I Contracted Myself

【179】Gate of Victory

bring it on!

bring it on!

bring it on!

My new body, my new life!

I will stand at the apex of power and rule the creatures of thousands of worlds. When the great destruction is over, I will be the god of the new world!

Zhang Wei was in a very excited mood. The beautiful life in the future had already appeared in his mind. At the same time, he could not help but recall the past. It was like a revolving lantern appearing in front of his eyes when he was about to die.


A revolving door?

Zhang Wei suddenly realized, why didn't his superpower work?

He looked at Wuming in horror, and said with a trembling mouth: "Are you not me?"

"What, you are not me and I am not you, are these your last words?" Wuming asked speechlessly.

He didn't understand what Zhang Wei was doing, why his eyes suddenly glowed, and then he said "You are not me", which was inexplicable.

Zhang Wei stared at Wuming. He had thousands of words in his heart at this moment, but in the end he didn't say anything.

Under the influence of the clean energy injected by Wuming, Zhang Wei's body stiffened instantly, then gradually changed from blue to white, and finally turned into a soft spirit body.

Zhang Wei's self-awareness was gone, leaving only an empty shell.

"There's something wrong!"

Wuming couldn't figure out what Zhang Wei's last words meant, and finally complained helplessly.

Then he looked at the door transformed by Chen Fang, with a look of confusion on his face. Zhang Bi was dead, why didn't the door move at all?

He stepped forward cautiously, and sure enough, the door did not attack him at all.

But this door was indeed terrifying. He had a strong feeling that this door was extremely deadly.


Wuming flew around the door a few times. After making sure that the door would not attack, he came to the conclusion that this door was very dangerous, but as long as he did not seek death, this door was actually not that dangerous.

Zhang Wei probably didn't expect that the door would not move at all.

Wuming stepped back a distance and turned to where Ni Jing and others were lying.

Although Ni Jing and the others were rescued, the toxins on their bodies were not removed, and they were all very weak after being used as batteries by Zhang Wei for so long.

Especially Qian Sheng and others who were trapped by Zhang Wei before, now they are almost

It's what people do, that is, the awakened person has a strong vitality, so he can barely maintain his life. If ordinary people are treated like this, one day is probably the limit.

However, they are only still alive, but their lives are already in danger. If no one treats them, they may die in the next second.

Wuming squatted down and quickly used various healing abilities. The bodies of Qian Sheng and others quickly returned to fullness, and their pale and blue faces turned back to rosy and shiny.

After confirming that Qian Sheng, Ni Jing and others were not in danger, he returned to Chen Fang's house again.

In fact, Chen Fang's crime was not worthy of death. Wu Ming knew very well that Chen Fang might also be a poor victim. After all, Chen Fang had no right to choose when encountering a person like Zhang Wei.

The problem is that Chen Fang has become like this, and even he has no way to save her.

When he was feeling distressed, he suddenly hoped that the pagoda above the outpost would once again emit golden light, and then Baodi Bodhisattva would walk up from the air on golden lotuses.


Wuming looked at Baodi Bodhisattva and didn't know whether to be happy or complain for a moment.

"Amitabha, are you okay, stationmaster?" Baodi Bodhisattva slowly landed in front of Wuming and asked with a smile.

Wuming nodded and said: "It's going well. Are you your real body or the stone incarnation this time?"

"Amitabha Buddha is actually his true form every time." Baodi Bodhisattva smiled.

Then he turned to look at the door and sighed: "All living beings suffer. There are sufferings without miracles and there are sufferings without miracles. There are sufferings with miracles. Sometimes miracles are really scary."


Wuming also looked at the Bone Gate. He somewhat understood what Baodi Bodhisattva meant, but he vaguely felt that what Baodi Bodhisattva meant might be quite different from what he understood.

He asked: "Baodi Bodhisattva, are you here for it?"

"Well, even from a great distance, the poor monk can still smell the foul smell it emits." Baodi Bodhisattva sighed.

But then he returned to smiling, looked at Wuming and said: "Webmaster, do you know that at a certain critical moment, people will have a clear understanding and know what they should do from now on, because this kind of situation mostly happens in young people. When you are older, there is a saying that you know your destiny at fifty."

"Yeah. I know."

Wuming nodded, he was happy

Like to help others.

When he was studying in his previous life, he once helped an old man selling fruit push a tricycle up a slope. He knew what he liked to do when the old man thanked him gratefully.

"When the poor monk saw this door, he had a clear understanding in his heart. Maybe he came to this world and came here to wait. This is what the poor monk was waiting for!" Baodi Bodhisattva looked at the Bone Door and said with a smile. .

Just when Wuming was about to say something, Baodi Bodhisattva clasped his hands and slowly walked towards the bone door.

All the threats of this bone gate are actually hidden inside the gate. As long as you don't enter the gate, there will be no problems. The reason why Zhang Bi was entangled with this gate is because he has entered this gate.

Now, Baodi Bodhisattva walked in voluntarily.

Wuming opened his mouth, and finally sighed helplessly. He knew that Baodi Bodhisattva would not listen to his advice. Just as he was going to save people, he would not care what others said.

Finally, Baodi Bodhisattva entered the Bone Gate and disappeared in a ripple.

"woo woo woo woo!"


"It hurts, it hurts, it hurts..."

"Wrong, wrong, wrong, it's my fault..."

In an instant, Baodi Bodhisattva was plunged into darkness, with sounds of crying, roaring, cries of pain, and self-blame coming from all around...

This is a small sea of ​​suffering, wandering with countless dead souls in pain, despair, and struggle.

Baodi Bodhisattva sat cross-legged in the darkness, clasped his hands, and recited: "Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, after walking in the deep Prajnaparamita for a long time, he saw that the five aggregates are empty, and he overcame all suffering..."

He did not simply recite sutras, but included his own understanding of Buddhist sutras.

At the same time, his body gradually emitted golden light to drive away the darkness. The undead souls trapped in the darkness were illuminated by the Buddha's light, and their expressions suddenly became peaceful, and their despair and pain gradually faded away.

But the darkness inside the door was so vast, almost endless.

The number of undead is also countless. No one can calculate how many undead there are here, just like no one can calculate how many souls there are in the eighteen levels of hell.

outside world.

Wuming was surprised to find that this door had undergone earth-shaking changes.

Originally, the aura of this door was chaotic, bloody and evil, but now golden lines gradually appeared, and the seal of Baodi Bodhisattva appeared in the middle of the door frame.

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