I Contracted Myself

【184】Severed Hand and Fruit

The enemy of the shaman was dead, and the sky in Gancheng fell.

This day is destined to be cruel. Gancheng itself is a Jedi, and everyone is a turtle in the jar.

It started to rain lightly, and it fell on the ground and mixed with blood. It gradually gathered into red streams and flowed quietly to the low-lying areas. Some of the fallen people got up again, but they were no longer themselves.

On the cliff outside the city, Wu Ka was hiding in a leafy plant growing in the cracks of the rocks. He looked at Gancheng, and two lines of tears flowed down his cheeks.

In the sky, a giant eagle flew over, and a large number of feathers fell down.

Looking down from the sky, the ground is full of living corpses. Some powerful alienated beasts are surrounded by densely packed living corpses that look like ant colonies. Finally, they are bitten by the living corpses while wailing, and more animals are moving towards the distance. escape.

Zuo Xiangming sat on the back of a heavy elephant, drinking a green drink leisurely and looking at the world with a smile.

Because the competition must be fair, their previous zombie puppets are not allowed to be brought in. Compared with other Zuo Xiangming's methods, he believes that his zombie plague is definitely the fastest to start.

But whether he can maintain his advantage in the later stages depends on his skill.

"Haha, finally met a human."

Zuo Xiangming's expression suddenly changed, and he felt that there was a group of special beings in his zombie puppets.

But soon he frowned and murmured to himself: "Strange, there are obviously alienated beasts in this world, why are there no awakened ones?"

The Earth-Splitting Heavy Elephant immediately changed its direction and reached the cliff above Gancheng in dozens of minutes.

"Great place, but a pity..."

Zuo Xiangming looked at Gancheng, his eyes lit up slightly, and then he felt a little regretful.

If he had encountered such a city before the great destruction, he would definitely have chosen to occupy it and then build it into his own experimental base.

It's a pity that now he is just a passerby, destined to leave this world.

He got up from the back of the heavy elephant and jumped down towards Gancheng. The next moment, Situ Shibai on his shoulders opened his eyes, and in an instant he slid down gently like a feather.

All the living corpses quickly gathered towards the gate of the city lord's mansion in Gancheng.

Zuo Xiangming happened to land on the high platform where the city lord, the sorcerer enemy, was standing before. He glanced down and said to himself: "Sure enough, they are all ordinary people, not a single awakened one."

Theoretically, if there are alienated beasts, there must be awakened ones.

The Infinite Organization has a large amount of information to prove that alienated beasts are actually the offspring of certain awakened people who can ignore reproductive isolation.

If there are no awakened ones, there should be no alienated beasts.

Zuo Xiangming was a little confused. He scanned the crowd and quickly identified a few special individuals. All the living corpses got out of the way. He jumped from the high platform and came to the enemy of the witch.

Wu Rendi, who was high-spirited and confident a moment ago, has now turned into a living corpse with a dull expression.

But his body is indeed special. Zuo Xiangming found out after a little inspection that his muscle density is dozens of times that of normal people, his bone density is also higher, and his cell activity is about fifty times that of ordinary people.

Among a group of ordinary people, this is like a little superman.

Zuo Xiangming looked at the clothes of the witch enemy and said with a smile: "It seems that this is the ruler of this city, but... he is not the awakened one!"

Although Wu Rendi is physically powerful, he is not an awakened person.

Zuo Xiangming became interested. He stretched out his hand and pressed Wu Rendi's brain. The next moment, Wu Rendi's memory was extracted. Zuo Xiangming's eyes flashed with a green light after reading Wu Rendi's memory.

"Interesting, it seems that this world is not that simple." Zuo Xiangming said to himself.

He turned around and entered the city lord's mansion, entered the master bedroom according to Wu Rendi's memory, and then activated the mechanism on the bedside to open the secret room.

"It's... incredible."

Zuo Xiangming looked at the scene in the secret room, finally exhaled a breath and sighed.

In the secret room, a strange palm was stuck in the air with a large number of golden lines. Its index finger pointed at the ground. Every few minutes, a drop of blood would fall along the finger into the bowl below.

Zuo Xiangming slowly stepped forward, picked up the bowl and drank the blood. The next moment he couldn't help opening his mouth, and a large amount of green mist spurted out.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha……"

A series of triumphant laughter soon erupted in the secret room.

"Hey, another piece!"

In the dark void, a small hand suddenly stretched out and grabbed a piece of space debris.

This space fragment looks like glass from a distance, but when held in the hand, it looks like an irregularly shaped gemstone or amber that traps butterflies.

Victory without a name

After the Gate of Light, I couldn't wait to test the effect of the Gate of Light.

He was currently in the void, surrounded by a darkness darker than the universe, but from time to time there would be some space debris drifting in from a distance. He could only avoid the large debris, but he could avoid the small debris. You can try to grab it.

When he pulls the space debris into the bubble shell, the bubble shell will swallow the space debris. The result is that the space energy is eaten by the bubble shell, and the things in the space debris are held in his hands.

It is worth mentioning that things floating in the void often undergo some indescribable mysterious changes after experiencing the cleansing of the void. Therefore, the value of the things in the space debris fluctuates. Sometimes you can get good things. Sometimes they are worse than garbage and are completely harmful.

What Wuming got this time was a fruit and a small amount of light.

Yes, light!

Basically, there is light in every piece of space debris. These lights are trapped in the space debris and cannot escape, so they will remain.

When the bubble shell swallows the space energy, these lights will enter the bubble shell. Wuming gathers the light on the top of his head, and finally forms a light ball.

The light will be emitted repeatedly, and then reflected back into the light ball.

It's like a small world. All energy will not escape, so there is no problem of loss.

"I shouldn't die if I eat it?"

Wuming doesn't care about the light, he cares more about the fruit in his hand.

This kind of thing that drifts in the void for too long is often impossible to identify and analyze. Wuming failed to identify Zhang Xun before. At first, he thought it was Zhang Xun's superpower, but in fact it was the passive effect Zhang Xun got after drifting in the void.

Now this fruit has the same effect. If you want to know what its ability is, you can only know it by eating it.

Wuming does not lack the courage to take risks. The problem is that he is now a big family and a big business, and it is really not suitable for taking risks.

He sighed, put the fruit aside, and continued to salvage the smaller fragments in the void. He was actually envious of the large fragments and even wanted to save some people trapped in the fragments.

But getting too close to the large fragments was very dangerous. The passage formed by the Gate of Victory would become unstable. In the end, he could only watch from a distance and even had to avoid some large fragments that were floating towards him.

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