I Contracted Myself

【177】Zhang Xun

The blue baby's name is Zhang Wei, and his original superpower is the contract gem.


He is Wuming from another parallel space, but his relationship with Wuming is obviously not as close as the Lord of Darkness, so his name has not been lost.

After Zhang Wei obtained the super power of the contract gem, he was also angry at the uselessness of his super power. However, he was not angry to death with his super power. Instead, he vented all his anger on various small animals. In the end, even the body and mind were distorted by it.

While still in school, he developed extremely serious mental illness and became a lost person.

After being lost, his super power mutates into the Death Pact Gem. He only needs to grab the target, then cut the target's body with a knife, put the Death Pact Gem into the opponent's heart, and then sew up the target's wounds.

As long as the target survives this process, it will become his loyal dog.

Afterwards, he frantically contracted with various creatures and became more and more powerful. Just when he thought he could dominate the Pearl City, Situ Shibai gave him a fatal blow.

He was almost killed by Situ Shibai. Fortunately, among the many loyal dogs, there was one loyal dog with the ability to die as a substitute, and he survived in the end.

From then on, his goal became revenge against Situ Shibai.

But before his goal was achieved, the world collapsed first. He thought he was dead in the space debris, but who knew that when he entered the world where Chen Fang was, he came back to life.

Although he was scarred, he actually considered joining the rescue team, but he soon observed that the rescue team had requirements for awakened people.

The first is to sign a paper contract, and the law must be followed at the rescue team headquarters, otherwise the contract will be backlashed.

The other is to take the contract gem to join the rescue team and become a member of the rescue team.

Zhang Wei was very familiar with contract gems.

Although his super power has mutated into death contract gems, he made a large number of contract gems when he first gained his super power, and he can identify them with just one glance.

At that time, he suddenly had a new idea: He could replace it!

The rescue team is undoubtedly a behemoth.

If he can control the rescue team, he will reach the pinnacle of power and can interfere in countless worlds. At that time, he will kill Zhang Wei in all other worlds and kill all other worlds.

Situ Shibai of the world!

In fact, from the moment he gave up his body, he was already planning how to replace Wuming.

"Finally see you!"

Zhang Wei was excited in his heart, but his appearance showed a solemn expression.

It immediately stood in front of Chen Fang and said, "You go first, don't look back."

"What's your name?" Wuming didn't pay attention to Chen Fang and looked at Zhang Wei and asked.

Zhang Wei replied: "My name is Zhang Wei. As long as you let her go, I will let you do whatever you want!"


Chen Fang was a little moved, but at the same time she felt something was wrong.

She knew very well that Zhang Wei was definitely not a good person, but now he was willing to accept the punishment of the rescue team for her?

"Do you know micro-expressions?" Wuming suddenly asked.

Zhang Wei frowned slightly. Unexpectedly, Wuming didn't care about Chen Fang at all, but instead asked him such an inexplicable question.

"When you saw me just now, although it was very brief, I still saw you and you smiled." Wuming said: "This shows that you are actually looking forward to seeing me, and Chen Fang behind you, she treats you more I'm so scared that my head is filled with smoke, but you have nothing."

Mingwu's ability is to observe emotions. If Zhang Bi was really afraid of him, there would definitely be emotional smoke coming out now.

"I knew it wasn't that easy." Zhang Wei didn't expect that his performance would be full of flaws in Wuming's eyes, and he stopped pretending.

He sighed, then suddenly turned around and inserted a finger into Chen Fang's navel.

Neither Wuming nor Chen Fang expected him to do this. He looked up at Chen Fang, who was full of surprise, and said with a smile: "Mom, you must be willing to fight for me, right?"

The next moment, Chen Fang suddenly felt something. She opened her mouth and let out a shrill and terrifying scream. At the same time, a permeating breath surged out of her abdomen.

These were the dirty things Zhang Wei encountered in the void, which almost killed him. Fortunately, he met Chen Fang and finally passed all these dirty things to Chen Fang.

Even if he hadn't taken action, Chen Fang would still be like this in a few months. He had just activated those dirty things in advance.

"The Ten Good Rotations!"

Wuming looked at Chen Fang who was beginning to swell and mutate below, sighed slightly, and put his hands together the next moment.

In an instant, the surrounding space went crazy

As it flipped, massive flower bushes sprouted all around, and the sky was covered in blue, sweeping across the entire sewer.

By the time Zhang Wei reacted, he was already in a sea of ​​flowers.

"It's really not that easy!"

Zhang Wei sighed secretly in his heart again. He knew that Wuming, as the captain of the rescue team, must have a lot of skills, but this move was still beyond his expectation.

He lost another major condition that restrained Wu Ming.

Originally, he lured out the dirty things in Chen Fang's body in advance just to make Wuming throw a rat weapon. After all, there were countless residents in the temporary residential area. If Chen Fang exploded, it would definitely cause death.

In this way, Wuming will be restrained and unable to attack with all his strength.

Who knew that Wuming would transfer them into this strange sea of ​​flowers with just one move, and all his plans failed.

"I like this place very much. Do you know why?" Wuming slowly descended and asked in the sea of ​​flowers.

Zhang Fen walked forward step by step and asked, "Why?"

"Because this sea of ​​flowers indicates that all bad, dirty, and dark things will one day bloom beautiful, noble, and fragrant flowers." Wuming said with a smile, and at the same time picked a flower and sniffed it.

Zhang Fen frowned slightly, and immediately realized that the reason why this sea of ​​flowers is so beautiful and so lush is probably that there are countless corpses of creatures buried underneath.

"Why?" Zhang Fen looked at Wuming and asked.

He did not say the question he wanted to ask, but he knew that Wuming must understand.

Wuming did understand, and he smiled and said, "Because I can distinguish between good and evil, the smell of evil people on you is too strong, it is simply stinky, don't you realize it yourself?"

"It's really unpleasant, but you think you can eat me!" Zhang Fen sighed.

The next moment, Chen Fang's mouth split open, and dense and bizarre flesh gushed out of her body, transforming into an indescribable horrible form in the blink of an eye.

Her tongue grew to a full three meters long, covered with lumps of flesh, her skin split into countless pieces, like a carpet spread on a sea of ​​flowers, her muscles turned into dense and indescribable flesh threads, flying and trembling all over the sky.

And her bones, which grew almost wildly, formed a weird bone door, and all the flesh and blood were attached to the door, exuding a chaotic, bloody, and indescribable smell.

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