I Contracted Myself

【183】Parting ways

The creature that fell this time was not a living corpse, but a panicked alienated beast.

Because the people in this world are relatively weak and have very little exploration of the outside world, this kind of alienated beast has not been named by humans.

It has wings similar to those of a pterosaur, but it can only glide briefly because of its heavy bones, and its tail has a sphere similar to a meteor hammer.

Although it looks like a big bird, its back is covered with spikes like a hedgehog, and its head is more like a bat.

If anyone who has studied the alienated beast in depth sees this alienated beast, the predatory process of this alienated beast will definitely come to mind: in the dark, the sound of a huge alienated beast locking its prey with its wings from a high place , after finding the prey, it will glide over from high altitude, and then use its own potential energy to hit the sound with its tail.

Although this alienated beast briefly lost strength due to the scent of the gourd fruit tree, it was not seriously injured after landing due to its inherent gliding instinct.

When it saw the living corpses of the idlers rushing over, it immediately let out a sharp cry, then swiped its tail violently, and the bone hammer at the end knocked all the idlers away.

These idle men were hit by this blow, and basically all the bones in their bodies were shattered. They fell to the ground and although they still wanted to move, they could only squirm a little without the support of their bones, and there was no longer any threat.

After the alienated beast eliminated the threat, it immediately looked around and let out a sharp cry. Then it became a little desperate because it was surrounded by walls and couldn't fly and couldn't get out.

Suddenly, its head shook, as if there was insufficient oxygen supply, and it felt a little dizzy.

Before it could realize that there was something wrong with its body, this feeling instantly became more intense, and it fell directly to the ground, its eyelids shaking constantly.

After about a few minutes, it slowly got up from the ground. When it opened its eyes, the pupils had disappeared, leaving only the gray whites of its eyes.

A cellar.

The Wu Ren family sat side by side, each of them afraid to take a breath.

"Dad, I'm thirsty." A little girl said.

Wu Ren took out the gourd from his waist, opened it and said, "Take a small sip, don't drink too much, we will stay here for several days."

"Well, just a small bite." The little girl nodded sweetly.

Wu Ren looked at his lovely daughter and couldn't help but smile even though he was worried.

But at this moment, there was a loud noise outside, followed by a shock wave, the entire cellar was shaking, and dust on the ceiling fell one after another.

The Wu Ren family couldn't help but subconsciously stick to each other, and they all looked up nervously.

"Dad, then... what is that sound?" Wu Ren's eldest son Wu De asked in a low voice.

Wu Ren hugged his little daughter tightly, but he was very worried. Judging from the direction of the sound, the city wall might have collapsed.

How many people have that much power?

Although the city walls of Gancheng are very dilapidated, the materials are there after all. Even if the alien beast hits the city wall, it will only end up with a broken head and blood.

What kind of monster can knock down a city wall?

With such a monster, is this cellar really safe?

If monsters find them...

Wu Ren didn't dare to think about it. It didn't matter if he died, but his son, daughter, wife, mother...

He closed his eyes, and all he could do now was pray, hoping to escape.

Ironically, a few minutes ago, he was still rejoicing about having a big product, and had even planned to have a big meal with his family tonight. Who knew that things suddenly changed, and now he was hiding in the dark cellar shivering.

After he finished praying, suddenly the entrance to the cellar exploded with a loud bang.

He quickly blocked his family behind him, and then he saw an ugly face sticking out from the ground.

Wuka and Wuma are still running.

Gancheng has two exits, one is the front gate and the other is the back gate.

Although the city wall is dilapidated and easy to climb, some residents gradually climbed up and down the wall directly to get out. But if you want to go to the back of Gancheng, you must go out through the city gate on the back.

Suddenly, there was a loud noise behind the two of them.

Wuka and Wuma both looked back subconsciously, and then discovered in horror that the city wall had collapsed.

"Wuma, where are we going? I think it's safer to go to the city lord." Wuma said as he ran.

However, Wuka didn't answer, and just followed his instinct and ran forward. The place he hated the most before, now for some reason, became the place he wanted to go to the most.

Wuma tried to persuade her a few more times, but when she saw that Wuma remained silent, she struggled for a while and finally changed her mind.

Change direction and run towards the City Lord's Mansion.

The city lord, the shaman enemy, is very powerful and has mysterious power in his hands, and some of the guards following the city lord seem to have this power.

Wuma believed that as long as he ran to the City Lord's Mansion, with the City Lord's strength, this would definitely be just a minor problem.

A minute later, he saw the city lord's palace and a large number of prepared guards. The city lord was standing on a high place, looking at the direction of the collapse of the city wall.

In fact, many residents have gathered around.

Wuma was like a drop of water, blending into the crowd silently, observing the city lord and paying attention to the place where the disaster occurred.

On the high platform of the city lord's palace, the witch enemy stared at the alienated beast in the distance and thought to himself: "It is indeed a not weak alienated beast, but if it is only this strength, it is not something to be afraid of!"

He took out a spear from his side and said, "Invincible Guard, follow me!"

The next moment, he exerted force with his feet and instantly jumped to the roof of a house in the distance. Then, after a few jumps, he landed on top of a house closest to the collapsed city wall.

The other guards followed and soon landed neatly next to the city lord.

"So handsome, so strong!"

Wuma looked up at the Invincible Guard in the distance, his eyes full of envy and longing.


Wu Rendi raised his spear and stared at the alien beast and roared.

Then all the guards also roared in unison: "Kill!"

After the roar, Wu Rendi's muscles bulged, and blood vessels bulged. He instantly threw the spear at the alien beast, and the other guards did the same.


The spears fell and all pierced into the alien beast, especially Wu Rendi's spear, which completely penetrated the alien beast's body and directly pierced the alien beast.

This shot, with forty years of skill, the alien beast could not stop it!

Wu Rendi was proud in his heart. Although he didn't recognize this alien beast, he had no chance of survival after being hit in the heart by a spear.

Suddenly, he felt something was wrong with his body. He subconsciously wiped his nose with his hand, and saw that his hands were full of blood. He wanted to say something, but his body fell down without obeying him, and his head hit the ground heavily.

Just then, the alien beast swung its tail like a dragon, and the bone hammer swept across. .

Wu Rendi was hit on the waist by the bone hammer right after he hit the ground. He flew out immediately, and blood gushed all the way.

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