I Contracted Myself


The four people went down and asked, and sure enough, although the answers from the old people were varied, they all believed that Qian Sheng and others were not lazy people, especially Li Fenglang, who was an enthusiastic young man. If there was no need to go on a mission, he would often help the old people with whatever they could. .

"It seems there is something wrong with this loss of contact."

Luo Xi said seriously as Ni Jing and others walked out of the community.

According to these old people, it is impossible for Qian Sheng's team to be deserters, but they are indeed missing, and they are still missing from the headquarters.

"The headquarters has taken in a large number of refugees recently. Is it possible that it has something to do with these refugees?" Feng Qiuhuang asked suspiciously.

The quality of the refugees varies, and there are uncertainties among those who are bold enough to take action against the rescue team.

"Then check it!" Ni Jing clenched his fists and said seriously.

They are rescuing people from the front. If the person being saved dares to hold back, he will never forgive him.

But in this case, they must first find out where Qian Sheng and others last appeared.

According to clues provided by the elderly in the community where Qian Sheng lives, Qian Sheng last appeared in the community a week ago and never came back.

If it is normal, then they will go to the office building where the task is handed over, then pick up the task and go to the task location.

They need to take a car on the way to the office building, and there are many surveillance devices that may inadvertently record their footage.

Luo Xi immediately applied to Chen Weihua for permission to access the screen.

After a moment, he started investigating after getting the authority. The car surveillance footage from a week ago was quickly found. Half an hour later, he said: "I found it, look!"

He shared the picture with everyone.

Ni Wing opened the screen and saw that Qian Sheng, Li Fenglang and others in the screen looked tired, but they were relatively relaxed and fell asleep quickly in the car.

Then about fifteen minutes later, they all got out of the car.

"Look at the reflection in the car mirror, they didn't enter the office building!" Luo Xi said.

Bai Mo smiled and said: "That direction is a restaurant that many people like. I guess they want to have a meal or something. After all, people are like iron rice. Even if they are on a mission, they have to eat before going."

"Can you retrieve the surveillance footage from the restaurant?" Feng Qiuhuang looked at Luo Xi and asked.

Luo Xi nodded and said, "The permissions are OK, let me check."

After a moment, he said: "Found it."

When he shared the picture with everyone, everyone frowned after reading it, because the content in the picture was too bland. Qian Sheng and others left directly after paying for their food, and there were no accidents in the whole process.

But then Luo Xi said in a deep voice: "That's all. They didn't enter the office building. The surveillance of the office building didn't show them entering."

"In other words, what happened to them after they left the restaurant and then they lost contact?" Bai Mo said, touching his chin.

Ni Wing suggested: "Let's go to the restaurant first. I happen to be a little hungry."

"How about we walk along the path Qian Sheng walked and see what they saw?" Bai Mo said with a smile.

Luo Xi thought for a while and agreed: "It is indeed worth trying!"

Then they took the time to get on the bus that Qian Sheng and the others had taken before. After arriving at their destination, they walked towards the restaurant. They didn't seem to be investigating anything along the way. Instead, they talked and laughed, looking very... easy.

The name of the restaurant Qian Sheng and the others went to was called "Pao Ye". The owner of the restaurant had joined the rescue team a few years ago. Later, he had a shadow in his heart after a rescue failed.

Because of psychological problems, he quit the rescue team at that time.

With the help of his former teammates, he opened a restaurant at the other end of the office building. Because his superpowers were also unique in cooking, it quickly became popular among the members of the rescue team, and it became a hit. For four or five years.

The four of them came to Pao Ye's restaurant, ordered a lot of meat, and then started eating and drinking.

The four of them were very active, so they also ate a lot. Each of them ate several kilograms of meat and drank a lot of drinks, and then they left the restaurant satisfied.

After walking out of the restaurant, the four of them looked at each other, and then Bai Mo said, "Where are we going now?"

"It's definitely not going to the office building anyway," Ni Wing said.

Luo Xi looked around, and finally her eyes fell on a transfer station in the distance, thinking: "The transfer station over there, I remember it seemed to have been used to transfer refugees before. Let me check when it was."

"Are you still suspicious of refugees?" Bai Mo asked.

Luo Xi said calmly: "As long as it is a clue, I don't want to let it go, especially when potential dangers appear.

Headquarters, can you feel at ease? "

"No." Bai Mo replied honestly.

After all, his relatives and friends are all at the headquarters. If there are unknown dangers hidden in the headquarters, how can he carry out his mission with peace of mind.

After a moment, Luo Xi said: "We found out that refugees did enter the transfer station that day and were waiting to be transferred to the temporary residential area."

"Is there a list?" Feng Qiuhuang asked.

Luo Xi nodded and said, "Of course, the logistics team has always been very strict in this regard."

"Then check them one by one according to the list. I don't believe you can't find anyone." Ni Jing said.

Next, the four people went directly to the temporary residential area.

The rescue team has placed temporary residential areas for refugees in the most fringe areas of the city and has been expanding them. As more and more people are rescued, these areas may become permanent residential areas in the future.

After taking the bus and changing stations several times, the four finally arrived at their destination in the evening.

The houses in the temporary residential area are all wooden houses, built by awakeners such as wood elements and stimulating plants. Although it is a temporary residential area, the houses are very delicate and much more comfortable than the original houses of the refugees who moved in.

And there is an electric light tree every 500 meters. With the electric light tree providing power, every household has directly entered the electrical age. For many refugees, it is like suddenly traveling from ancient times to modern times. It is still the enthusiastic guidance of neighbors that gradually adapt to today's life.

Now many people in the temporary residential area have gotten used to it. Even in the evening, there are many pedestrians on the streets, and some parents are walking with their children, with happy smiles on their faces.

Ni Jing and his friends did not dare to be careless. Under the leadership of Luo Xi, they came to a family that appeared at the transfer station that day.

Everyone stood in front of the door. Ni Jing, Luo Xi, and Feng Qiuhuang all looked at Bai Mo. Bai Mo blinked and asked in confusion: "Why are you all looking at me?"

"Knock on the door, aren't you a very friendly person?" Luo Xi said.

Ni Jing agreed: "Social terrorist, that's you."

"All the gossip in our team comes from you." Feng Qiuhuang added.

Bai Mo looked embarrassed and had to knock on the door. About a minute later, a woman opened the door and saw four burly men standing in front of her door. She subconsciously took a step back.

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