I Contracted Myself

【178】Homologous heart transplant

Zhang Wei jumped on top of a huge bone spur and said with a smile: "Isn't it spectacular?"

He had seen this door in the void. At that time, he was extremely scared and thought he was dead. But after the space debris passed through the door, not only did he not die, but he became the host of this door.

But this host is not easy to be a host.

His body and soul were almost destroyed by this door. Even now, he felt as if something was missing, but he couldn't detect what was missing.

"It's disgusting." Wuming looked at the door and answered honestly.

Zhang Wei couldn't understand what this door was, but Wuming could tell at a glance that the essence of this door was a ball of twisted energy.

This is the Sunken, and it is the ultimate existence among the Sunken. It is the weird and terrifying energy formed after absorbing countless lost and sunken people.

"It seems that I did underestimate you." Wuming closed his eyes slightly and sighed slightly.

The corners of Zhang Wei's mouth curled up slightly. Sure enough, this door was invincible. Even his other self in the parallel world was no match for this door.

When he was proud, a red armor suddenly appeared next to him, and black energy surged instantly, cutting off the giant snake behind him.

As soon as these snakes were broken, the next moment the people in the snake's belly were moved to a distant place.

Zhang Wei didn't react slowly and immediately controlled the remaining snake to bite the red armor, but the red armor disappeared instantly before the snake touched him.

"Oh, it's really scary." Wuming looked at the door and said with a half-smile.

Zhang Wei's face darkened, and he already understood in his heart that Wuming was just pretending to show weakness, and his real purpose was to save the few people in his body.

To reiterate, awakened people are still essentially human beings, not gods or immortals. Their bodies have limits. They need to eat when they are hungry and need treatment when they are injured.

Although Zhang Wei was not weak, he naturally paid a price for his rebirth in this state, which was energy.

His original energy was not inherited by this body. When he was still in Chen Fang's abdomen, he almost went berserk because Chen Fang could not supply the energy he needed. In the end, he still managed to maintain a balance of energy by devouring Qian Sheng and other talents. .

Later, swallowing Ni Whale and others was actually equivalent to four more batteries.

Only partially recovered his strength.

Now that Qian Sheng, Ni Jing and others have been rescued by Wuming, the energy in his body can only last for an hour at most. Even if Wuming doesn't kill him after an hour, he will go berserk and die due to the various superpowers in his body.

"Zhang Wei, you are seeking death!!!"

The more Zhang Bi thought about it, the angrier he became. He didn't know whether he was angry with Wu Ming or himself. Finally, he yelled with a distorted face.

The reason why he called Wu Ming 'Zhang Wei' was because in his consciousness Wu Ming was himself in another parallel world. 'Wu Ming' was probably a pseudonym, and his real name was naturally called 'Zhang Wei' like him.

Although it was strange to call his own name and add the sentence "You are seeking death" after it, Zhang Wei was so angry that he didn't think too much at all.

The next moment, a large number of blue ghost snakes appeared behind him. In an instant, all the snakes quickly stretched and opened their mouths to bite Wuming in the distance.

Wuming was still somewhat curious about these snakes. He controlled the bubble shell to change into the shape of Patrick's star, wrapped one of the snakes with one hand, and allowed the other snakes to attack him.

Those snakes collided with the bubble shell, and their heads were suddenly deformed, but the bubble shell was unscathed.

"It turns out that it is a snake made of psychic energy, and the toxin is aimed at the soul. No wonder it can kill everyone." Wuming looked at the snake's teeth and then smiled.

When he came before, there was only one thing he couldn't understand, and that was how easily Ni Jing and the others were controlled by the enemy.

Don't forget, Ni Jing and the others just got a top-notch weapon from the arsenal. Calling it a divine weapon is not an exaggeration.

The results of it?

Ni Jing and the others disappeared quietly, without even a trace of the battle.

This made Wuming very confused. Now after observing the snake's teeth, he finally solved his doubts.

Because of Ni Whale's superpower, he is extremely resistant to most poisons. Only poisons targeting the soul can affect Ni Whale.

It is worth mentioning that this poison is very interesting,

Although it is aimed at the soul, it is not limited to the soul.

After all, human beings, like most creatures, have no souls. Only when the spiritual power is high enough can a soul be formed.

This kind of poison

Elements are super poisonous to creatures without souls. Having a soul is equivalent to a computer with a firewall. Intrusion requires a procedure. Creatures without a soul do not even have a firewall, so it is even simpler.

Wuming smiled and used the bubble shell to nudge the snake he caught, and then let go of the snake.

He looked at the bone gate transformed by Chen Fang and his expression became serious.

"Ah, what did you do to me?"

Zhang Wei suddenly slipped and fell off the bone spurs. Then he found that his whole body was collapsing and he was shocked.

He knew Wuming was very strong, but this was too much.

"Same source of mind exchange!"

Zhang Wei kept rolling on the ground, and suddenly he sat up suddenly, put his hands on his temples, and shot two beams of light at Wuming with his eyes.

This superpower comes from a strange beast.

He never used this super power after he got it. In the past, he always thought that he would never use this useless garbage ability.

But after knowing that the chief captain of the rescue team was himself in another parallel world, he realized the opportunity.

And his reliance was the same-origin heart-changing technique.

This is a superpower that is useless to most creatures. If it is placed in Mingzhu City, it is definitely useless.

But this ability is actually very perverted.

It can 100% allow the user to seize the body of another self in other parallel worlds, and this exchange is not fair. The user can go with his own superpowers, while the person being exchanged will get a body without any superpowers, and at the same time, his own superpowers cannot be brought over!

Theoretically, if you have the ability to shuttle through the world, this is definitely an infinite superpower. As long as you keep seizing the body of another self in the parallel world, sooner or later you will become an invincible existence.

Wuming is acting, and Zhang Xun is actually acting too.

At first, he pretended to rely on the gate evolved by Chen Fang, then pretended to be angry, and finally pretended to be seriously injured... Well, he was really seriously injured.

Wuming injected a strange energy into the snake's head, and that energy was devouring his body. If it weren't for the homologous heart-changing technique, he would probably have started crying for his parents.

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