I Contracted Myself

【176】It's you indeed

Wuming investigated the sequence of surveillance videos viewed by Ni Whale and others.

Then, combined with some information that he could only know as a permission dog, he had basically locked in the suspected targets, which were the three pregnant women!

Among the three pregnant women, he quickly zeroed in on the most suspicious woman, Chen Fang, who was the first woman Ni Jing and the others investigated.

At this point, the truth of the case has actually been revealed.

Chen Fang's pregnancy was a fake pregnancy, and she should have brought an awakened person into the headquarters. However, Qian Sheng and the others happened upon this incident by chance, so they were imprisoned.

A week later, Ni Jing and the others received the mission to investigate.

Because the case itself is actually easy to investigate, the only thing the murderer is not sure about is whether the rescue team will be aware of Qian Sheng's disappearance. After all, the rescue team has a very large number of people, especially during this period of time when they are still recruiting people. The disappearance of one or two people may not be noticed.

Maybe it was because of this kind of luck that the other party didn't hide it immediately.

But after Ni Jing and the others came to the door, the murderer realized that he would inevitably be exposed, so he chose to attack Ni Jing and the others to buy more time.

If Wuming guessed correctly, the other party might have fled in fear of crime.

as expected……

When Wuming arrived at Chen Fang's residence, the building was empty.

And judging from the air in the house, no one has been in or out for at least 24 hours.

The rescue team headquarters is now overpopulated.

Suppose there is really only one city inhabited by humans in the world, and each city has only a population of more than one million. The total number of worlds rescued by the rescue team now may be about a hundred, which is also a population of several hundred million.

What's more, many worlds don't have just one city, and it's impossible for all cities to have a population of only one million. There are also very large cities with 10 million or even more than 100 million.

With so many people entering the rescue team headquarters, maintaining order is already difficult.

Even though the members of the logistics team are working hard to prevent major chaos from happening, it is not easy to find Chen Fang and the murderer who attacked Qian Sheng and Ni Jing among countless people.

Of course, this is for ordinary rescue team members, but it is different for dogs with permissions like Wuming.

Wuming asked around the various furniture in the house, but did not get any information. Obviously, he was not sure.

Fang left very suddenly, and everything in the house didn't know where Chen Fang and the others had gone.

He came out of the house, and the next moment his body flew upwards quickly, and in an instant he was connected to the mysterious sewer.

"Information control, establish a model of the current mysterious sewer, and search for Chen Fang." He sat on the chair and ordered directly.

Information control immediately began to operate. Through the connection with the mysterious sewer, a large amount of information began to be refreshed. Every temporary residential area, every community, every park, every factory, every office building...

All lives currently located in the mysterious sewers have been scanned.

This may be a very complicated and troublesome task for Ni Jing and others, but Wuming, as a permission dog, is really free to find people, and there is no one he can't find in the mysterious sewer.

The day passed in a blink of an eye.

When Wuming woke up, the information control was still refreshing data, mainly because the data was too huge and the population was too large.

While Wuming was sleeping, another group of people appeared in the sewer.

"There are more and more people."

Wuming glanced at the population data and felt a little heavy in his heart.

So many people have entrusted their lives to the hands of the rescue team, and as the captain of the rescue team, he can be said to have a heavy responsibility.

Food and safety are top priorities.

Fortunately, the logistics team is fully committed to ensuring the food. What he has to do now is to ensure the safety of the headquarters.

Some temporary settlement.

In a relatively remote wooden house, Chen Fang was restless, always having a premonition of impending disaster.

She quietly looked at the blue baby next to her, and felt a creepy feeling in her heart. She was very afraid of this blue baby, because there were several snakes growing behind it. The bodies of these blue snakes were slightly raised, and you could see inside. Human silhouette.

It's eating people!

Although she knew it before, she should still be afraid.

"Have you seen enough? My dear mother, since you woke up today, you have looked at me a total of five hundred times. Am I that cute?" The blue baby suddenly said.

Chen Fang shook her body violently, shook her head and said, "No, it's just... is it really safe to hide here?"

"How do I know? I know as much about the rescue team as you know about the rescue team.

How much do you know? Who knows how strong that ‘unknown captain’ is. "The blue baby smiled with disdain.

Chen Fang didn't expect that the ghost baby in front of her would answer her question, so she couldn't help but ask: "You...you are so strong. In fact, you can survive even if the world is destroyed. Why do you want to take risks here?"

"Who told you that I could survive? You have no idea how terrible the destruction of the world is, but I managed to survive." Guiying said calmly.

When his original world collapsed, he didn't even have the strength to resist and could only drift with the space debris. If he hadn't been lucky enough to enter Chen Fang's world before he died, he would have died.

But even so, he suffered irreversible damage in the void, and both his body and spirit suffered horrific mutations.

As a last resort, he could only use his superpowers to entrust his spirit to Chen Fang, so as to achieve the reincarnation of his spirit. Chen Fang certainly didn't know that he had left all the poisons on his spirit in her body, and she would not live long.

"My Lord, then..."

Chen Fang clasped her hands tightly together, and had more questions to ask.

But before she finished speaking, the ghost baby suddenly jumped up from the chair, and just as it was about to drill into the ground, it found that the ground was already impenetrable.

"Sure enough, I can't hide. The captain came to the door." The ghost baby said helplessly, but the corners of his mouth gradually curled up.

Chen Fang was immediately shocked and said in horror: "What should I do? Can you still escape?"

Suddenly, the roof opened automatically, and the dazzling sunlight penetrated into the house. Chen Fang was like a rat in the gutter. When the sunlight hit her, she squatted in fear and kept moving into the dark.

The bubble shell slowly descended, Wuming glanced at Chen Fang, and then looked at the blue baby.

The identification technique and analysis swept towards the blue baby almost at the same time.

However, the blue baby seemed to have special energy on its body, which blocked these two abilities, so Wuming didn't get any information, but he looked at the blue baby's face and couldn't help pinching his own face.

As if!

This blue baby is almost exactly like him except that his skin is blue and he has snakes.

When the blue baby saw Wuming in the bubble shell, he also showed a look of understanding, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but curl up slightly.

It's you!

Me in another world!

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