration. In the end, they were trapped and died in a high source. The world exploded into fragments. They existed in a slightly larger fragment and fell into the endless void with the fragments...

This is the last picture recorded by the logistics team.

Wuming looked at the people in the fragments in the picture several times, and he felt bad, but he knew that this was a situation that he had to experience and face.

He knew very well that there were too many uncertainties after falling into the void. Even if he was lucky enough to enter another world, it was actually just a slow death.

It was possible that the people inside would die in the collision of space, or they might die in the conflict between two spaces...

And in the future rescue process, this situation would not be the only one, and he would encounter more such situations sooner or later.

"It's June 1st without knowing it, wait... am I qualified to celebrate Children's Day now?"

Wuming was lying on the bed in the bubble shell, watching the tsunami outside being frozen by a punch from the Dragon Shell, and said to himself.

The Dragon Shell was saving people, but what did it have to do with him, Wuming, he was a little bored now.

During this period, Chen Weihua really treated him like ten people, even more than cattle and horses, appearing in different worlds all day long to buy time for the rescue team to search for supplies.

Although he was not tired at all, he was a little bored and lonely after being alone for a long time.

"Renmei, are you busy?"

Wuming thought for a moment, opened the communication software, and sent a message directly.

Ten minutes later, Lin Renmei replied: "I'm busy, saving a world, don't bother me if you have nothing to do."

"Oh, OK." Wuming said obediently.

Then he looked for Cheng Xuejie, Zhang Shouzhong, and Liu Sishan, but no one had time to chat.

He had no choice but to open the website to kill time.

The rescue team's network is very developed, especially now that countless worlds have been saved, and a large number of people have been absorbed. After being equipped with an energy virtual engine, everyone can go online, and the content on the Internet is more than a hundred times richer than before, and may be a thousand times or even ten thousand times richer.

But the most are the inquiry posts from newbies.

For example, someone asked, how can I graduate from the new training academy as soon as possible?

The answers are varied, one of which is to beat the captain. Wuming looked at it and silently clicked a thumbs up. If someone can beat him, they can really graduate from the new training academy immediately.

He closed the post and clicked on the next post:

[Shy Aoi Si: How can I become the captain's wife? 】

[Little Sun of the Rescue Team: First of all, it must be a woman! 】

[The passing hero: In fact, it is not necessarily impossible to be not a woman. 】

[Yanyan Wusheng: In fact, it is not necessarily impossible to be not a human, after all, the captain is a dragon, and dragons...】

[The upright Wang Chang: By the way, aren't you afraid that the captain will see this post at some point? 】


The floor below is very high, and everyone has a strong desire to reply.

Wuming read a few pages and silently used the authority of the authority dog ​​to check who these people are, and then silently recorded it in the memo.

Outside, with the efforts of Dragon's Shell, the rescue was a complete success.

Wuming took a look, then ordered Dragon's Shell to go to the next rescue site, and then he continued to surf the Internet.

"Wuming, do you have time?"

About half an hour later, Chen Weihua contacted Wuming and asked directly.

Wuming glanced outside. The dragon shell lifted up a wall that was about to collapse. Countless residents in front of him retreated one after another. Some people thanked him while retreating.

He replied: "I'm a little busy. Sister Weihua, if you have anything to say, just tell me. I'll do my best."

"One team has been out of contact for almost a week. If you have time, check what's going on." Chen Weihua said.

Wuming nodded and said, "Well, I'll investigate when I'm free."

"Thank you."

Chen Weihua rubbed his temple tiredly and turned off the communication.

"Out of contact for a week?"

Wuming looked at the list sent by Chen Weihua and said to himself.

Now that the rescue team's manpower is fully spread out, if one or two teams are missing, they really won't react as quickly as before.

There are too many possibilities in a week.

Especially now, once the rescue team is trapped in the space debris, they may fall into the void in a minute, or even go to another time. If they want to find someone, it will not be like finding a needle in a haystack, but the difficulty of finding a needle in the universe.

"Let's see what world they ended up in."

Wuming opened the information database of the information control, and then began to investigate where these people went.

After a moment, he looked at the information retrieved from the information database in surprise. This team didn't go anywhere in the end.

Doesn't that mean that this team is in the sewer?

Is it intentional to lose contact, in fact, to be lazy?

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