Is there a Pearl City in this world?

The Wuming control bubble shell quickly rose into the air, and then his telekinesis swept around. Under his full search, many living corpses in the distance were immediately targeted by him.

The bubble shell accelerated instantly, like a cannonball fired at the location of the living corpse.

On the ground, many living corpses could not find a target to attack, and there was no order from Zuo Xiangming, so they all stood there blankly, being attracted by sounds from time to time, wandering aimlessly in the woods.

At this time, a ray of light shot from a distance and suddenly split into countless thin lines in mid-air. Each thin line accurately hit the living corpse on the ground.


Countless living corpses were instantly ignited by the light, and their bodies burned with blazing fire.

They were not afraid of death, so they all stood there and were burned. After a few minutes, they were burned to ashes by the flames.

"It's all animals."

Wuming glanced ahead and thought to himself.

He didn't feel any more relaxed, because Zuo Xiangming really preferred to use human corpses, but he didn't like to use animals very much.

Of course, Zuo Xiangming doesn't like to use animal corpses, mainly because most of the superpowers of alienated beasts are relatively straightforward, and Zuo Xiangming himself prefers to play dirty.

An hour later, the bubble shell was still floating in the air.

Wuming felt a little confused when he looked at the comparison chart displayed by the information control system.

This world is definitely not the world with Pearl City. Both the geographical environment and the degree of death wish of the alienated beasts are too different. In addition, there are no savage villages.

"Without Pearl City, where did Zuo Xiangming come from?"

Wuming scratched the back of his head, his mind filled with questions.

But soon he realized that he had fallen into a dead end of thinking, and Zuo Xiangming was not the only one who could come out of Pearl City.

In the current situation, there are three possibilities.

First, this disaster of living corpses has nothing to do with Zuo Xiangming. It may be caused by a native with similar abilities to him.

The second is that Zuo Xiangming from a certain world was brought to this world by space debris, and then simply went on a killing spree in this world.

Third, Zuo Xiangming of Infinite Organization came to this world.

Wuming remembered that recently, the informant who broke into the Infinite Organization provided a list of names, and Zuo Xiangming was among them.

"Okay, no matter what the possibility is, capture the thief first and capture the king. Just find Zuo Xiangming."

That’s it. "Wu Ming said to himself.

He had killed so many Zuo Xiangming, and had already gained experience in doing so. For an awakened person like this who is similar to a necromancer, just stare at the awakened person himself.

After killing the main body, the remaining living corpses are nothing to fear.

Moreover, because Zuo Xiangming is connected to the living corpse army, catching Zuo Xiangming can often kill all the living corpses quickly. Once all the living corpses are dead, Zuo Xiangming himself will undoubtedly die.

Instead, leaving Zuo Xiangming alone and not killing all the living corpses would only give Zuo Xiangming countless opportunities to escape.

Once Zuo Xiangming is given time, Zuo Xiangming will only become more and more difficult to deal with.

Wuming didn't care about the living corpses on the ground, but kept flying along the lines of the living corpses' movements, and gradually he came to the source of the zombies' spread.

"found it."

Wuming flew above a valley.

Below, on the edge of the cliff stood a giant elephant that was twice as big as a mammoth, with a chair on the back of the giant elephant.

This chair is not tied to the back of the giant elephant, but the chair legs are nailed to the back of the giant elephant like nails.

Wuming had seen this style of chair before, and Zuo Xiangming once rode his zombie mount like this.

You see, more experience is better.

When others came, even if they wanted to find Zuo Xiangming, it was difficult to find him, but Wuming had countless experiences of killing Zuo Xiangming, so he found him at once.

Wuming glanced at the giant elephant, then looked down the valley, and then his face became slightly gloomy.

He had never seen humans in this world before, and he also thought about whether there would be no humans in this world. At the same time, he also thought that it would be a good thing to be without humans. After all, the world was ruined by Zuo Xiangming, and there must be humans living there. Very miserable.

Unexpectedly, a human city finally appeared, and Zuo Xiangming was in this city.

The shell of the Wuming control bubble slowly descended, and suddenly he sensed signs of life on the cliff. Under the information control scan, a picture of a little boy hiding in the crevices of the rocks appeared in a patch of light.

Because of the cover of a leafy plant, he was not discovered by the living corpses for the time being.

When Wuming saw the little boy in the picture, he suddenly remembered the Ni Whale he had rescued in the ruins. He was angry but also slightly relieved.

He controlled the bubble shell to float over and instantly pulled the little boy into the bubble shell.

"Ah, don't kill me!"

After Wu Ka landed, he was as agile as a cat.

He jumped up and moved back, and finally huddled in the corner, looking at Wuming and the terrifying monster behind Wuming in fear.

"Sorry, sorry, I scared you!"

Wuming did not explain how the Cure White Tiger was so docile, but took advantage of the situation and sent the Cure White Tiger back to the Book of Good Karma.

Then he walked up to Wu Ka and said with a smile: "Look, I'm about the same age as you, am I so scary?"


Wu Ka looked at Wuming suspiciously.

After a while, he asked: "Where is this place and why am I here?"

"This is where I live. I saw you hiding on the cliff alone, so I wanted to help you." Wuming smiled.

Then he controlled the bubble shell to become transparent, and all the images of the outside world appeared on the surrounding space barriers. Wu Ka saw Gancheng under his feet, and his legs suddenly weakened and fell to the ground.


Wuming was a little helpless, and turned the ground back to opaque.

He stepped forward to help Wu Ka up, and said: "Okay, since you are here, it means you are temporarily safe. I will go down to see if there are any other survivors, and kill the murderer who caused all these disasters."

"No... No one is alive." Wu Ka said a little sadly after hearing Wuming's words.

He was not sad for everyone, but only Wu Ma. At the same time, because Gancheng was gone, he had an inexplicable emotion in his heart.

Happy, sad, mixed feelings.

Wuming took Wu Ka to the table and sat down, took out a handful of candy, and smiled: "Eat some candy first."

After that, he turned his attention to the outside world and controlled the bubble shell to land quickly on the ground.

In fact, Zuo Xiangming was easy to find. There were no living creatures in the entire Gancheng. You only need to scan the living creatures around to lock Zuo Xiangming.

Wuming looked at the City Lord's Mansion, and then controlled the bubble shell to enter the mansion.

Next to him, Wu Ka looked at the colorful candies on the table, and took a while to pick up a candy and put it in his mouth.

"You have to peel off the candy wrapper."

Wuming didn't look at Wu Ka, but reminded him.

Hearing this, Wu Ka spit out the candy, peeled off the candy wrapper outside the candy, and put it in his mouth again.

The next moment his eyes widened suddenly, and he felt that his world seemed to have a huge crack.

It turns out that there are such delicious things in the world!

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