I Contracted Myself

【182】The gift from heaven

Great stuff!

Wu Ka looked outside the city and secretly thought of good luck.

He stood up and looked through the holes in the city wall in the direction of the sound. There were animals moving in the thorn bushes in the wasteland, and they were struggling quite a lot.


Wu Ka swallowed his saliva and felt that this animal was a little different from the ones he had encountered before.

Normally, animals that fall from high places to the bottom of valleys are basically dead. It is impossible for them to struggle like this, and the intensity of the struggle is still so great.

"It's not some kind of beast, is it?"

Wuka muttered in his heart, and then climbed up the city wall to watch.

At this time, Wuma ran back, also climbed up the city wall, and asked: "Wuka, did something fall?"

"Well, it's over there, but something seems wrong." Wu Ka nodded, and then replied in confusion.

The muffled sound was very loud. Wuma hadn't gone far. It was not surprising that he could hear the sound. Wuka estimated that people living nearby could hear it. Basically, this kind of big guy has a share of what he sees, and no one wants to hear it. Want to monopolize it.

Sure enough, after a while, the surrounding residents gathered around.

Some people like witches climbed up the city wall to watch, and some just stood on the ground and looked out through the holes in the city wall. There were also a few bold idlers who climbed up the city wall and then slowly climbed down from the city wall, even the city gate. Too lazy to go around, I'm going to go straight to see what it is.

Of course, these people were still very cautious. After landing, they had people throw the wooden sticks from the city wall. After picking up the wooden sticks, they cautiously approached the wasteland.

The thorn bushes in the wasteland are very lush. The thorns are as hard as iron, and the spikes are the kind of thorns with hooks. Once an animal falls into it, it is impossible to escape.

In the past, powerful beasts fell down and died, but were trapped alive in the thorn bushes.

Several idle men approached the thorn bush. One of the idle men held a long stick in his hand, and used the long stick to tease the area where the thorn bush struggled the most.

When he pushed aside some leaves and saw what was in the thorn bushes, his hands shook in fright. Not only was the stick thrown into the thorn bushes, but the man quickly stepped back, and finally sat down in the mud.

"What's going on, Wu Laoer, what did you see?" asked an idle man with missing front teeth.

Wu Laoer, who was sitting on the ground, gasped: "Something's wrong.

There's something wrong with that thing, it's not a good product. "

"Second Wu, you don't want to scare us and then come back at night to take it all for yourself, do you?" an idle man couldn't help but sneer.

He is Wu Lao Er's mortal enemy Wu Gou, nicknamed Wu Gouzi, because a widow he liked fell in love with Wu Lao Er, and he has been against Wu Lao Er in recent years.

Although Wu Laoer was scared, he was already familiar with Wu Gouzi's anger. He almost instinctively retorted: "If you want to seek death, you should die yourself. Don't hurt other people. If Wu Er tells a lie today, He deserves to die."

"I don't believe it!" Wu Gou sneered.

Then he picked up the stick that Wu Lao Er had left in the thorn bush, and tried to pry the leaves of the thorn bush. With a little force, a thorn was pushed away a little, and then an eye that did not look like a living thing was exposed.

"Oh my God!"

Wu Gou's legs suddenly went weak, and he almost fell into the thorn bushes. Someone nearby pulled him up, and finally he sat on the ground at the edge of the thorn bushes.

"Then...what the hell is that?"

Everyone now saw the eyes of the 'big guy', and one of the idle men said in horror.

Everyone looked at each other and finally decided to return to the city. They had no sense of security in the wasteland.

But just as everyone was walking back, an idle man suddenly felt a little dizzy. After taking two steps, his body became weak, and then he fell to the ground with a thud.

The idle man next to him immediately wanted to help him up, but he fainted as soon as he bent down...

On the city wall, Wu Ka stared closely at the outside of the city. When he saw the idle men walking back, he frowned and said, "Strange, aren't they keeping watch?"

In the past, these idle men would guard the big goods. Although everyone has a share in the big goods, where there are people, there are rivers and lakes, and where there are rivers and lakes, there are entanglements of interests.

Who gets more meat, who gets less meat, who gets the better meat, who gets the juicier meat, there are a lot of things going on here.

These idle men guard the big goods, and it is up to them to decide how to distribute them. Children like Wu Ka, who have no adults at home, can only get a little bit of meat at most, while the idle men themselves can at least have several kilograms and bones. , viscera, etc. will also fall into the hands of idlers, because those who see it will only be divided into meat, and viscera, water, etc. do not need to be divided.

go out.

Because of this understanding, Wu Ka is even more uneasy now.

At this time, he saw that the idle man walking at the end suddenly fell down, and then the idle man who wanted to help him fell down again, and then the idle men fell one after another as they walked.

When the people in the city saw this scene, there was a moment of silence, and they were all unable to react.


Wu Ka subconsciously swallowed his saliva. For some reason, his heartbeat gradually began to accelerate.

Suddenly, the fallen idlers began to get up, but their movements became less smooth. When they stood up completely, their skin quickly turned green, and there were no pupils in their eyes, only a layer of gray white.

"It seems something is not right. Should we run away quickly?" Wuma pulled Wuka's sleeve and asked in a low voice.

Wu Ka suddenly gasped for air, turned around and climbed down the city wall quickly, ran at an extremely fast speed, and disappeared around the corner of the city in the blink of an eye.

"Wait, I haven't run yet!" Wu Ma blinked, reacting belatedly.

He climbed down the wall and quickly chased in the direction of Wu Ka's escape.

In fact, it was not only Wu Ka and Wu Ma who ran away, but also many more timid residents who ran away. Some ran back home and hid in the cellar, and some ran towards the city lord's mansion.

The zombies transformed from idlers ran crookedly to the wall and then hit it head-on.

Although they became zombies, their bodies were definitely not as hard as the wall. The force is relative. After their collision, they knocked themselves to the ground. One of them was taller and hit harder, and his neck was broken at 90 degrees, and his body kept shaking.

But soon they stood up crookedly again. The zombie with a broken neck was a bit scary. His body was standing upright, but his head lost the support of his neck and now hung on his chest. His gray eyes were shaking from time to time, which looked extremely scary.

They continued to crash into the wall, gradually their bodies became bloody and their blood was left on the wall.

At this time, something suddenly fell from the valley above, hitting the zombies not far away. The zombies turned their heads to look at the creature that fell.

The next moment, they changed direction and rushed towards the creature.

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