I Contracted Myself

【172】Worth it

Since the Great Destruction, the rescue team has had an extremely heavy task.

Almost all departments are busy day and night. Responsible people naturally understand that they are tired now, but that is to save more people's lives.

But not everyone has such a high level of awareness.

Some people join the rescue team for the welfare of the rescue team.

These people don't care how many people die in other worlds, nor do they care whether their laziness will have bad consequences. They just want to play, eat, drink and have fun every day.

After Wuming discovered that the missing people were actually at the headquarters, he sent the news directly to Chen Weihua. He believed that Chen Weihua would handle these people properly.

Dismissal should be dismissed, punishment should be punished.

Wuming closed the communication software, sighed slightly, and thought about it silently.

Do unto others, do not impose on others.

He had been vomiting during this period. If it weren't for the fact that his main body could be lazy in the bubble shell, he really didn't know if his perseverance would have persisted until now.

It's normal for some people to be lazy, but it's not okay to over-stress the members of the rescue team.

He knew that the current situation in the rescue team was mainly due to the fact that many people were too responsible, and some of them were even more responsible than him.

But the rest must be taken well.

"Sure enough, we still need to let the rescue team take a moment..."

Wuming thought to himself, but at the same time he realized that his idea would probably lead to the death of some people who should have been saved.

Issuing a command seems simple.

In a word, many people below can indeed get enough rest.

But while these people rest, the Great Destruction will not rest.

As a result, many people in the world will die as a result.

Without his order, some of these dead people might have been saved due to the efforts of the rescue team, but now they would die in a fragment of the world without anyone paying attention because of his light words.

There may be pregnant women who are looking forward to the arrival of their children, and babies with pure and innocent eyes who are full of curiosity about the world. It is difficult to empathize with this feeling without seeing and experiencing it in person.

When most people read novels and see the protagonist risking his life to save others, they will only call him "Holy Mother" and "brainless".

But if you change it to reality, you can see

When you see the specific images of the rescued people, their eyes eager to live, and their helpless eyes, you will understand in your heart why some people would risk their lives to save others.

Wuming hesitated for a moment, but finally did not send out the order.

He lay on the bed and sighed helplessly.

Is there a way to have both peace and security in this world?

The logistics team actually has enough nutritional supplements and a lot of drinks to relieve fatigue. Feel tired, but at least you won’t regret it when you recall the experience during this period in the future.

At this time, Dragon Shell moved away a collapsed wall. Under the wall, a woman hugged her child tightly.

Dragon Shell carefully checked the woman's condition, but the woman was no longer breathing. Dragon Shell carefully opened her hand and found that the baby in her arms was still breathing weakly.

Very good.

When Wuming saw this scene, he felt like a beam of light shone into his soul.

Why rescue?

Because there is so much worth in this world!

Rescue Team, Headquarters.

The sewers are being expanded every year, and street after street is spreading at both ends.

The rows of high-rise buildings are surrounded by trees and vines. Nature and the city are harmonious and unified. Some areas have even been transformed by boundary masters. Looking from the outside, a small piece of land turns out to be a golden wheat field. When the wind blows, the golden wheat fields appear. The waves of wheat rise and fall one after another, so beautiful.

The four-person team of Bai Mo received the mission and drove through a golden wheat field to a residential area hundreds of kilometers away from the rescue team's office building.

A gust of wind blew by, and Ni Wing wiped his nose and said, "I hate the smell of orchids, Ah Sneeze!"

"Let's find someone to ask for directions first. I've never been here before." Bai Mo turned around and said to the three of them.

Not far away, a group of old people were sitting under the orchid tree, knitting sweaters and chatting. So the four of them stepped forward and Luo Xi asked: "Old lady, do you know where Qian Sheng, Li Fenglang... these people live? ?"

The old man who was knitting a sweater raised his head and glanced at the four people, then smiled and replied: "I know, it's in that building over there, but they haven't been back for a long time, what do you want to do with those little bastards? "

"Aren't you back? We have something to do with them, thank you, old lady!" Luo Xi replied casually.


The four of them walked towards the building pointed by the old man, discussing in low voices as they walked.

"The old woman said that they haven't been back for a long time and may have moved to another place to hide." Luo Xi said.

Bai Mo frowned and said, "It's also possible that they came back quietly. As long as you don't go out, who knows they are back."

In the past few months, the rescue team has been able to receive excess supplies, because they are likely to encounter various emergencies when performing missions. If they are trapped in a piece of space debris, enough food can enable the team members to persist until rescue arrives. .

"Let's go and take a look before we talk." Feng Qiuhuang said.

Because they are teammates, Qian Sheng, Li Fenglang and others who have lost contact live in the same building.

Among them, Qian Sheng lives on the second floor.

The four of them went upstairs along the stairs, and when they arrived at Qian Sheng's house, they found mushrooms growing on Qian Sheng's door.

Bai Mo went forward and knocked on the door. After waiting for a while, no one responded. He raised his finger slightly, and a ball of ink came out of his sleeve. The next moment, the ink went into the keyhole. He twisted his hand and the door opened with a click.

"It's a pity that you don't become a thief." Luo Xi complained.

Bai Mo rolled his eyes and gently pushed the door open. A dull atmosphere suddenly emanated from the house. This kind of stuffy feeling can only be felt in a house that has not opened windows and doors for a long time and is not breathable.

"It seems that no one is here." Luo Xi fanned the stuffy air and said.

Bai Mo walked into the house, checked around, and nothing was moved. After coming out, he said: "Let's go to the next one."

"I guess they are not here." Ni Jing said as he walked.

Sure enough, after checking the next few houses, nothing was found, and from the situation in one of the rooms, it can be seen that they seemed to be on a mission.

"Something is wrong. I found a lot of Qian Sheng's chat records on the Internet. He is not the kind of person who likes to be lazy and hates work." Luo Xi said.

Ni Jing stood in the corridor on the third floor and looked down, saying calmly: "Let's ask those old people, they may know more."

In fact, although the rescue team headquarters gathers people from different worlds to live together, people from different worlds are still used to living together.

A community is often inhabited by residents from the same world.

Those old people must know Qian Sheng, Li Fenglang and others better than them.

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