I Contracted Myself

【174】Ghost Baby

This woman was wearing ethnic costumes, and her appearance could only be considered above average, but the frail look she showed when she was scared could easily arouse men's desire for protection.

"Don't be afraid, we are all members of the rescue team." Bai Mo said quickly with a smile.

The woman asked suspiciously: "Is...is something wrong?"

"Excuse me, what were you doing a week ago, around noon?" Bai Mo looked at Luo Xi. Seeing that Luo Xi didn't give any hint, he scratched the back of his head and asked directly.

The woman subconsciously grasped the edge of the door and said doubtfully: "While waiting for the bus, Sister Zhou from the logistics team said that we would be home when we get here, so at that time I was waiting for the bus under Sister Zhou's arrangement."

"Then have you seen these people?" Bai Mo looked at Luo Xi again. Luo Xi gave Bai Mo a strange look. Bai Mo saw that Luo Xi still didn't give any hints, so he went straight to the point and took out the photos of Qian Sheng and others. asked.

Luo Xi's expression changed, and then she realized why Bai Mo kept looking at her. He rolled his eyes and wanted to say something but it was already too late.

"No, I haven't seen it." The woman glanced at Bai Mo's bare head and then replied.

Bai Mo closed the window and said with a smile: "Okay, thank you, sorry for bothering you."

"Can I close the door?" the woman asked.

Bai Mo nodded and said: "Turn it off."

After the woman closed the door, Bai Mo turned around and said, "She said she had never seen her before."

"She said she hasn't seen it before, so she really hasn't seen it before?" Ni Wing rolled his eyes and couldn't help complaining.

Emperor Feng Qiu was speechless and said, "If you just show Qian Sheng and the others' photos and ask them, if that woman is the murderer, you are just trying to scare the snake away."

"What the hell did you learn in the cultural classes in college?" Luo Xi couldn't help but ask.

Bai Mo blinked and said in surprise: "Is this still taught in the academy?"


Ni Jing, Feng Qiuhuang, and Luo Xi nodded at the same time.

It is said that no coincidence can make a book.

After the woman closed the door, her heartbeat suddenly accelerated. She tried to maintain her normal appearance, slowly turned around and walked to the chair to sit down. She kept crossing her hands and twisting them hard...

What to do, the rescue team is coming!

She was flustered, but it was a pity that no one could discuss it with her.

In fact, she saw

Guo Qian Sheng and them, she was pregnant with the child at that time, and the child could not help but want to kill. After she escaped from the crowd, she stumbled all the way, and finally fell on the roadside.

At that time, Qian Sheng and others happened to see her, so they stepped forward to help her up and asked her if she needed to go to the hospital.

But she didn't dare to go to the hospital at all. Finally, under the coercion of the baby in her belly, she lured Qian Sheng and others into a deserted alley...

She actually didn't want to harm anyone, but she didn't want to die even more.

Once the rescue team investigates clearly, she will definitely be kicked out by the rescue team, and she will definitely die at that time.


We can't let those four people leave. After they investigate everyone, they will probably reveal that she is pregnant. At that time, her belly looked like she was five months pregnant. It had only been a week. How could it be like this? look.

It was also her own fault for being careless. She had just finished taking a shower at this time, and she forgot to disguise herself due to her relaxation.

After all, she is not the kind of trained special attacker, nor is she a rigorous combatant. In the past, she was just an ordinary woman. If she hadn't encountered that piece of space debris, if she hadn't been inexplicably pregnant with that strange man's child, she would have definitely followed the rules. A law-abiding citizen.

"Mother, are you afraid?"

Suddenly, a hoarse and immature children's voice sounded.

The woman immediately looked in the direction of the sound. A baby less than half a meter tall was suspended in the air. His head was covered with snakes and there was a red flower growing on his back. If you turned behind him, you would see it. , the center of the flower is a bloody mouth.

"Don't worry, don't be afraid. Tiger poison will not eat its seeds. You are my mother, so I will not eat you." The baby said slowly.

The snake on his head gradually grew longer and wrapped around the woman's neck. Finally, the snake's head went down, opened its mouth to hold the woman's lactation organ, and drank the milk leisurely.

"Those four people are investigating the four people you ate." The woman reminded her as she clenched her clothes with both hands.

The baby squinted his eyes and said calmly: "This is the most troublesome thing about humans. Once someone goes missing, there will always be a crowd, but I couldn't help it that day. If you don't eat them, you will be the one who dies. You are my mother, and I don't want to You die, so you can only let them die."

"What should we do now? If they find anything, you will definitely be killed," the woman said.

The baby thought for a moment and replied

: "I'll keep an eye on him secretly. If they find out anything, I'll kill him and silence him. If they find nothing, I'll wait and see what happens."

"Good idea, then go quickly before they find out." The woman agreed.

The baby nodded, and the next moment its body turned blue and became translucent. It gradually sank into the ground and finally disappeared into the ground.


The woman looked at the place where the baby disappeared, and subconsciously slumped down on the chair, leaning against the back of the chair. It took a while before she breathed a sigh of relief.

Life in the rescue team is much better than outside. She really doesn't want to leave here, let alone be treated as an enemy and killed by the rescue team, but she is just a weak woman, what can she do now?

The baby was not the one she wanted to conceive.

"Sorry, don't blame me."

The woman knew that once Ni Jing and others found out something, her "child" would definitely kill Ni Jing and others.

On the other side, Ni Jing and his four companions continued to visit. This time, Luo Xi and his companions were responsible for asking questions. After listening in from the side, they knew a lot about the situation at the transit station at that time.

In fact, with a large number of refugees gathered, the situation at the transit station was still quite chaotic, and there were not many things that these people could remember deeply.

After the visit, everyone compared the information.

"There were twelve people who left the transit station at that time, but all twelve of them were ordinary people and did not have the ability to commit crimes at all." Luo Xi said.

Ni Jing frowned and said, "There are a total of eight awakened people in the transit station, of which three can pose a threat to Qian Sheng and others, but none of them have left the transit station, and they have all joined the rescue team and are now receiving training at the new training academy."

To join the rescue team, you need to take the contract gem, and your loyalty is very high, so these three people naturally have no suspicion.

"There were seven pregnant women in the transit station at that time... Wait, how many pregnant women did we see today?" Feng Qiuhuang said.

Luo Xi frowned and said, "It seems to be five. One has already given birth. No, what about the other one?"

After he said this, he suddenly felt a pain in his leg. He looked down and saw that his ankle was bitten by a blue snake. The snake came out from the ground, with only one-third of its body exposed.

"Be careful... It's poisonous!"

Luo Xi was about to remind everyone, but the next moment his eyes rolled up and he fell straight to the ground.

This poison... It's so poisonous!

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