I Contracted Myself


parallel world.

Zuo Xiangming appeared out of thin air in a burst of space ripples, and then fell to pieces.

This Zuo Xiangming was bloated and obese, with corpse spots all over his face. After he got up from the ground, he cursed: "Shit, it's all shit, anyone who judges people by their appearance is just shit!"

Why would the Dark Lord choose another Zuo Xiangming?

Because Zuo Xiangming has the best appearance!

The other Zuo Xiangming is either seventy or eighty years old, looking very old, or they have further mutated like him, some have extremely huge heads, and some have bodies like giant insects, with only the head end growing a terrifying half of the human body. .

Anyway, you can tell at a glance that he is not a good person.

Zuo Xiangming is very typical.

He has a bloated figure, but his legs are like bamboo poles, and his arms are thick and thin. The thick arm has a face of Situ Shibai, while the thin arm is holding a white bone crutch. The skull at the top of the cane also burned with green flames.

Needless to say, normal people would definitely frown when they saw him, suspecting that he was some kind of wanted criminal who had done many evil things.

After a while of cursing, Zuo Xiangming spit on the ground. His saliva was green and immediately turned into smoke when it landed on the ground.

The plague began to spread.

Farther away, several wild deer with golden antlers on their heads were eating the tenderest leaves on the trees.

They are a group of alienated beasts. Each wild deer has a golden light shield. When the golden light shield is unfolded, their antlers will emit bright golden light, which can not only defend against enemy attacks, but also purify various negative conditions.

Suddenly, a wild deer fell violently. The other wild deer were frightened and used golden light shields one after another. For a moment, a bright golden light was projected in the small woods.

However, their defense did not work, and the next moment another wild deer fell.

At this time, the deer king also realized that the situation was not good, and immediately neighed, turned around and fled from the woods with the deer.

Unfortunately, running away did not stop the spread of the plague. Wild deer kept falling while running. In the end, the deer king became more and more desperate as he ran. He suddenly stopped and looked back behind him.

The deer behind it lay crookedly on the ground, all of them lifeless.


The Deer King fell down weakly and closed his eyes unwillingly.

It didn't understand what happened until it died.

About five minutes later, the wild deer carcasses that had fallen on the ground began to shake, and then stood up one by one. Although they had just died, after they opened their white eyes, the skin under their fur quickly turned blue, and at the same time The teeth gradually became sharper and the corners of the mouth were split below the ears.

They roared and began to scatter around.

The fat version of Zuo Xiangming likes the plague because it kills without blood and is horribly contagious.

He doesn't need to travel back and forth and can kill a world's creatures in a very short time.

Of course, some strong men still need certain means to kill.

What he needs to do now is to test it out first to see if there are any more difficult characters in this world. He actually hopes that this world has opponents like Situ Shibai, because that kind of strong person is the nourishment he covets most.

In just one day, the plague spread hundreds of kilometers, and countless creatures were transformed into living corpses by the plague.

These living corpses continue to explore the surroundings. Even if occasionally a living corpse is killed by a powerful alien beast, the spread in other directions has not been stopped.


As soon as it breaks, people in the city get up early and start their busy day.

Everything in this city revolves around water. Unlike the Pearl City, it is built on the seaside and is surrounded by abundant water resources. Water resources are very important to the residents of this city.

The reason why the ancestors of Gancheng residents built this city in a place with no water or resources was mainly because this place was safe.

This is a valley surrounded by cliffs, and there is a mutated plant growing on the cliffs that can emit a fragrance that makes living things lose their strength.

Even if most animals and alienated beasts want to invade Gancheng, they often end up either falling to death or losing their strength and eventually being picked up by the residents of Gancheng and becoming the rations of the residents of Gancheng.

Because it is not easy to get in and out, all Gancheng people need to think about every day is water and food.

Dew and rainwater are resources that every Gancheng person collects. Another kind is the gourd fruit grown by plants on the cliffs.

Calabash fruit, as the name suggests, looks like a gourd.

Because gourd fruit contains a lot of water, it is also one of the most important resources for Gancheng people.

“Wuka, are you going to pick fruits today?

son? "

A young man hugged the young man next to him who was in a daze and asked with a smile.

Picking gourd fruits is very dangerous. If you make a mistake and smell the fragrance of gourd fruit trees, you will fall into coma and fall from a high place.

In the past, people in Gancheng would drill nails on the cliff to make safety ropes when climbing the cliff. However, since an accident caused a large rock to fall into Gancheng and kill someone, the city lord prohibited climbers from drilling nails.

Now everyone is working hard to pick fruits!

Gradually, picking gourd fruits became a job for those with the lowest status in the city.

Wuka’s father fell to death by mistake while picking gourd fruits, and his grandfather also fell to death by mistake while picking gourd fruits. It is said that grandpa’s father fell to death by mistake, and grandpa’s father fell to death by mistake.

Sometimes Wu Ka will wonder if he will fall to his death like this one day.

Perhaps because of his unwillingness, he became the most lazy of all the fruit pickers. He worked three days and rested two days. As long as he had a meal, he would never work.


Wu Ka glanced at the boy and replied lazily.

The boy's name was Wu Ma. He was about the same age as him. His father was also a fruit picker. He fell to his death before Wu Ma was born. Later, his mother also died of dystocia. Wu Ma became a wild child in the orphanage.

Compared with his rejection of fruit picking, Wu Ma was extremely enthusiastic. Wu Ma once quietly told him that her biggest wish was to climb the cliff to see the outside world one day.

"I know, then I'll go!"

Just as Wu Ka was familiar with Wu Ma, Wu Ma was also very familiar with Wu Ka.

After Wu Ka answered, Wu Ma let go of the hand that was hugging Wu Ka's shoulders, waved his hand and smiled freely.

They all lived at the edge of the city. Because of the natural barrier, the walls of Gancheng were dilapidated and had not been repaired for a long time. There were even many places that could go directly out of the city.

Of course, there was nothing outside the city, just a wasteland full of thorns. Because of the thorns, only some small animals could survive in the wasteland.

Except for orphans like Wu Ka and Wu Ma who occasionally caught small animals in the wasteland to fill their stomachs, almost no one would go to this wasteland.


Wu Ka was about to lie down and continue sleeping when suddenly a huge muffled sound came from outside the city.

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