I Contracted Myself

【180】Murder Contest

"Amitabha, Stationmaster, this door is no longer a threat after I suppress it. Stationmaster still has important things to do. You may as well take this door. I believe this door can help you."

When Wuming saw the door change, the voice of the Bodhisattva of Guarantee suddenly rang in his ears.

The next moment, the whole door quickly became smaller and finally fell into Wuming's hands.

This door is now called the Gate of Victory Light!

Wuming suddenly understood that it has three abilities.

The first is the void passage.

In simple terms, it can open a door to the void and protect people walking in the void from being harmed by the void.

The second is limited absolute defense.

This door can absorb all forms of attacks, but the door frame and places that the door cannot take care of may still be harmed.

The third is to suppress evil spirits.

Because there is a Bodhisattva of Guarantee inside the door to suppress everything, no matter how powerful the evil spirit is, it will never escape once it is locked in the door.

There is no doubt that these three abilities are very practical at this time. The first ability can help Wuming save those who fall into the void, and the second ability can be used to defend against some strange attacks.

Because of the great destruction, many worlds have been in chaos, and all kinds of weird, unheard-of, and unseen things will emerge.

Wuming is very strong, but he cannot guarantee that he will not capsize in the gutter, and this door is equivalent to an extra layer of insurance.

As for the third ability, it actually overlaps with his clean world a bit, but since the Guaranteed Bottom Bodhisattva has configured this ability, it is estimated that he may use it in the future.

After all, the strongest point of the Guaranteed Bottom Bodhisattva is the guarantee, and this may be the Guaranteed Bottom Bodhisattva giving him a guarantee.

"La la la, la la la~"

The Dark King walked in the broken world, and the ground was full of broken corpses.

As the world collapsed, he vaguely felt a strange breath reviving, which was very close to him, but completely different.

"Could it be him?"

The Dark King picked up a stone and threw it out, thinking secretly in his heart.

The stone he threw out was traveling at superluminal speed. Normally, this stone could not travel at superluminal speed, but its current speed was indeed superluminal.

The next second, the stone hit

the back of a person who was running away, and the light enveloped the world in an instant.

"No matter how many times I see it, I think this scene is really beautiful." A man following the Dark King said slowly, with a morbid fanaticism in his eyes.

The Dark King smiled and said, "Zuo Xiangming, I thought you would be heartbroken, after all, so many corpses were destroyed by my throwing."

"After witnessing the power of the king with his own eyes, Xiangming fully realized that relying on numbers alone is of no use at all, and only absolute power is the real kingly way!" Zuo Xiangming replied.

Then he waved his hand, and a monster made up of countless corpses appeared beside him. He said excitedly: "This is the Destroyer No. 1 I created. It not only has a lot of superpowers, but it is almost immortal. One such zombie is more powerful than 10 million ordinary zombies!"

"It stinks, take it away quickly, or I will kill you!" The Dark King pinched his nose and fanned the air around him with his hand, saying lightly.

Zuo Xiangming quickly put away the Destroyer No. 1, and then continued: "King, I want to create the World Destroyer No. 1, and I already have a draft in my mind. Please give me some advice!"

"Oh, World Destroyer, the name is quite arrogant, tell me about it." The Dark King said.

Zuo Xiangming immediately revealed his plan in full. He planned to need a large number of awakened people with giant bloodlines to use these awakened people as bones to create a super-large zombie.

How big is it exactly?

Probably bigger than the Milky Way!

After listening to Zuo Xiangming's introduction, the Dark King laughed and said, "Tsk tsk, your plan sounds feasible, but do you know how many worlds' corpses you need to collect to make it possible?"

The corpses of humans in one world, piled together, may be a sphere several stories high, which is simply not worth mentioning for a planet.

It's like a moldy orange. It looks like there are a lot of molds growing on the surface, but all the molds are collected and squeezed into a ball, which is actually very small.

"Hehe, that's why Xiangming wants Wang to provide a little help, such as letting me deal with the corpses!" Zuo Xiangming smiled flatteringly.

Of course, he knew that this plan would have no hope of success if he relied on himself alone, but if there was the help of the Dark King and the help of the entire Infinity, then the Destroyer would indeed have a chance to be created.

"Your plan is quite interesting, but I also thought of an interesting idea. Some time ago, several Zuo Xiangming expressed their desire to be loyal to me, and one of them even bought my shoes, which made me a little embarrassed." The Dark King said with a smile.

Zuo Xiangming narrowed his eyes and said, "Then I will kill them first."

"No, you compete with them. The content of the competition is to see who can collect the most corpses within ten years. The winner can not only survive, but also all the corpses killed by Wuxian in the future belong to the winner." The Dark King laughed.

The winner can live, which means that all the losers will die!

Zuo Xiangming has followed the Dark King for as long as the Dark Fenglaixian, but most of the time he hides behind the scenes and observes. He knows the Dark King's character very well.

If there is nothing that arouses the Dark King's interest, the Dark King is actually easy to talk to and will agree to most reasonable requests.

That's why Zuo Xiangming wanted to use the Infinite Organization to collect corpses.

But once the Dark King is interested, it can't be solved by stopping him. There is only one ending for any stopper, that is, being forced to arrange, and the Dark King will even strengthen others as a prank, so that the stopper will die in despair.

The more you stop him, the more interested the Dark King will be.

In essence, the Dark King is a fun-loving person, but he is cruel and tyrannical by nature, so his way of finding fun is extremely bloody and terrifying.

"Then King, can some more extreme means be used?" Zuo Xiangming did not stop the Dark King, but asked about the rules.

What is a more extreme means?

Of course, it is to kill all other contestants. Without contestants, the remaining people will naturally be the first.

"Yes, as long as you can find them." The Dark King said with a smile.

He will mark each Zuo Xiangming and then randomly throw him to another world. Only when he dies or the game ends can he be teleported back to the Infinite Organization base camp.

Zuo Xiangming bowed his head and said, "I understand."

"Perform well, I hope you can win, after all, you are the person I trust the most!" The Dark King encouraged.

Then he opened a door and said with a smile, "Let's go, this world is about to collapse."

Then, the two disappeared into the door together, and the next moment the door disappeared, the whole world collapsed.

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