I Contracted Myself

【185】See through at a glance

At the end of the day, there were many little things on the Wuming table.

Three ordinary stones, a purple fruit, a lot of sand, a pocket watch, a leaf, and a bowl.

The most special thing among them is the bowl. Wuming is not sure if it was originally a special equipment, but now rice appears in it every once in a while, as if time has gone back.

Wuming tried to eat the rice, and he was really full. And after eating for a while, the rice would reappear. If he didn't eat, the rice would decrease little by little, and it would look like there was an invisible person. People are eating the same thing.

At this time, Wuming was studying with his pocket watch. This was a pocket watch whose hour hand had stopped moving. It didn't seem to have any special purpose. Wuming tried to make it start moving again, but there was still no change.

He put the thing down, then picked up the leaf and played with it for a while. When he found nothing special, he put it down again.

In fact, he doesn't care whether he can discover the special features of these things. Once the things are in his hands, if they are really magical, then he will discover them sooner or later, so there is no rush at all.

"It's time to go back."

Wuming finally put the stone down and said to himself.

Taking a day off from the busy schedule, I believe everyone is impatient. Although he doesn't like to fight and kill, and he himself is a bit salty, he knows what he should do and has a strong execution ability.

Just as he knows that setting up a rescue team is just asking for trouble and will cause countless troubles for himself, but he knows that countless people will be saved and countless people who should have died will survive, so even if it causes trouble for himself, he will go Do.

After returning to the Land of Ten Good Things from the Gate of Victory Light, the Gate of Victory Light suddenly turned into a mini version and returned to his hands. Ni Jing and others had already woken up and were sitting in the sea of ​​flowers to rest. When they saw him coming back, they all stood up and thanked him. .

"Okay, let me take you back first. After you go back, you can rest for a few more days. I will directly approve the holidays for you." Wuming said with a smile.

Ni Jing said: "Captain, I'm not tired."

"Yes, we are not tired." Bai Mo said immediately.

They were only used as batteries by Zhang Wei for one day, and Wuming treated them, and now they have completely recovered.

Wuming didn't give you a chance to continue to refuse. He directly activated his ability and returned to Guangdong outside the rescue team's office building in a blink of an eye.


"It's time to eat and drink when we get back, let's go!" Wuming said with a smile.

The next moment, he returned to the Land of the Ten Good Deeds.

He contacted Chen Weihua and said: "Sister Weihua, in the past few days, Ni Jing and the others have stopped giving tasks and let them rest. Only when they are free can people reflect on themselves. This time they didn't even do anything to inform the public." Yes, the mistake was a bit low-level.”

Although Zhang Wei's strength was not bad, Ni Jing and the others were prepared to investigate, but in the end they didn't even get any news back. It was actually a failure.

Of course, Wuming would definitely not be this bad guy, so the meaning of his words was obvious.

"I understand. I'll talk to Sisi later and let Sisi go talk to them." Chen Weihua said with a smile.

Then Chen Weihua rolled her eyes and said: "Wu Ming, there happens to be a mission. I originally wanted Ni Jing and the others to go. Since they have rested..."

"I go!"

Wuming rolled his eyes, but happily accepted the task.

Next, Chen Weihua explained the origin of this mission. Many worlds are currently collapsing, but the rescue team cannot always rely on namelessness to search these worlds.

Therefore, the rescue team itself is also studying, and finally they also came up with a way, which is to use an awakened person who can sense life in another dimension and a person with abilities who can sense death to match each other to create a joint ability.

After all, when the great destruction occurs, life will definitely be devastated, and a large number of lives will die.

So a world where a large number of lives have died must have a high probability of being a world where a great destruction is occurring. Originally, the verification work can be left to others.

But now that Wuming has been contacted, it will obviously be more efficient for Wuming to rescue him. Regardless of whether it is a great destruction or not, it is a fact that a large number of lives in that world died.

"Interesting idea, let me go take a look!"

After listening to Chen Weihua's introduction, Wuming became interested and smiled.

Next, he opened the space door of the sewer according to the coordinates provided by Chen Weihua, and went directly to the world discovered by the rescue team.

The sky is blue, the earth is green, and the water is crystal clear.

Wuming lay on the body of the healing white tiger, looking at the bubble outside the shell.

World, eyes blinked involuntarily.

This world is too normal. How can a large number of lives die? Could it be that... the things that men excrete to comfort themselves should also be regarded as life?

If this is the case, then a large number of lives really die every day, a conservative estimate of tens of trillions.

"Forget it, it's here."

Wuming originally wanted to return to the Land of Ten Good Deeds, but he changed his mind as soon as he thought about it.

The bubble shell floats slowly along the green mountain road. The materials along the way do not interact with the bubble shell. Even when trees and rocks encounter the bubble shell, the bubble shell only passes through it. Not touched at all.

The two are actually like two dimensions, moving along the same parallel line.

"Strange, where are the animals?"

Wuming played with the big claws of the healing white tiger, and at this time he also discovered something was wrong.

There are no animals in this forest, no animals running on the ground, flying in the sky, or swimming in the water. This is not normal.

He controlled the bubble shell to move faster, and in a blink of an eye, he went down to the foot of the mountain. Sure enough, there were still no animals.

"Something is wrong!"

Wuming muttered in his heart, his eyes gradually became sharper, maybe the rescue team's detection was right, and something big did happen in this world.

He took out the book of good deeds, then opened the book to summon reconnaissance animals, and directly put the animals outside the bubble shell. These animals scattered around.

However, a few minutes later, he frowned and found that all the animals he released died suddenly.


Wuming fell into silence, and it took a while before he controlled the bubble shell to move in the direction where one of the animals left. A few minutes later, he saw the animal he released.

On the ground, the ferret he summoned was stiff and kept wandering in place. The cute and smart eyes had turned gray.


Wuming saw the situation of the ferret at a glance, and then he squinted his eyes, and he had guessed what was going on.

After experiencing Zuo Xiangming's destruction of the city, he killed Zuo Xiangming from many worlds. It can be said that he knew Zuo Xiangming's methods very well. Even if these Zuo Xiangming's methods were slightly different, he could still see them.

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