I Contracted Myself

【175】One question will tell you

The sea of ​​flowers in the Ten Good Places seems to always have blue sky and white clouds, and the air is always filled with the fragrance of flowers.

Wuming liked the sea of ​​flowers in the Land of Ten Good Deeds very much, so gradually he spent more time returning to the Land of Ten Good Deeds than back to his residence at the headquarters.

And he doesn't go to Hope Outpost or the village. He just stays in the sea of ​​flowers, quietly enjoying the rare quiet time.

But now, he did not close his eyes and enjoy a moment of peace. Instead, he placed a large amount of materials collected during the rescue operation in mid-air, preparing to take out the evil shell first.

He has never forgotten that the beginning of the great destruction also means that the Infinite Organization's actions will become more radical, and sooner or later the rescue team will fight the Infinite.

Soldiers against soldiers, against generals.

His enemy is the despairingly powerful Lord of Darkness.

"Gently wake up your sleeping soul and slowly open your eyes..."

When he was thinking about the combination of materials, the communication software suddenly sounded a song. It was Chen Weihua who was contacting him.

After getting through the call, he asked: "Sister Weihua, what's wrong?"

He knew without guessing that Chen Weihua would definitely have trouble with him, and it would definitely be a difficult problem.

In fact, Chen Weihua has been avoiding trouble with him and will only contact him when there is really no other way.

"Ni Jing and the others have lost contact."

After hearing Wuming's question, Chen Weihua's face turned slightly heavy and she said uneasily.

She had given Luo Xi permission to view the surveillance video before, so she kept this matter in mind.

Forty-eight hours had passed since Ni Wing and the others took over the mission. She tried to contact Ni Wing and the others again, only to find that they could not be contacted.

"What's going on? Why have they lost contact again?" Wuming asked strangely.

Chen Weihua smiled bitterly, and then explained the cause and effect clearly.

"Ni Jing and the others went to investigate the disappearance of Qian Sheng and the others, but they ended up losing themselves?" Wuming couldn't laugh or cry after hearing Chen Weihua's explanation.

Chen Weihua said helplessly: "I originally thought that disappearing at the headquarters was just a small matter. I just wanted to sharpen Ni Jing and the others, but who knew it would turn out like this."

"Now it seems that there is something fishy about the disappearance of Qian Sheng and the others!" Wuming said.

Chen Weihua nodded and said, "Yes, there must be a big problem with this matter."

"Sister Weihua, do you want me to take action?" Wuming looked at Chen Weihua's projection and asked.

Chen Weihua smiled bitterly and said: "Several teams that are good at tracking are still performing tasks outside. Originally,

I don't want to disturb you, but the other teams are not as strong as Ni Wing and the others, so it's useless to go there. "

"Okay, leave this matter to me." Wuming said understandingly.

There must be no problem with the work of the logistics team. If they were able to smuggle themselves to the headquarters, the existence that caused Qian Sheng and Ni Wing to lose contact one after another must not be simple.

The more times like this, the more necessary it is to cut through the mess quickly, instead of giving experience to the murderer again and again.

Chen Weihua must also have this concern. If he keeps sending a team that is not strong enough to die, if the murderer is a growing enemy, he may increase the opponent's strength little by little.

Therefore, she directly chose to contact Wuming.

No matter who the murderer is, Wu Ming will definitely gain something if he takes action. At the worst, he can also know what the murderer is.

If Qian Sheng and the others may be indolent and pretending to be missing is actually laziness, then Ni Wing and others who have attracted high-level attention are definitely not such people.

Both Chen Weihua and Wuming can be sure that there must be unknown dangers lurking in the headquarters.

After disconnecting, Wuming put away various materials. He jumped back and instantly entered the bubble shell.

The bubble shell looks like an ordinary bubble from the outside and can even reflect in the sun, while the nameless person inside is sitting cross-legged in the center of the bubble, looking like he is practicing.

Of course, this is just a trick. In fact, the space inside the bubble shell is very large, as big as a football field. It not only has a double bed, but also chairs and a coffee table.

It can be said that the bubble shell is actually Wuming's current home. He lives inside the bubble shell most of the time.

"Let's go, I want to see... what kind of creature can sneak into the headquarters." Wuming sat on the chair, opened the passage to the headquarters, and said to himself with a smile.

He was not worried about the safety of Qian Sheng, Ni Jing and others.

Because if a member dies, the headquarters will know it immediately, and he can quickly resurrect the other party.

Although each person only has nine lives, it is completely enough under normal circumstances.

The bubble shell enters the passage and returns to the headquarters in an instant.

Every time he returned to the headquarters, Wuming felt that it was lively. But this time when he returned to the headquarters, he felt that all the walking members looked tired, and the lively feeling was gone. Everyone was coming and going in a hurry, and everyone had something to be busy with. .

However, some people will still say hello respectfully when they meet Wuming. Apparently the image of Wuming has also been posted online by netizens, and it is estimated that many people have seen it.

In fact, Wuming didn't care if others knew that he had turned back into a child. He smiled and greeted everyone who said hello, and then took a bus to the location where Ni Jing and the others last disappeared.

Why don't Ni Jing and the others know the last missing location of Qian Sheng and the others, but Wuming knows the last missing location of Ni Jing and the others?

In fact, the answer is very simple. Luo Xi checked the surrounding surveillance cameras at this location.

Permissions are interoperable. If Luo Xi uses the permissions here, they will naturally be recorded in the file. Wuming can know where they have been and what videos they have viewed just by looking at the file.

"Since Ni Jing and his team disappeared here, it means that Ni Jing and his team did check it correctly." Wuming looked at the ground and thought to himself.

He controlled the bubble shell to deform, and then he landed on the ground, squatted down and asked: "Ground, tell me there were four people here before, where did they go?"

"Woo woo woo, don't ask me, I don't know anything." The ground cried.

Wuming asked curiously: "Then why are you crying?"

"I'm so scared, it turns out that there are ghosts in the world." The ground cried.


Wuming thought for a while and asked: "Is the ghost you are talking about the one I thought of... ghost?"

"No, I don't know anything, don't ask me." The ground said with a trembling voice.

Wuming sighed: "Okay, I won't ask."

Although the ground will soon recover from activation, who makes him a good person.

He grabbed a handful of soil and asked: "Mud, can you tell me what happened here?"

"???" The ground was dumbfounded.

Grab a handful of soil on it, and then ask it about a part of its body?

The soil replied, "A ghost attacked the four people from underground, and then the ghost snake ate them. That's all I know."

"Ghost snake, I know, thank you." Wuming smiled.

The soil quickly said, "Can you scatter me somewhere else?"

"Why?" Wuming asked in surprise.

He was indeed going to put the soil back on the ground.

The soil replied seriously, "I am so brave, and those cowardly soils on the ground are not worthy of me!"

"That makes sense, then scatter it next to it!" Wuming nodded and agreed.

He put the soil on the other side, then stood up from the ground, raised his head and looked at the temporary living area, and he already had the answer in his mind.

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